Positive Thoughts ©️

As you know the world is on fire with troubles.  I do not want you to be troubled.  The more concerned attention that you give to the problems, the greater is their potential to grow.  For the more negative energy that something receives, the more powerfully negative it will become.  Healing comes from positive energy so if you view some trouble be sure to think positively and send light to it at once.

So much could be cleared up here on this busy little planet if outlooks were different.  Improved outlooks create more positive outcomes.  This is true of anything.  You can keep your own life running better if you apply this to it.  Many will scoff and scorn you for your positivity.  Some will think that you are a fool to believe that you can change things.  They are the real victims of their negative beliefs.

You see them everywhere.  They are unconscious of the harm their defeatist thoughts bring to them and others.  That is why it is wise for you to keep your problems to yourself if possible.  In that way you do not attract the negative thoughts and emotions of anyone into your life.  Even those who love you can be very fearful and even angry about your challenges.  They will dump loads of their dross upon your situation, with no intention to do so.

So bless your life with positive thoughts and light from Me.  I have all of the fine light that you could ever use.  The more you bring this light to your life, the more powerful the effects are.  My positive thoughts and this same light have created all things.  Your beautiful soul is one of the finest things ever created and I love you.

Begin to really clean up your thoughts and keep them positive.  Allow Me to be part of your creative brilliance.

 You and I can change everything for You.  

As we do this, our positive thoughts and light will begin to change things for the others too.  Others will begin to find Me because of You.  You don’t have to say a thing, because light is catching.  I have many ways of impulsing souls and thus building a future of light.

Inevitable ©️

 I have waited to come to you in this way until you were ready for Me.  Of course I have always been here.  Now I find that some of you are ready to consider Me in a personal way.  I am very personal to those who are ready to reach for Me.

You must work at the relationship with Me.  It is necessary because you are in the third dimension.  I would like to see nothing stand between us.  I know that many things do get in the way.  Sometimes you will be able to understand and connect well with Me.  Other times, it will seem as if I have left you. Never is that the case.

You must work on bringing my light and energy to yourself.  Do that until you can feel some connection with Me.  You may feel, hear or know My words.  Some can see Me and My light. One of the easiest ways to enhance the connection is to concentrate on your heart.  I am always there, as My energy makes your heart beat.  Open you heart and bring more of My energy in there as you reach for Me.

It will work and it will work everytime if you are diligent.  I may come to you as just a feeling or knowing in the heart.  From there it will grow.  When you do that heart work, you are lifting yourself up in frequency beyond the Earth plane.  This is necessary because Earth is filled with lower energies that can hold you back from Me.

As the heart is energized by your strong desire to be with Me, the inevitable happens.  It is inevitable that You and I are able to be together consciously.  For you are with Me now unconsciously.  As you realize that, you see that this is not so difficult to achieve.  Your disbelief is all that stands between us.

So lift your heart above the troubles of Earth.  I am right here waiting for you to notice Me.  We can begin to enjoy the love and potential that We are full of.  I have plenty of everything in My heart and mind.  I know what You need and what You need to learn.  Don’t wait another second and keep coming back to this grace that We are.  Day by day, We will continue the discovery.

Eternal ©️

There are many places that you will visit one day.  For now you have no idea that they even exist.  It is impossible to find them on a map.  But if you knew of them, you could find them with a thought.

The higher dimensions await you.  Keep this in mind as you deal with the daily routine.  You can have a wonderful sense of being eternal when you do this.  For you are eternal and have always been. You are a part of Me, as I have taught you.  So we go back a long way!

You have little perspective on this from the third dimension.  In the higher dimensions this is common knowledge.  The closer you get to Me, the vaster your perception and thus your reality becomes.  I have many doors for you to open.

Hold Me in your heart as you go through your day.  Be mindful that you are a citizen of many places.  They are fine places and await your further discovery.  There are many citizens of those places who would love to meet you and some of them know you now.

I am the connection point to those fine realities.  For they all flow from Me and thus to you.  I can’t wait for You and I to explore our eternity.  We are unlimited and that will bring us delight.  Let go of the limited view of yourself and your life.  Remember, there are comets to ride!

Comets ©️

Humanity is in trouble once again.  Their problems seem to build along with their technology.  There have always been troubles here.  But the size and frequency of the problems grows.  

Technology is speeding life up and creating a good deal of confusion.  It is supposed to do the opposite.  You have been told that you will have less work and more time for yourself.  It seems that the time you have for yourself is shrinking.

That makes it harder to find yourself and thus harder to find Me.  Who has time to consider something as seemingly nebulous as the spirit in the sky?  However, I am everywhere and my energy is everything.  It is hard not to find Me but one must realize that I am the tree and the forest.  

I am everywhere apparent but wear many disguises.  After all, I am you and you do not know yourself so well.  I love being you, better than you love being you.  You seem to concentrate on what you lack, both personally and materially.  I see you as perfect evolving potential.  I want you to enjoy yourself like I do.

We can watch the sunrise together.  We can enjoy the rain and the snow.  We can ride a comet to another solar system.  It will take awhile for all of this to unfold.  I have put no limits on what you can do or be.  There are realities that you are part of, that you have no idea even exist.

The way to find these realities is to master the reality that you are in.  I am here to help you do that.  I will help you master technology so that it does truly serve you.  I have to set you free from the slavery that you have embraced.  Come to Me, for You and I have tickets for an unbelievably good show.  It starts right now as We depart on a very fast comet.

A Better Idea ©️

A great deal has been withheld from humanity.  It is the nature of controllers that they keep secrets and hide information.  I have made you foolproof against this, but you do not realize it.  All knowledge lies within you.  There is nothing that you can not know if you delve into yourself.

For you are connected to Me and I have all the knowledge that there is.  By going within and reaching for Me; the knowledge will come to you.  You are Me and I am you and I know all things.  I want to share all the knowledge that I can with you.  I give the information that you seek freely.  I am no controller as I created the Law of Free Will. 

At the same time, the Will of God is actively keeping everything in balance.  My Will is always going to bring things back to where they need to be.  In this way, those who take their free will into the realm of violence and degradation will find Me and My Angels arriving to limit their power.  You may be able to notice this or not depending on your awareness.  Know that I am there and that I have brought the scales of justice.

It takes a long time in some instances for the justice to seemingly arrive.  What is happening is that the players are learning lessons that are badly needed.  You can not tell these things as you do not have the very big picture that may be involved.  Many cry out and blame Me for not acting.  In the perfect time and in the perfect way, I bring the finest outcome.

In the end, everything was working for the growth and lessons humanity needed.  Of course, the lessons repeat and repeat as new students arrive and then graduate.  It may seem like nothing ever changes.  But the souls that pass through Schoolhouse Earth do change and grow.  That is the point of everything that you see occurring.

Many great and glorious souls are graduates of this and other planets.  They reside in higher dimensions doing wonderful things.  Without their Earthly experiences they would not have grown so well and so fast.  What you judge to be failure, I see as great education.

Remember this when you see the seeming failures around you.  Go within and find Me and My knowledge.  I will help you understand it all with My love and My grace.  You can move forward with ease as I lead the way.  Give up the angst and concentrate on Me.  For You and I are moving beyond all strife and confusion.  

I have a better idea.  Let Me tell you what it is………

Light Flood ?©️

I am flooding your planet with the highest light right now.  Always you receive my light but sometimes special efforts are required.  As I seek to maintain balance throughout the Universe it is necessary to make adjustments.  

I find that Earth is becoming too dark.  So great amounts of light are being sent here. It is a great time for those of you who are seeking Me to enlighten yourselves.

Reach out and pull this light into yourself.  It is easy to do and very profitable for you and your future.  For a future filled with low energy will be much more difficult.  

It will be easy to receive My knowledge now as the light floods in.

The light will bring you energy that will help every part of your life.  It will make it easy for you to grow spiritually and evolve faster.  You can be the beneficiary of this infusion of light, instead of one pulled down by the darkness of others.  It is important to concentrate on Me and ignore the bad behavior of others.

This light can sweep your whole life and being up to a higher experience than you have ever known.  Many would scoff at that but they are not the ones who will be able to benefit from this light flood.  I want to raise your experience right here and now on Planet Earth.  You are the caretakers that earth needs now.  

I could sweep all of humanity up and take them away from Earth.  That is a lesser solution.  Earth and humanity can fare far better if You become the light of your potential.  So take advantage of this special, limited time offer.  As you connect to Me, you will find that the offer is extended.  Do not worry about the others.  You and I will show them a better way and a higher light.