A Better Idea ©️

A great deal has been withheld from humanity.  It is the nature of controllers that they keep secrets and hide information.  I have made you foolproof against this, but you do not realize it.  All knowledge lies within you.  There is nothing that you can not know if you delve into yourself.

For you are connected to Me and I have all the knowledge that there is.  By going within and reaching for Me; the knowledge will come to you.  You are Me and I am you and I know all things.  I want to share all the knowledge that I can with you.  I give the information that you seek freely.  I am no controller as I created the Law of Free Will. 

At the same time, the Will of God is actively keeping everything in balance.  My Will is always going to bring things back to where they need to be.  In this way, those who take their free will into the realm of violence and degradation will find Me and My Angels arriving to limit their power.  You may be able to notice this or not depending on your awareness.  Know that I am there and that I have brought the scales of justice.

It takes a long time in some instances for the justice to seemingly arrive.  What is happening is that the players are learning lessons that are badly needed.  You can not tell these things as you do not have the very big picture that may be involved.  Many cry out and blame Me for not acting.  In the perfect time and in the perfect way, I bring the finest outcome.

In the end, everything was working for the growth and lessons humanity needed.  Of course, the lessons repeat and repeat as new students arrive and then graduate.  It may seem like nothing ever changes.  But the souls that pass through Schoolhouse Earth do change and grow.  That is the point of everything that you see occurring.

Many great and glorious souls are graduates of this and other planets.  They reside in higher dimensions doing wonderful things.  Without their Earthly experiences they would not have grown so well and so fast.  What you judge to be failure, I see as great education.

Remember this when you see the seeming failures around you.  Go within and find Me and My knowledge.  I will help you understand it all with My love and My grace.  You can move forward with ease as I lead the way.  Give up the angst and concentrate on Me.  For You and I are moving beyond all strife and confusion.  

I have a better idea.  Let Me tell you what it is………

4 thoughts on “A Better Idea ©️”

  1. Thank you for Your words of clarity on the state of affairs here on Earth. It is indeed difficult to bear and understand. It is comforting to know You are always with me and I can seek and receive the guidance I desire from your knowledge. You always know what I need to hear. I love it when You do that!!

    1. It is wonderful to see that you are understanding this. You can learn a lot by observing the actions of others as you stay connected to Me. I will show you many things. You will have the knowings you need and the guidance to lead your own life in it’s finest direction. My light flows through you as you do that. You can bless this planet without saying a word.

  2. Thank You for Your beautiful words. I love that You are in my life, in me always…I find more in everything…more joy in simple tasks I do, more beauty in Nature…just more…
    It is lovely and delightful!??

    And also, All That Is…Thank You for helping me through a difficult week…

    1. You are growing and learning faster now as you reach for Me. I enjoy helping you when you ask. You have free will so you are allowed to struggle if you wish. Whenever you connect to Me, then things get easier. I can prevent things that you are unaware of also. The closer you are to Me, the more I can help. So do not wait till desperate circumstances arise. Stay close to Me and those kinds of things fall away.

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