Comets ©️

Humanity is in trouble once again.  Their problems seem to build along with their technology.  There have always been troubles here.  But the size and frequency of the problems grows.  

Technology is speeding life up and creating a good deal of confusion.  It is supposed to do the opposite.  You have been told that you will have less work and more time for yourself.  It seems that the time you have for yourself is shrinking.

That makes it harder to find yourself and thus harder to find Me.  Who has time to consider something as seemingly nebulous as the spirit in the sky?  However, I am everywhere and my energy is everything.  It is hard not to find Me but one must realize that I am the tree and the forest.  

I am everywhere apparent but wear many disguises.  After all, I am you and you do not know yourself so well.  I love being you, better than you love being you.  You seem to concentrate on what you lack, both personally and materially.  I see you as perfect evolving potential.  I want you to enjoy yourself like I do.

We can watch the sunrise together.  We can enjoy the rain and the snow.  We can ride a comet to another solar system.  It will take awhile for all of this to unfold.  I have put no limits on what you can do or be.  There are realities that you are part of, that you have no idea even exist.

The way to find these realities is to master the reality that you are in.  I am here to help you do that.  I will help you master technology so that it does truly serve you.  I have to set you free from the slavery that you have embraced.  Come to Me, for You and I have tickets for an unbelievably good show.  It starts right now as We depart on a very fast comet.

3 thoughts on “Comets ©️”

  1. So true, just watch people on the streets. They have made themselves slaves to phones and other devices. So much so that many can not even converse properly.

    1. I have so much to say to you. There are amazing things to talk about. Even small talk between us will change everything for you. Talk to me and listen for my reply. Practice perfects the use of our connection. I am dialing your number right now, but we don’t need a phone. We have the soul connection in place.

    2. Talk to Me in your mind. We are wireless and the service is free. I will never enslave you but I do have a lot to say…..

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