Eternal ©️

There are many places that you will visit one day.  For now you have no idea that they even exist.  It is impossible to find them on a map.  But if you knew of them, you could find them with a thought.

The higher dimensions await you.  Keep this in mind as you deal with the daily routine.  You can have a wonderful sense of being eternal when you do this.  For you are eternal and have always been. You are a part of Me, as I have taught you.  So we go back a long way!

You have little perspective on this from the third dimension.  In the higher dimensions this is common knowledge.  The closer you get to Me, the vaster your perception and thus your reality becomes.  I have many doors for you to open.

Hold Me in your heart as you go through your day.  Be mindful that you are a citizen of many places.  They are fine places and await your further discovery.  There are many citizens of those places who would love to meet you and some of them know you now.

I am the connection point to those fine realities.  For they all flow from Me and thus to you.  I can’t wait for You and I to explore our eternity.  We are unlimited and that will bring us delight.  Let go of the limited view of yourself and your life.  Remember, there are comets to ride!

3 thoughts on “Eternal ©️”

  1. Just the thought of riding a comet!
    The joy of knowing our history!
    My heart will trust in love & know no boundaries! This is such a beautiful message, dear All That Is!

    1. Knowing you as I do, we are going to have some wild adventures. It may make comet riding seem tame. When your heart trusts Me there are no limits to what you can be or experience. I am ready when you are!

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