Inevitable ©️

 I have waited to come to you in this way until you were ready for Me.  Of course I have always been here.  Now I find that some of you are ready to consider Me in a personal way.  I am very personal to those who are ready to reach for Me.

You must work at the relationship with Me.  It is necessary because you are in the third dimension.  I would like to see nothing stand between us.  I know that many things do get in the way.  Sometimes you will be able to understand and connect well with Me.  Other times, it will seem as if I have left you. Never is that the case.

You must work on bringing my light and energy to yourself.  Do that until you can feel some connection with Me.  You may feel, hear or know My words.  Some can see Me and My light. One of the easiest ways to enhance the connection is to concentrate on your heart.  I am always there, as My energy makes your heart beat.  Open you heart and bring more of My energy in there as you reach for Me.

It will work and it will work everytime if you are diligent.  I may come to you as just a feeling or knowing in the heart.  From there it will grow.  When you do that heart work, you are lifting yourself up in frequency beyond the Earth plane.  This is necessary because Earth is filled with lower energies that can hold you back from Me.

As the heart is energized by your strong desire to be with Me, the inevitable happens.  It is inevitable that You and I are able to be together consciously.  For you are with Me now unconsciously.  As you realize that, you see that this is not so difficult to achieve.  Your disbelief is all that stands between us.

So lift your heart above the troubles of Earth.  I am right here waiting for you to notice Me.  We can begin to enjoy the love and potential that We are full of.  I have plenty of everything in My heart and mind.  I know what You need and what You need to learn.  Don’t wait another second and keep coming back to this grace that We are.  Day by day, We will continue the discovery.

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