
This message is from White Dove. This is not All That Is. I experienced strong attacks Friday during a seminar and had to shut it down. All That Is wished to post a message this morning. I find that there is strong interference that is preventing me from receiving the message.

I believe that the influence of the dark is very strong right now. This is because of the Halloween festivities of darkness. It is getting very dark, very fast on Earth now. If you are involved with any of these “celebrations” know that you are placing yourself and many others at risk.

I try to avoid giving any energy or attention to the dark. Always working with light is imperative at this time. All That Is is working on clearing the interference between us. I hope to resume the messages as soon as possible.

Of course All That Is can clear this away, but It must honor the free will of humanity. If enough of humanity concentrates on the dark and dark activities then they will create more of that here.

I am very strong and clear channel. I have never had any problems like this. It is dismaying to say the least. God will clear this darkness away from Earth if necessary. All That Is has the power to do anything. If It has to act, the price humanity will pay will be horrendous.

I apologize if I frighten anyone. I am a truth teller and I must let you know the truth as I have experienced it. Without that, this blog would be much less.

Bring the light to you strongly now. Know that God is aware of your struggles and your spiritual work. Stay safe and avoid any negative thoughts, negative people or places. I hope that All That Is will speak here again soon.

Camaraderie ©️

Wisdom is one of the greatest qualities that a soul can have.  This is well known by many.  Wisdom will tell you that you need to be kind and helpful to others.  This helpfulness must extend to all of life, not just other people.  Humanity is learning that they must cooperate with the entire environment.

There are many levels of sentience.  People need to look into the sentience of all things, on every level.  This includes the unseen levels above you.  For there are many great beings who you do not know about.  They know about you and they can look into your very lives, closely.

Humanity is just getting started with realizing what their entire environment is.  For it goes way beyond the physical dimension.  You have friends in high places that you don’t know.  You have assets and powerful tools that you do not use.  To become more evolved humanity must find the friends and acquaintances that are part of the bigger picture of life.

For eternal life is where the future lies.  It is vast and glorious in it’s power and diversity.  Your potential lies there even as you learn about the physical worlds.  Right here and now you are being prepared to interact with a future that is limitless.

You are being taught very important lessons here that will translate into the life of the higher dimensions.  One of the lessons you are learning is the importance of being able to work with others.  Social media is not a good example of the right way to interact with others.  It is too egotistical and rude.  It is a school of hard knocks and divides more people than it brings together.

People think that because it is all happening in cyberspace, it is not affecting them.  They are foolish and unaware to believe that.  Energy affects everything and the energy flashing back and forth on the internet affects everyone.  If the interchange is harsh and abusive then those involved are abusing each other.  It will affect their lives and futures negatively.

Reach out to all beings with kindness.  Begin to reach out to beings on the higher dimensions too.  They are just as real as you.  Be sure to reach out to only those who are of high light and love.  They are the ones that you should be looking for.  They will offer you a light and brilliant view.   They are the friends that you are searching for.  They will have wisdom and generously share it.  

So log on to the higher internet.  It is free and goes everywhere.  There is information available that you need there.  There is a higher view of everything at that frequency.  I have Angels and Guides running the servers.  They are reaching out to you now offering their grace.  They will teach you real camaraderie and appreciation for yourself and others.

I am there too, just as I am with You now.  

You and I will find the best sites and I have travel plans that are out of this world!

Perfect Little Planet ©️

Once upon a time there was a little planet far away from everything.  It had a great deal of beauty.  At the same time it was very diverse in climate and weather.  There were great deserts and rainforests.  There was tremendous cold and tropical heat.  The forces upon the planet constantly changed and created livable temperate areas.

The beings who thrived on this planet had to be hardy and intelligent.  They were always finding their way forward through the challenges that this little planet offered.  The animals and plants became very strong and beautiful.  For they were lovely as the challenges made them strong and perfect.  If they were less than perfect, the conditions there caused them to die away.

The natural surroundings honed each species to be fine and intelligent.  It was the perfect place for the evolution of body, mind and spirit.  The higher souls that lived there grew into wise, powerful beings.  If they did not they were soon gone.  God was delighted with the planet and it’s effect on those who lived there.  As these conditions continued on for a very long time, many souls learned many things.

As people flourished there they became too complacent.  They created cultures that came and went.  Overall they built the colonies and cities that became more and more complex.  Some of the people became soft and indulgent and foolish.  When that happened there was always a change that came.  It was caused by the little planet’s need to maintain the balance between forces. Soon there were new troubles and everyone had to adapt.

This perfect little planet always creates perfect challenges that force perfection to reappear.  Only that which is very fine and smart can continue there.  The planet cleanses away anything which becomes foul or weak.  In this way the perfect little planet continues it’s perfection.  Even now the cycle of nature is clearing away the mistakes that have been made.  The great beings who bring balance to this little planet are very busy.  They work for God and are known as Elohim.  

There are many terms used to talk about them and they have many names.  Always they use just the right energy at just the right time so that balance is found and lessons are learned.  I know that you are searching for answers as the challenges appear on the horizon.  You can feel them and taste them on the wind.  As the seasons change; You and I get closer as this perfect little planet adjusts to find her balance again.  Once again she works to bring all back to perfection.

Treats ©️

Can you imagine a life without Me?  I can not imagine being without you.  Many are living that life though.  Perhaps you lived that way in the past.  I can enhance every part of your life now if you allow it.  This has been a longtime coming, as your past is much longer than you know.

There are many planets in the Universe that have highly intelligent souls on them.  I am well know on planets like that.  It is far more common that souls live that way, than the way it is here.  I know how to bring Myself to any soul.  There is no need to be shy.  You may be shy of Me, but I am not shy with you.

So you will find Me showing up in your life in the most uncanny ways.  I can impress Myself upon your reality quite strongly.  I do not do it to those who are low in spirit or frequency.  They would not even notice Me or My presence.  But you who are looking for Me are going to begin to find Me when you least expect it.

I love to come to you like this.  I use this unexpected entry so that you will be caught off guard a bit.  I do not want you to be awaiting Me at any certain time or place.  For if that was the case and we had an appointment you might think I was something or someone else who was happening by at the time. You might imagine Me to be something far different than what I am.

Be on the lookout for Me to arrive in your experience when you are not expecting Me.  I will make sure that you know it is Me and I will give You a unmistakable message.  It will have great meaning for you and the energy that will come with the message will make sure you understand it.

I do not like Trick or Treat as I am not involved in darkness in any way.  But I will bring you a special treat that will delight and maybe surprise you.  Treats are always fun when I am involved. You and I will enjoy our new found closeness far beyond the season.  My light and grace is loaded with all of the love and treats you could ever imagine.

Lasting ❤️©️

Humanity has missed Me and I have missed them.  They have a deeper relationship with Me than they know.  I have always been with them, guiding them forward.  During the times between lifetimes, they are closer to Me and My light.  So they know that something is missing from their experience when they are on Planet Earth.

It is time for My arrival here in your conscious awareness.  Of course, I am always here but most are unaware of that.  I am coming to the forefront now as you need Me, in the midst of the darkness that has settled in here.  Many will deny Me and ignore Me.  But many others are ready and waiting for Me.  They know that I am real because You and I go back a very long way.

I am the one who you are trying to find in the arms and the eyes of others.  You think that romance or affluence or fame is the answer.  Those are temporary fixes and never last.  For they are not Me.  They do not give the lasting love and peace that I offer.  They do not have the soul satisfying bliss of understanding and acceptance that I bring.

You search for many things.  All the time, you are searching for Me.  That search will bear the fruit that you crave.  I am here boldly and I am easily found now.  Do not look outside yourself for Me.  I have brought Myself right to you.  It is time that you reached out to Me and acknowledged the possibility that you have always been connected to the answer to all your desires.

There is nothing that I do not offer or answer.  You have looked high and low for the satisfaction that only I can give.  Do not think that anyone else can ease your burdens like I will.  That is not fair to them or to yourself.

I am not ephemeral but the rest of the world is.  I am lasting.  You are lasting.  It is time that You found your future with Me.  

Shooting Stars ? ©️

There are countless stars in the sky, as you know.  Each one of them holds an important place within creation.  All things work together in balance and harmony.  If something is missing then things go out of balance and that spreads.

You are one of the stars in My Universe.  Without even one of you, something would become unbalanced.  I hold each soul in My heart and mind.  All are precious to Me.  These are not empty words.  I have the ability to love and interact with every single soul.  I have no limits in My ability to be all things, as I am All That Is.

The greatest super computer that could ever be is nothing compared to Me.  I can manage everything at once and there is no lack of time or ability or energy to create what is needed.  I am responsible for everything and I allow creation to proceed as it will.

All of this sounds unbelievably complex and challenging to you.  But I have created portions of Myself that are experts at the jobs that they do.  They have many forms and names.  One of them is You.  You are in training even as you create your experience.  When the time is right, you will create marvelous things.  Some of you are doing that already.

Begin to see the brilliance that I have placed within you.  Look for it in the things that you desire to do. It is bursting to get out and express itself.  Often your belief in limitation and lack of self confidence hold you back.  Under all of that; a brilliant light is shining.  You hide it with the best of intentions.   

I want you to get to know Me so that you can free your potential.  Free your mind as you consider You and I. If everyone did that, the whole world would be free.  For humanity would find it’s powerful place amidst My love and grace.  

When You finally do that,

You will become a shooting star

in the tapestry of the heavens!