Perfect Little Planet ©️

Once upon a time there was a little planet far away from everything.  It had a great deal of beauty.  At the same time it was very diverse in climate and weather.  There were great deserts and rainforests.  There was tremendous cold and tropical heat.  The forces upon the planet constantly changed and created livable temperate areas.

The beings who thrived on this planet had to be hardy and intelligent.  They were always finding their way forward through the challenges that this little planet offered.  The animals and plants became very strong and beautiful.  For they were lovely as the challenges made them strong and perfect.  If they were less than perfect, the conditions there caused them to die away.

The natural surroundings honed each species to be fine and intelligent.  It was the perfect place for the evolution of body, mind and spirit.  The higher souls that lived there grew into wise, powerful beings.  If they did not they were soon gone.  God was delighted with the planet and it’s effect on those who lived there.  As these conditions continued on for a very long time, many souls learned many things.

As people flourished there they became too complacent.  They created cultures that came and went.  Overall they built the colonies and cities that became more and more complex.  Some of the people became soft and indulgent and foolish.  When that happened there was always a change that came.  It was caused by the little planet’s need to maintain the balance between forces. Soon there were new troubles and everyone had to adapt.

This perfect little planet always creates perfect challenges that force perfection to reappear.  Only that which is very fine and smart can continue there.  The planet cleanses away anything which becomes foul or weak.  In this way the perfect little planet continues it’s perfection.  Even now the cycle of nature is clearing away the mistakes that have been made.  The great beings who bring balance to this little planet are very busy.  They work for God and are known as Elohim.  

There are many terms used to talk about them and they have many names.  Always they use just the right energy at just the right time so that balance is found and lessons are learned.  I know that you are searching for answers as the challenges appear on the horizon.  You can feel them and taste them on the wind.  As the seasons change; You and I get closer as this perfect little planet adjusts to find her balance again.  Once again she works to bring all back to perfection.

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