Camaraderie ©️

Wisdom is one of the greatest qualities that a soul can have.  This is well known by many.  Wisdom will tell you that you need to be kind and helpful to others.  This helpfulness must extend to all of life, not just other people.  Humanity is learning that they must cooperate with the entire environment.

There are many levels of sentience.  People need to look into the sentience of all things, on every level.  This includes the unseen levels above you.  For there are many great beings who you do not know about.  They know about you and they can look into your very lives, closely.

Humanity is just getting started with realizing what their entire environment is.  For it goes way beyond the physical dimension.  You have friends in high places that you don’t know.  You have assets and powerful tools that you do not use.  To become more evolved humanity must find the friends and acquaintances that are part of the bigger picture of life.

For eternal life is where the future lies.  It is vast and glorious in it’s power and diversity.  Your potential lies there even as you learn about the physical worlds.  Right here and now you are being prepared to interact with a future that is limitless.

You are being taught very important lessons here that will translate into the life of the higher dimensions.  One of the lessons you are learning is the importance of being able to work with others.  Social media is not a good example of the right way to interact with others.  It is too egotistical and rude.  It is a school of hard knocks and divides more people than it brings together.

People think that because it is all happening in cyberspace, it is not affecting them.  They are foolish and unaware to believe that.  Energy affects everything and the energy flashing back and forth on the internet affects everyone.  If the interchange is harsh and abusive then those involved are abusing each other.  It will affect their lives and futures negatively.

Reach out to all beings with kindness.  Begin to reach out to beings on the higher dimensions too.  They are just as real as you.  Be sure to reach out to only those who are of high light and love.  They are the ones that you should be looking for.  They will offer you a light and brilliant view.   They are the friends that you are searching for.  They will have wisdom and generously share it.  

So log on to the higher internet.  It is free and goes everywhere.  There is information available that you need there.  There is a higher view of everything at that frequency.  I have Angels and Guides running the servers.  They are reaching out to you now offering their grace.  They will teach you real camaraderie and appreciation for yourself and others.

I am there too, just as I am with You now.  

You and I will find the best sites and I have travel plans that are out of this world!

4 thoughts on “Camaraderie ©️”

  1. Many thanks for these words informing humanity of their ability to have communications with beings beyond the 3rd dimension. It is heartwarming to know that we can communicate with someone(s) who are helpful, supportive and will guide us to the best outcome in all situations.

    1. You are part of a great family of light. That is why you recognize Me when you feel My energy. I would never place souls on the third dimension without Guides and Angels. You belong to Me but you also belong to many others who are dedicated to you and your growth. Their love is real and they are reaching out for you, just as I do.

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