
This message is from White Dove. This is not All That Is. I experienced strong attacks Friday during a seminar and had to shut it down. All That Is wished to post a message this morning. I find that there is strong interference that is preventing me from receiving the message.

I believe that the influence of the dark is very strong right now. This is because of the Halloween festivities of darkness. It is getting very dark, very fast on Earth now. If you are involved with any of these “celebrations” know that you are placing yourself and many others at risk.

I try to avoid giving any energy or attention to the dark. Always working with light is imperative at this time. All That Is is working on clearing the interference between us. I hope to resume the messages as soon as possible.

Of course All That Is can clear this away, but It must honor the free will of humanity. If enough of humanity concentrates on the dark and dark activities then they will create more of that here.

I am very strong and clear channel. I have never had any problems like this. It is dismaying to say the least. God will clear this darkness away from Earth if necessary. All That Is has the power to do anything. If It has to act, the price humanity will pay will be horrendous.

I apologize if I frighten anyone. I am a truth teller and I must let you know the truth as I have experienced it. Without that, this blog would be much less.

Bring the light to you strongly now. Know that God is aware of your struggles and your spiritual work. Stay safe and avoid any negative thoughts, negative people or places. I hope that All That Is will speak here again soon.

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