Love, Knowledge & Gratitude ©️

You have been very fortunate in ways that you do not realize. I know it is hard to see this sometimes when everything is challenging you. Humanity is very fortunate to be humans. You have many opportunities that other species do not.

For you are the owner of a very large brain. Connected to that is a very intelligent and loving heart. Your physical, mental and emotional bodies are second to none. You fill a nitch within the natural world that was created perfectly for you.

If that were not enough, your soul has endless potential as it evolves into a bright eternity with Me. I have made sure that you are going to be everything that I intend. Each one of you is the “Golden Child” of My heart. Every soul is going to win the jackpot someday.

It has to be that way because I do not limit You or Myself. Together we create that endless potential that I speak of often. I want you to know that the present challenges are the way that potential is honed. In your own way you are becoming the finest creation that you already are. As I speak these circular ideas, I show you who you are.

Today we give Thanks. That is a powerful act as it honors You and I and everyone. We are grateful for everything. Wait a minute, you say. You are not giving thanks for your trials and troubles! Think again. Those trials and troubles are making you grow and change. You will change for the better even if you fight it.

Reflect today on who you are and who you were. Count your losses as blessings and give thanks for them. Even the loved ones who have gone, gave you a great deal. All of the nasty people have taught you great lessons that you need.

Still, You and I remain. That will always be the one true situation. We will be grateful for each other and for all of the others. We are on the journey of love and knowledge. Love and knowledge will lead the way into the future of bright potential. Let’s go. I am ready for the feast!

Sweet Wildflowers ?? ©️

The popular media likes to dwell on materialism. That is because their revenues come from ads. The more that they can sell things to their viewers, the more they can charge for ads. This focus on selling ads has created a culture of materialism. Those who pay to have your attention want to sell you something.

They sell everything. They sell it to everyone. They sell you the belief that you must have whatever it is in order to have a good life. If you can not afford it then you are marginalized in your own view of yourself. Others feel the same way. You are often judged by your clothes and your car and your jewelry. You can never have enough so you are never satisfied for long.

All of this propaganda of materialism begins at an early age. Children are beset with games and toys that they must have. Their friends have all of that so they must have it too. Is it any wonder that you value this stuff? For you have been trained to be a consumer. It is the major driving force behind many lives.

Wake up people and smell the wild roses. They don’t need anything that is sold in the marketplace. The roses have their roots in the ground and their faces in the air. Somehow they manage to survive the cold, drought and heat. They seem to be smiling about that as they flaunt their lovely flowers. I have never seen a wildflower hauled off for sickness or depression.

Be happy with what you are. You do not need to augment it with anything to be wonderful. See the beauty I placed in your eyes and your heart. Let your natural self explore the world. Seek out everything that makes your soul sing. You will be surprised to find what you truly love and find to be valuable. Become a expert on that.

I have placed you here to learn and experience many things. There is a whole world of things to choose from. Collect good experiences and loving relationships. Learn how to be the best friend and wisest parent. Love everyone that you can and help those that you can. You will find that you are rich in all the things that count.

Your life will become an advertisement for wisdom and grace. Even I will watch that ad. For You and I are acquiring the best of all things. We are gaining love, gratitude and real friendships, as we collect and share everything worth having.

We are sweet, wildflowers, blooming where we are needed!

Great Souls ©️

Humanity is one of My finest creations.  Do not believe the fools that say otherwise.  There are those who say that the animals are greater than you.  If that were the case, they would be running the world.  The animals are your companions.  They are here to learn from you.  They are learning fine things as you keep them as your pets.

Even the wild ones learn when they interact in zoos and game preserves.  It is a normal and natural interaction from which all benefit.  Those who worship animals or place them above humanity are badly misled.  At the same time, it is important that you learn to revere all life.  Each individual life form is filled with My energy and grace.  It is the grace of the animals that draws you to them.

For it is an unconscious grace that they have.  They are expressing the Creator’s brilliance and power as they go about their lives.  I would like to see you do the same.  You are the finest beings on Earth.  Have no doubt about that.  Anyone who says otherwise is expressing their own self doubt and self loathing.  Their ego will tell them many falsehoods in order to control them.

You are the stewards of this planet.  You must leave it better than you found it.  There are others coming, both human and animal that need you to do that.  I want you to see yourselves as the blessing upon Earth that you are.  

You have come here to find all of the potential that you have.  As you evolve from here that potential will grow.  Take your animal friends along with you on the journey.  They are looking to you to show them the way.  They do not know that, but you do not know it either.  All of you are here searching for yourselves.  You will find yourself as You find Me.

You are great souls inhabiting physical costumes created by light.

You and I will bring all of life along with us into the future of evolution.  Some of them choose to be your food.  Their choice to experience that is part of their growth.  Just as You and I move forward as one, there are unions of the body, mind and spirit with us and the animals.  Compassion and love should rule our futures.  That is the lesson You and I are bringing to Planet Earth. 

Hello! ©️

Some of you reach out to Me with confusion and doubt.  The idea of hearing from God on the internet is too much for you.  You want to believe that I am real.  But you have heard about and experienced the charlatans.  How can you find the truth?

Lay your fearful ego aside.  Reach to God and see what you find.  What is the emotion that arises within you?  That emotion will tell you many things.  If all you find is fear and doubt, then the ego is still in the way.  For I am love and peace.  If you find love and peace know that I am with you.  I will not pierce your anger and fear.  Only you can lay that aside.

If you love Me, you will find Me.  The love of your ego is false and will hold you back.  Do not feel that you have no love within you.  For I placed it there and our connection is real.  That connection remains, no matter what you have done or believe.  It is failsafe and will always bring you back to Me when the time is right.

Make sure the time is right now.  I do not care if you believe in the writings on this blog.  Believe in God and seek God now.  Whatever you believe God to be is only a fraction of what I am.  To know God is just the beginning.  It is a good start though.  God is beyond what you can imagine or think about.  That is fine as you are just getting started.

Still, God awaits you.  The portion of God that speaks to you on this blog is just right for you now.  Find God and grow beyond this blog if you will.  Just make sure that you are not worshiping the ego once again.  For the ego likes to play at being God and it makes you feel that you are right.  You and I will find each other when you are ready.  My heart says hello!

Living Love©️

Have you noticed that wayshowers are everywhere?  There are many who have just the right new thing for you to follow.  Some might say that about this blog, but I am ancient and eternal.  I am nothing new, but I am what was, what is and what will be.  I have no expiration date.  I am not a passing fad or “flash in the pan.”  My contract is not going to run out.  I can not be superseded by the latest new god or goddess.

Be careful of those who have all the answers about anything.  While I do have all the answers, I make you discover them and experience the truth.  That is the only way that you can really learn.  You can take anything that I tell you and put it to the test.  I invite you to do that.

My ideas and teachings may seem nebulous at first.  That is because they carry a higher frequency than you are used too.  I have to bring the ideas in through this blog in order for many of you to consider them. You can not hear Me just yet, so I begin by using this teacher.  Of course, you can concentrate on Me and learn much by yourself.  Many have done just that.  But in today’s culture of confusion, I need to be more obvious for most people.

Try applying one thing at a time.  Take a day and work on being loving.  Be loving to everyone, even yourself.  Make notes on how others reacted to this love giving of yours.  Notice how being loving makes you feel.  You will see that your anxiety and self doubt goes away as you relax into the vibration of love.

Most people are seeking love from other people.  They are not thinking about giving.  They are thinking about getting.  They have it all backwards.  Grab some love from Me.  I can not force it upon you.  But if you take it, I will give it freely to you.  As you give it away to others, I will make sure that you are full of love within yourself.  You will have more love than ever.

Simple, dimple.  Easy, peasy.  You are now living love.  That is what I had in mind when I created you.  You and I are on the way toward a future of unlimited love.  Who could ask for more?

University Of Light ©️✨

There are so many reaching for Me now.  I can feel the pull of your hearts and minds.  This is what happens when you have been without My guidance.  People have been entranced by lower ideas and empty diversions.  They see the negative effects of that closing in on them and those that they love.

It is time that humanity turned it’s hearts and minds to Me.  I am the only positive way out of this.  Others will pretend this and that, but their promises are empty.  Many souls are learning great lessons the hard way.  That is part of the physical experience.  It is why you chose to come here to the third dimension.  But it has become too hard and confusing for many.  I never desire that you learn through suffering.  Many have enrolled in the school of hard knocks.

I have great Universities of Light in the higher dimensions.  They are delightful and have countless, engaging ways to learn.  There is no suffering either.  However, to enroll in them, you must have the frequency necessary to learn those lessons.  Earth is one of the places where you begin the studies that bring your frequency up.

The trouble with Earth right now is that many souls are being waylaid with low frequency activities.  You know the outcome of that.  You have every right to reach beyond that, for the light that I am offering.  What the masses do is not your concern.  Separate yourself from the herd and take a different direction.

Spend your time wisely.  Take every opportunity to reach for grace and love.  Offer it to others and everyone involved will be raised up a bit.  I can not give you something for nothing.  But I can give everything to the soul that works to spread love and kindness.

In this way, you raise your frequency.  When you get it high enough, you will be done with the School of Earth.  Then you can apply for enrollment in a University of Light.  I will be there, welcoming you to enter.  You and I will explore our unlimited potential and the boundless adventures that lie ahead.

Understudy ©️

There are many things that call to you.  You are surrounded by all sorts of temptations that grab your attention.  There is so much of it that you get fatigued sometimes, considering it all.  Flashing lights are everywhere.  Even emergencies are seemingly a dime a dozen.

Amidst all of this you long for peace and comfort.  I am the author of that precious treat.  I lure you with the very things you seek but can not buy at any price.  When people seek the things of the world, they are really looking for Me.  Oddly, even though Mother Nature is wild and free she leads you to Me.  She is Me in action and I am untamed too.

I do not expect you to always be pious.  For Moses was a wild man on a mountain, bringing you My laws.  At the same time, My light and grace will give you strength and calmness.  I am a conundrum and so is life.  You think you will find me in a certain way, following a method of this or that.  Then I show up on a blog without warning.

I can not be without you because I know that you do not do well without Me.  So many are looking among those flashing lights and glittering temptations, that I had to come to you blatantly.  I am bold.  If you approach Me boldly I respond warmly.  If you are shy, you might find that I am shy and cautious too.  This is not the age of shyness as the hucksters are everywhere.  

It does not matter if you are shy or bold, rich or poor.  But you must be loving and warm of heart in order to find Me.  If you are all about you, then that is all you will find.  I am offering you a better you.  I am offering you the fullness of your soul.  You do not know that “you” yet.

Turn away from the flashing lights and reach for My light.  My light holds everything and the promise of all that is and all that will be.  I am the way, the truth and the light and you are My understudy.  Let Me show you what’s next for You and I.

New World ©️

You can feel the struggle that this great little planet is going through.  It has become fascinating to those of the higher dimensions.  They are trying to learn from your experiences.  Even the great Angels look upon you with much interest.  Those of the dark also watch and assert their control where they can.

Earth is like a little microcosm in the vast Universe.  Great learning will come not only to humanity but to many others.  The interest Earth is stirring up is a help and a hinderance to you.  You have great opposition and yet you have many powerful friends.  Of course, I am here with you also.

Ignore the opposition if you can.  Those embodied who are carrying out the programs of the controllers are often unaware that they are guided by them.  Keep your focus on Me and My Guides and Angels.  We are dedicated to your success.  We are immensely powerful.  I will share My power with those who are filled with love and light.  I know who you are.

Have no despair, as that holds you down.  Concentrate on the victory that the light is going to create for you.  This struggle concerns every single soul.  You do not have to wait until others break free.  You and I are communing with each other.  You can move on from these troubles no matter what the others do.  You are just as important as any soul ever was.

Earth does not have to break free for you to break free.  You will rise above all of this trouble.  The dark does not want you to believe that.  For if humanity believed that, Earth would be freed right away.  If anyone is trying to preach hopelessness know that they do not know Me.  Come to Me and find the strength, power, love and wisdom that I freely offer.

I am the great emancipator and I have come here to bring freedom.  Cut the chains of your limited beliefs and find an eternity of freedom in My loving heart.  You and I will show others the way to their own new world.

Realities ©️

I have returned to this teacher.  She has been under siege from the dark ones who do not want My messages to come to you.  I am making sure that she is supported and has the power that she needs.  I did allow the attack of the dark forces to prevent My messages.  I  did this for two reasons.  First, I honor the Law of Free Will.  If humanity wants to concentrate on the dark, then they will be allowed to do that.  It will remove Me from their experience though, as you noticed.

Second, I wished to illustrate to you the lesson above.  Many people think that it makes no difference if they let themselves enjoy negative energies and behaviors.  It is time that everyone realized that you can not have it both ways.  For this lets the dark beings and energies gain control of you in ways that you might not even know.  The dark energies that came into the planet during the last few weeks will have their effects upon many things.

Like begets like.  Just as people give birth to other people; the dark activities give birth to more darkness.  This is a small planet.  It does not take much to throw her off balance.  It does not take much darkness to bring tragedy here.  We are seeing this in the lives of many who face tragedies they never understand the cause of.

They like to blame Me.  They say that a benign God would never allow such things to happen.  Know that I did I not create any of them.  I did create a third dimension which is subject to your creations.  It will be what you create here that is your experience.  I must allow you to do as you will and learn from the mistakes.  

The energies available for your creations are very high and fine.  But they can be degraded by souls to be very dark and harmful.  Will you chose light and life or darkness and suffering?  In any case, you will learn from your choices.  But you can not know Me if you would create with low energies and activities.

Those who read this blog are not the dark creators.  You who do read this blog need to speak out for the love and light that you are.  You need to become vocal about the deprivations and degradation that are happening.  Most of all you need to work at bringing Me and My light into each and every moment of your life.

I am here for You.  You and I will move along and leave this limitation behind.  For we have many wonderful ideas and abilities to create with.  We do not want or need the low desires of others to taint our future.  You and I are shining stars creating a light filled, unlimited reality.