New World ©️

You can feel the struggle that this great little planet is going through.  It has become fascinating to those of the higher dimensions.  They are trying to learn from your experiences.  Even the great Angels look upon you with much interest.  Those of the dark also watch and assert their control where they can.

Earth is like a little microcosm in the vast Universe.  Great learning will come not only to humanity but to many others.  The interest Earth is stirring up is a help and a hinderance to you.  You have great opposition and yet you have many powerful friends.  Of course, I am here with you also.

Ignore the opposition if you can.  Those embodied who are carrying out the programs of the controllers are often unaware that they are guided by them.  Keep your focus on Me and My Guides and Angels.  We are dedicated to your success.  We are immensely powerful.  I will share My power with those who are filled with love and light.  I know who you are.

Have no despair, as that holds you down.  Concentrate on the victory that the light is going to create for you.  This struggle concerns every single soul.  You do not have to wait until others break free.  You and I are communing with each other.  You can move on from these troubles no matter what the others do.  You are just as important as any soul ever was.

Earth does not have to break free for you to break free.  You will rise above all of this trouble.  The dark does not want you to believe that.  For if humanity believed that, Earth would be freed right away.  If anyone is trying to preach hopelessness know that they do not know Me.  Come to Me and find the strength, power, love and wisdom that I freely offer.

I am the great emancipator and I have come here to bring freedom.  Cut the chains of your limited beliefs and find an eternity of freedom in My loving heart.  You and I will show others the way to their own new world.

8 thoughts on “New World ©️”

    1. Reach out to Me for the energies of courage and upliftment. I am sending them to you. But I can not force you to be positive. I know that you personally are positive and finding your power. You are the rich vein of gold that I have placed on Earth to help the others.

  1. Thank you for your words and truths as they are so needed at this time on Earth. You get what you focus on and we are seeing the wreckage all around us.

    I am creating my own reality and staying focused on you, my guides, and angels as together you give me the strength and wisdom to go forth. Staying in the light and raising above all troubles is so much better than what humanity is concentrating and embedding themselves in.

    I am grateful for all the help received. As you say, you must ask to receive. Much Love to you!!!

    1. You are getting the truth because you are close to Me. It is not necessary to suffer along with those who are troubled. Stay above that frequency so that you can be free and help those who need your light and wisdom. When the troubled are ready to reach for Me, they will find that I am there for them strongly.

  2. As always, Thank you for your beautiful words…
    I choose to protect against, and ignore these distractions.
    I seek and see Your Love and Light in everything. And also the blessings of so many Angels and Guides…
    So many gifts when you actually Look! You always put a smile in my heart ??

    1. My love and light surrounds you as you seek to find Me in everything. You are finding and feeling Me now. I am with you and that will not change. Share your lovely smile with all of those that you can and know that I am behind the smile, blessing all.

  3. What ATI said about the ones who preach negativity is so true. They are the ones who have lost touch with God. They have been led down a path that is made to look attractive to them. Words that sound good , equality, personal rights, and other attractive terms,make them think they are showing us the way. But when God is not present their way is without hope.

    1. People like to feel important and smart. It is the ego that speaks as if it is the author of right action. I have always been the force behind all that is good. Those that do good things will find Me in their own way. They will know who to follow as My guidance is full of truth and love.

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