Understudy ©️

There are many things that call to you.  You are surrounded by all sorts of temptations that grab your attention.  There is so much of it that you get fatigued sometimes, considering it all.  Flashing lights are everywhere.  Even emergencies are seemingly a dime a dozen.

Amidst all of this you long for peace and comfort.  I am the author of that precious treat.  I lure you with the very things you seek but can not buy at any price.  When people seek the things of the world, they are really looking for Me.  Oddly, even though Mother Nature is wild and free she leads you to Me.  She is Me in action and I am untamed too.

I do not expect you to always be pious.  For Moses was a wild man on a mountain, bringing you My laws.  At the same time, My light and grace will give you strength and calmness.  I am a conundrum and so is life.  You think you will find me in a certain way, following a method of this or that.  Then I show up on a blog without warning.

I can not be without you because I know that you do not do well without Me.  So many are looking among those flashing lights and glittering temptations, that I had to come to you blatantly.  I am bold.  If you approach Me boldly I respond warmly.  If you are shy, you might find that I am shy and cautious too.  This is not the age of shyness as the hucksters are everywhere.  

It does not matter if you are shy or bold, rich or poor.  But you must be loving and warm of heart in order to find Me.  If you are all about you, then that is all you will find.  I am offering you a better you.  I am offering you the fullness of your soul.  You do not know that “you” yet.

Turn away from the flashing lights and reach for My light.  My light holds everything and the promise of all that is and all that will be.  I am the way, the truth and the light and you are My understudy.  Let Me show you what’s next for You and I.

4 thoughts on “Understudy ©️”

  1. Thank you for a wonderful message! I laughed out loud when I read the part of how we are looking for You in a certain way and you show up on a blog without warning. Never limit God!!
    I truly look forward to what is next for You and I.

    I thank You for Your grace, love, wisdom. Always perfect and always at the right time.

    1. I will always be where you are. If you are online, then so am I. If you are looking for Me, you will find Me unless your ego prevents that. You and I must be together. It is the way that love works. I am with you whether you know it or not. I am glad you are laughing because I am too!

  2. I am turning away from the flashing lights and emergencies…. They are distractions from you from the dark forces is my guess… I am seeking you and so grateful for this bloq …

    1. Keep reaching for My peace and comfort. I will be able then to give you the guidance and strength that you need. I have insight and love that will fulfill you and show you what is next. Most of all, You and I will be together consciously.

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