Living Love©️

Have you noticed that wayshowers are everywhere?  There are many who have just the right new thing for you to follow.  Some might say that about this blog, but I am ancient and eternal.  I am nothing new, but I am what was, what is and what will be.  I have no expiration date.  I am not a passing fad or “flash in the pan.”  My contract is not going to run out.  I can not be superseded by the latest new god or goddess.

Be careful of those who have all the answers about anything.  While I do have all the answers, I make you discover them and experience the truth.  That is the only way that you can really learn.  You can take anything that I tell you and put it to the test.  I invite you to do that.

My ideas and teachings may seem nebulous at first.  That is because they carry a higher frequency than you are used too.  I have to bring the ideas in through this blog in order for many of you to consider them. You can not hear Me just yet, so I begin by using this teacher.  Of course, you can concentrate on Me and learn much by yourself.  Many have done just that.  But in today’s culture of confusion, I need to be more obvious for most people.

Try applying one thing at a time.  Take a day and work on being loving.  Be loving to everyone, even yourself.  Make notes on how others reacted to this love giving of yours.  Notice how being loving makes you feel.  You will see that your anxiety and self doubt goes away as you relax into the vibration of love.

Most people are seeking love from other people.  They are not thinking about giving.  They are thinking about getting.  They have it all backwards.  Grab some love from Me.  I can not force it upon you.  But if you take it, I will give it freely to you.  As you give it away to others, I will make sure that you are full of love within yourself.  You will have more love than ever.

Simple, dimple.  Easy, peasy.  You are now living love.  That is what I had in mind when I created you.  You and I are on the way toward a future of unlimited love.  Who could ask for more?

5 thoughts on “Living Love©️”

  1. I am grateful for your love. It is such a gift, seems the more I share the Love, more love I have to share. The better I feel. Thank You

    1. You have a loving heart naturally. As you searched for love you had many lessons. Now that you are bringing in My love actively, you will learn the power and strength that love carries. You do not need to yearn for Me anymore. I am with you, loving you strongly.

  2. I feel your love expand in my heart and vibrate out of my being. I am humble to experience such great love. There is no other love like it. Love is all there is❣

    1. You are right. My love is real love. It is not tainted with expectation or desire. My love is content to be with you. As you pass this love on to others, you bless yourself unintentionally. That is real love in action.

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