Hello! ©️

Some of you reach out to Me with confusion and doubt.  The idea of hearing from God on the internet is too much for you.  You want to believe that I am real.  But you have heard about and experienced the charlatans.  How can you find the truth?

Lay your fearful ego aside.  Reach to God and see what you find.  What is the emotion that arises within you?  That emotion will tell you many things.  If all you find is fear and doubt, then the ego is still in the way.  For I am love and peace.  If you find love and peace know that I am with you.  I will not pierce your anger and fear.  Only you can lay that aside.

If you love Me, you will find Me.  The love of your ego is false and will hold you back.  Do not feel that you have no love within you.  For I placed it there and our connection is real.  That connection remains, no matter what you have done or believe.  It is failsafe and will always bring you back to Me when the time is right.

Make sure the time is right now.  I do not care if you believe in the writings on this blog.  Believe in God and seek God now.  Whatever you believe God to be is only a fraction of what I am.  To know God is just the beginning.  It is a good start though.  God is beyond what you can imagine or think about.  That is fine as you are just getting started.

Still, God awaits you.  The portion of God that speaks to you on this blog is just right for you now.  Find God and grow beyond this blog if you will.  Just make sure that you are not worshiping the ego once again.  For the ego likes to play at being God and it makes you feel that you are right.  You and I will find each other when you are ready.  My heart says hello!

9 thoughts on “Hello! ©️”

  1. Hello God. It is always good to hear from You through this blog. I look forward to each new message. My thanks and gratitude to You and the channel for making this possible.

    1. I will stay close to You, because You are grateful. Gratitude lets Me know that you are ready for more light. With light comes love and information. Then I get even closer. I am grateful to this teacher also. Without her I would not be heard on this blog. I would miss that and miss these interactions with My readers. Your sweet hearts delight Me!

  2. Thank you for a great message. Especially about our egos getting in the way of finding You.
    You are always in my heart. The feeling of love when I simply think of You is powerful and very real. This is what I have come to know.

    My heart says hello back to You!

    1. You are always in My heart also. I am reaching out to many through You. Your work for humanity is important. I make sure that you feel My love and are filled with it. You and I will make a difference for many. We will touch many hearts!

  3. “Thank God”; a lot of people say that but really, Thank You God!

    Joining the internet is brilliant and I await your next strategic move. You Tube, the All That Is blog…. spreading the energy forward for enlightening souls in the 21st century. Brilliant to say the least but what can I say, you are God!

    My heart burst with love as I read this. My heart, as well, says hello and welcome!!!

    1. I work in mysterious ways. A lot of that comes from people not believing that they can reach out to Me. People think that many things that I do are happenstance or coincidental. Little do they know. For My mind and My energy underlies every single event. I am not involved with the dark or low actions but I am always there to sweep up. For without Me, people would not get up from their beds in the morning.

      Thank You for the love and light that you bring to many!

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