Great Souls ©️

Humanity is one of My finest creations.  Do not believe the fools that say otherwise.  There are those who say that the animals are greater than you.  If that were the case, they would be running the world.  The animals are your companions.  They are here to learn from you.  They are learning fine things as you keep them as your pets.

Even the wild ones learn when they interact in zoos and game preserves.  It is a normal and natural interaction from which all benefit.  Those who worship animals or place them above humanity are badly misled.  At the same time, it is important that you learn to revere all life.  Each individual life form is filled with My energy and grace.  It is the grace of the animals that draws you to them.

For it is an unconscious grace that they have.  They are expressing the Creator’s brilliance and power as they go about their lives.  I would like to see you do the same.  You are the finest beings on Earth.  Have no doubt about that.  Anyone who says otherwise is expressing their own self doubt and self loathing.  Their ego will tell them many falsehoods in order to control them.

You are the stewards of this planet.  You must leave it better than you found it.  There are others coming, both human and animal that need you to do that.  I want you to see yourselves as the blessing upon Earth that you are.  

You have come here to find all of the potential that you have.  As you evolve from here that potential will grow.  Take your animal friends along with you on the journey.  They are looking to you to show them the way.  They do not know that, but you do not know it either.  All of you are here searching for yourselves.  You will find yourself as You find Me.

You are great souls inhabiting physical costumes created by light.

You and I will bring all of life along with us into the future of evolution.  Some of them choose to be your food.  Their choice to experience that is part of their growth.  Just as You and I move forward as one, there are unions of the body, mind and spirit with us and the animals.  Compassion and love should rule our futures.  That is the lesson You and I are bringing to Planet Earth. 

6 thoughts on “Great Souls ©️”

  1. Unconscious grace…What a beautiful thing! At times, it seems that the animals are much more knowing than we are. It’s hard to believe that they look to us & we make a difference! Thank you for this message of love, compassion & guidance.

    1. You have unconscious grace also. You do not see it though as you are used to thinking of yourself in a certain way. Often your view of yourselves in tainted by the shallow standards of grace and beauty that the popular culture values. I see the real You and the true beauty within.

  2. You are tugging at my heart strings with this piece as I, as you know, just have had three pets pass recently in a short period of time. There is a void there, but I know, they are forever in my heart. Animals are precious beings and to think that some give their lives to be food for us gives a whole different way to look at them as they too are on their journey. Your plan is divine in all ways.

    Seeing myself as a great soul, in a physical light costume, is very empowering. It is a wonderful way to see myself as I flow your love and light out. Thank you for this most enlightening information.

    1. Everything is made from light. In this way I am in all things. This is one of the meanings of All That Is. All animals continue on, each in their own way, evolving into the future. Your pets await your return to the higher dimensions. The soul connections you have with them are made from love and thus they are strong ones. My connection to you is also made from love. You and I are finding each othe consciously. We love what we are finding!

      1. Is there really such a place as the “Rainbow Bridge” for animals that have passed and await their owners return? Just curious 🙂 Much love and thank you for your wonderful reply.

        1. The “Rainbow Bridge” is and idea, not a place. As you have studied the Seven Rays you know that the heavens are filled with these Rays. Often when one enters the higher dimensions there is an experience of the Seven Rays which is seen by many to be like the Rainbows of Planet Earth. Keep studying the Seven Rays for there is much to learn about these beautiful Rays of Creation.

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