Beautiful Dancer ©️

There comes a time when everything changes.  That has happened numerous times on Earth.  The reality that your Grandparents knew is far from the life that you lead.  Nothing is the same but there are similarities.  They had troubles that they overcame.  That built the platform that you stand on today.  Their suffering and troubles were not in vain.

Your trials will not be in vain either.  Though they are different ones than the world has seen before, they are moving all life forward in some way.  You work through these challenges daily but you can not see where you are going.  You wonder why the world is going crazy.  You know that people must learn to get along.

I have taught you many things already.  Life will be your greatest teacher; sadly.  It is the reason for the physical experience.  When you live a thing, then you learn it or leave the lesson.  Some will leave and then start again some other place and time.  Realities are like that.  They are created by the players that join the dance.

I want you to be a world class dancer.  I will show you the finest steps to take.  I will spin you into breathtaking moves that will delight you.  I will also push you beyond the limits that you believe in.  I will take you to the point that you must reach out and hold onto Me to keep you going.  That is when We become true partners in the dance of creation.  Then You and I will find ourselves moving forward as one beautiful dancer.

7 thoughts on “Beautiful Dancer ©️”

  1. Dancing through life each day is, indeed; a challenge. My mind often dances and forgets to take my feet. Our physical bodies are important here on Earth.
    Thank you for the reminder to keep ourselves as finely tuned as we can!

    1. I will teach you some new dance steps. They will delight you and Me both! There will be no end to our dance. The clock never strikes twelve at My palace.

  2. I have always enjoyed the beauty of dance, especially the ballet! I love learning new “steps” through the grace, beauty and wisdom of Your words…Bravo/Brava??☮

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