Trauma ©️

The world is full of trauma. There are trauma centers everywhere there are large populations. It is as if trauma is becoming a way of life. Still, in the past there were many traumatic events and no real help available. It is as if there are solutions just when the need is greatest.

As you create problems you will find solutions. One begets the other and humanity learns how to cope. I want you to learn how to overcome the troubles. I would dearly love to see the amount of trauma go way down. It is a slow process but I know that this will come.

You are learning how to master the physical world. That is so that you can move on to higher worlds and succeed there. Everything that you learn and apply in your physical life will benefit you in the next life. Someday you will leave Earth and move away from trauma. You will appreciate the finer experiences that will come your way.

You will have a greater view of the non physical worlds because of the trauma that you experienced on Earth. You will know that you have escaped the pain and fears of the past. The greater love and the higher light will be more precious to you than it would be without the Earthly lessons. You will know that beauty, peace and virtue are not to be taken lightly.

You will be a fine citizen of the heavens because you were here today. You will fit right into the next teachings and realities. So do not scorn the Earthly experiences. Treasure each lesson and challenge for the stepping stone that it is. They are shaping your soul into the greater being that you are becoming.

The next time you see a trauma center appreciate it and appreciate what you are learning here. For You and I will explore many realities that will take you far from here. One day you will look back on this place and time. You will be thankful for the foundational lessons that took you higher and farther and more fully into the magnificent love and light that you will have become.

4 thoughts on “Trauma ©️”

  1. I am thankful for the way Your messages bring clarity to the reality of my journey in this life. More importantly the comfort and hope I feel, as it is revealed to me, Your Grace and Light shines on the realities that lie ahead. Thankful You are Here!

    1. David you have learned the teachings well. As you go through your challenges they will help you greatly. I will be with you also. Keep reaching out to Me for the guidance and grace that I will be offering. I am thankful that you are with Me now!

  2. Thank you for this timely post! Recently, I was exposed to trauma and knew exactly what was behind it. I choose to live above all troubles. It is challenging when events are put right in front of you, literally. With the wonderful teachings from this teacher, I was able to release the negative emotions and energy quickly. I am truly blessed for the guidance and all that is given to me. Staying out of the fray and bringing in your light.

    1. Persevere and know that you are learning strongly. I am here and know just how to guide you through all things.

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