Happiness ©️

Have you ever found perfect happiness? Did it last for long? Was it conditional in that it was dependent on another person, event or activity? Was it so fleeting that you have forgotten what happiness is like? Your days go by and you settle for the routines of daily life.

You think that happiness will have to wait. It can wait until you reach your goals of blah, blah, blah. Then you will experience happiness once again. You sometimes go to parties and try to find happiness in the eyes and approval of others. It can make you “happy” to fit in with others. Most are not happy either although they may fool you and them into believing that they are.

You can establish relationships and subtly expect the others to make you happy. They are going to do the same thing. The demands can be unspoken but they cause strain and separation. You can spend years trying to make others happy to no avail.

You can spend money and buy all kinds of goods and experiences. Still, the happiness is fleeting unless you have a plan to use those things to enrich the lives of everyone. That teaches you that happiness is a decision. It is time that you decided to be happy.

In the midst of a search for meaning you will see that happiness is what you decide that it is. Bring love into yourself and give it away to others. Do it without any strings attached. You will find that when love grows; happiness appears.

I am happy every moment of My experience because I love You!

I know that You and I will find all kinds of rewarding, happy feelings and events as We lovingly create our future together.

One thought on “Happiness ©️”

  1. I am understanding that who I am at any given moment is decided by what I choose to bring to myself. When focused on things outside myself, life can get compromised. When I trust and be with You and Your guidance to think about what I would like to have and Be, I find the power to move away from and rise above the fray.

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