Font Of Peace ☮️ ©️

There is a great deal of trouble on Planet Earth right now. Many people are feeling fearful and some are angry. Fear begets anger which causes wrong action. It is important that you keep yourself clear, calm and free of fear and anger. These two emotions can damage your body and confuse your mind.

In that confusion of low energy it is hard to make good choices. It is even harder for you to find Me. If you can not find Me then you can not find much of anything else either, except trouble. For the things that are easy to find, often are of low energy and value. They may be very expensive and you can not judge a thing by it’s price tag. This seems obvious to you, but many are chasing the latest foolish fad.

No matter what others create here, I will be with you. I can not reach as many souls as I would like. If I could fill the minds of many with My loving guidance then much would be different. But you can be different. That is just what you need to be right now. You must be a font of peace, love and reason. If you do that, it will create all of that for you and others. You will be doing My work and your work all at the same time.

For You and I can withstand anything!

We can watch the whole world fall away and still We will be one. We will create our bright future together. If others can join in, then we will be delighted with that. Regardless of the troubles know that our future is bright, as We continue the journey of divine discovery that began so long ago.

Blending ? ©️

I come to you through this teacher so that you can get to know Me. You can find Me in other ways, but it is hard for most to do that. The energy that I send with these messages links them to Me and thus to the reader strongly. That makes it very easy for you to connect and receive My energy.

I am not hiding from you, but you have not been taught to reach out to Me so much. You often think that I am so high and distant that you can not interact with Me in a meaningful way. However, as you read these words you are interacting with Me. Your interest in reading this message reaches out to Me automatically. I respond at once by reaching to you. We meet as our energies come together.

You mind is a powerful modulator and sender of energy. You have created the experiences of your life this way. I have given you the You that you are. I have given You the energy to create what you will. Do not be amazed that your mind can send energy (thoughts) to Me and I can receive them. So truly, I am only a thought away.

As you continue to reach to Me, you begin to receive more of My pure, powerful energy. It lets you know things about Me that you do not realize. It also paves the road of light that connects us, with greater power. Our relationship grows and your frequency climbs. This allows you to have higher experiences and greater knowledge.

I put many things in the light that I send out to you. All of these things help you in some way. I can know just what you need as I see what your frequency requires at the moment. So I am supplying you with exactly what you are in need of, when you reach to Me. I can not force anything upon you. I gave you free will so I will not interfere in your life. But when you reach to Me through your own desire to know Me, I can respond with something helpful.

I know just what you need and just what you want. I will send you what your higher self wants you to have. Sometimes what you want is not in your best interests. That can be a false desire of the moment and not a true life asset. The things that I send you will always uplift and teach you. Some people prefer to remain ignorant and they are not interested in You and I.

You and I are here in this great light that connects and combines us. We are blending together as we reach for each other. Since you are My creation and I am your Source this is natural. We are one and the same. As We continue our relationship, We will find that We were never apart and all is truly well.

Discovery ?©️

I have every attribute that you need. I am the author of this reality and many others. So everything that you have and aspire to, was created by Me. There is nothing you can think of that I do not know. Still, you are not a robot and you are an important part of Me. As you grow and experience things you add to the library of knowledge and thus possibilities.

This is hard for you to grasp as you say to yourself; if all is known and thought of already, what can I add? What you add is the proof that I Am and thus you are. In this way we build upon what was and is and move toward what will be. We are working as a team of discoverers who are mapping our realities. Some places we know are dangerous and some are delightful. Move toward delightful and you move closer to Me.

Sometimes the dangerous things are disguised as delightful. When you get a whiff of danger, your ego may lie to you and say that everything is fine. Other times it may alarm you falsely when everything is just fine. This is to teach you to trust Me and to refine the ego. It is important in these times that you follow the best knowledge, plans and energy. I always have that.

There never was an ego that could compare to Me. Most people refuse to change and choose the ego everytime. This makes for an interesting life. Sometimes it gets so interesting, that people lose control of themselves or the situation. Big trouble arrives and lessons are learned. Even though souls make poor choices, their ego will see them as the victim not the perpetrator. That keeps the soul from learning.

When you reach for My light, things become clear. You can find yourself and Me in that light. It clears away the confusion and limitation. This gives you another chance. It is a chance you have to take to grow. You can try to stay immobilized by your ego’s drama and doubt. Sooner or later something else is going to push you back toward Me and My wisdom.

As we meet once again in the light of wisdom, the ego melts away and I reappear. I hope to find you in My light. Stay there with me and You and I will discover something marvelous; that is just what We were looking for all the time.

Darkness ©️

There has been a lot of talk about Me over time. You have been given many silly notions about what I say and what I do. Many tout Me as a vengeful and angry God. They say that I will throw misbehavers into an eternity of unimaginable suffering. They say these things in order to control people out of fear. For if you believe they are God, if you fear this God, then they can make you do things that they desire.

I never act in those ways. I allow the energy behind all things to act. I have placed an energy of renewal and light behind all of creation. That energy of renewal will bring all things to light in the end. Coming to the light means that everyone must shed their dark and restraining energy. That act of shedding the dark and low energy is painful. That is what people call karma. For it strips away all of the low energy and it does it relentlessly.

It will bring to souls exactly what they have created. As they suffer the results of their own dark energy then they are brought back into the higher energies. Yes, that process can be painful. But if one creates with light and goodness, then that energy grows a soul into the higher light that they were creating from. It is easy to see that the low dark actions must be borne by those who work with that activity.

As the weight of that activity sinks the user, suffering occurs. The implosions of the low energies cause one to struggle. The struggle to release the suffering and regain balance will bring light back into the soul. It may occur just a little bit at a time, but it will occur. For the soul always finds that it can not continue as a purveyor of darkness.

So as time and experience unfolds, even the most powerful darkness is too heavy to bear. Those who carry it suffer greatly and must release it. That is the way of all realities. They all must return to the light that I am and thus to Me. For to be without Me is the most painful thing that there is. It can be called many things. It can be seen as hatred, violence, fear and anger. But it is always the absence of Me that manifests those things.

You and I know that We are above all of that. We are beyond believing in the ego that deals in those limiting energies. You and I have found the love and peace and intelligence that My light is.

Judgement ©️

Nothing that I do is ever done in vain. I know the way forward and don’t make mistakes. I can see what will work beforehand. I apply just the right amount of energy to accomplish a task. I never have to reconsider My plans.

In this way, I make the most of every thought and effort. I don’t doubt My ability to reach a goal. I only act when the time is right. I come to the correct conclusion every time. That is why I know that you are perfect. For I created you in this way. There is no possibility of any other outcome.

You may find all of this hard to believe. That is because you have self doubt and may have a poor view of yourself. You see things as flaws that I see as perfection. I know that you are learning to find beauty where you saw something ugly in the past. I have gone beyond judging things that are just fine the way that they are.

A rough hillside beside a smooth lake creates a beautiful reflection in the water. Is smooth more beautiful than rough? Or is rough more interesting? This comparison is pointless as both add interest to the landscape. It takes different things to create beauty and balance.

Look within yourself and you will find just such a place. Your rough patches accentuate the beauty of your smoothness. Both of them are within you in some way. Both of them reflect aspects of you outward. I like all of you. I can not choose one without the other so I love you the way that you are.

As you learn to accept all of you, you accept others too. There is a place of loving that is born from acceptance. As you leave judgement behind, loving becomes so easy. Then you are free to be You and I am free to be Me. That is when limitless potential arrives and nothing you do is ever done in vain.