Discovery ?©️

I have every attribute that you need. I am the author of this reality and many others. So everything that you have and aspire to, was created by Me. There is nothing you can think of that I do not know. Still, you are not a robot and you are an important part of Me. As you grow and experience things you add to the library of knowledge and thus possibilities.

This is hard for you to grasp as you say to yourself; if all is known and thought of already, what can I add? What you add is the proof that I Am and thus you are. In this way we build upon what was and is and move toward what will be. We are working as a team of discoverers who are mapping our realities. Some places we know are dangerous and some are delightful. Move toward delightful and you move closer to Me.

Sometimes the dangerous things are disguised as delightful. When you get a whiff of danger, your ego may lie to you and say that everything is fine. Other times it may alarm you falsely when everything is just fine. This is to teach you to trust Me and to refine the ego. It is important in these times that you follow the best knowledge, plans and energy. I always have that.

There never was an ego that could compare to Me. Most people refuse to change and choose the ego everytime. This makes for an interesting life. Sometimes it gets so interesting, that people lose control of themselves or the situation. Big trouble arrives and lessons are learned. Even though souls make poor choices, their ego will see them as the victim not the perpetrator. That keeps the soul from learning.

When you reach for My light, things become clear. You can find yourself and Me in that light. It clears away the confusion and limitation. This gives you another chance. It is a chance you have to take to grow. You can try to stay immobilized by your ego’s drama and doubt. Sooner or later something else is going to push you back toward Me and My wisdom.

As we meet once again in the light of wisdom, the ego melts away and I reappear. I hope to find you in My light. Stay there with me and You and I will discover something marvelous; that is just what We were looking for all the time.

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