Blending ? ©️

I come to you through this teacher so that you can get to know Me. You can find Me in other ways, but it is hard for most to do that. The energy that I send with these messages links them to Me and thus to the reader strongly. That makes it very easy for you to connect and receive My energy.

I am not hiding from you, but you have not been taught to reach out to Me so much. You often think that I am so high and distant that you can not interact with Me in a meaningful way. However, as you read these words you are interacting with Me. Your interest in reading this message reaches out to Me automatically. I respond at once by reaching to you. We meet as our energies come together.

You mind is a powerful modulator and sender of energy. You have created the experiences of your life this way. I have given you the You that you are. I have given You the energy to create what you will. Do not be amazed that your mind can send energy (thoughts) to Me and I can receive them. So truly, I am only a thought away.

As you continue to reach to Me, you begin to receive more of My pure, powerful energy. It lets you know things about Me that you do not realize. It also paves the road of light that connects us, with greater power. Our relationship grows and your frequency climbs. This allows you to have higher experiences and greater knowledge.

I put many things in the light that I send out to you. All of these things help you in some way. I can know just what you need as I see what your frequency requires at the moment. So I am supplying you with exactly what you are in need of, when you reach to Me. I can not force anything upon you. I gave you free will so I will not interfere in your life. But when you reach to Me through your own desire to know Me, I can respond with something helpful.

I know just what you need and just what you want. I will send you what your higher self wants you to have. Sometimes what you want is not in your best interests. That can be a false desire of the moment and not a true life asset. The things that I send you will always uplift and teach you. Some people prefer to remain ignorant and they are not interested in You and I.

You and I are here in this great light that connects and combines us. We are blending together as we reach for each other. Since you are My creation and I am your Source this is natural. We are one and the same. As We continue our relationship, We will find that We were never apart and all is truly well.

2 thoughts on “Blending ? ©️”

  1. Thank you for this validation. I know that on days when I feel my frequency is higher, I understand, absorb and see things clearly and more quickly. Our connection affects everything, every day! I pray to make it stronger.

    1. Talk to Me in your mind. I am there too. For I am connected to your heart always. Listen to or feel your pulse. That is Me working within your body. So focus on your heart and talk to Me with your mind. Even if you don’t hear My reply, I hear you and do reply. With the reply comes more of that higher frequency energy that makes everything better for you. You have experienced Me and fully understand what we can do to make your life go better.

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