Font Of Peace ☮️ ©️

There is a great deal of trouble on Planet Earth right now. Many people are feeling fearful and some are angry. Fear begets anger which causes wrong action. It is important that you keep yourself clear, calm and free of fear and anger. These two emotions can damage your body and confuse your mind.

In that confusion of low energy it is hard to make good choices. It is even harder for you to find Me. If you can not find Me then you can not find much of anything else either, except trouble. For the things that are easy to find, often are of low energy and value. They may be very expensive and you can not judge a thing by it’s price tag. This seems obvious to you, but many are chasing the latest foolish fad.

No matter what others create here, I will be with you. I can not reach as many souls as I would like. If I could fill the minds of many with My loving guidance then much would be different. But you can be different. That is just what you need to be right now. You must be a font of peace, love and reason. If you do that, it will create all of that for you and others. You will be doing My work and your work all at the same time.

For You and I can withstand anything!

We can watch the whole world fall away and still We will be one. We will create our bright future together. If others can join in, then we will be delighted with that. Regardless of the troubles know that our future is bright, as We continue the journey of divine discovery that began so long ago.