A Finer World ©️

Who are you? Where exactly did you come from and where are you going? Your view of yourself has changed many times as you have tried to figure this out. The real information seems to be unavailable on the physical plane. You know you are more than a physcial entity but your schooling only focuses on that plane.

It is very difficult to find out the truth. Many people only believe in science and science has no big picture to show you. It is rooted in the physical plane and has yet to really discover anything else. Still, scientists know that there are dimensions of existence that they can not fathom yet.

I am right here, right now with you. I know about all things. To truly understand yourself, you need to connect strongly to Me. You have a heritage of greatness that has sent you forth. You have come here to learn and explore so that others can learn while you are learning. You come from a family of light; if you will. They are working with Me to grow and become. They have sent you to the physical plane to get your degree.

One of the beings in this family of yours in called the higher self. This being is you. It is far more knowledgable than you are as it knows your past, present and some of your future. This being is beyond time, so it can know these things. It is evolving itself through your adventures and discoveries. At the same time it knows what those discoveries are.

It can lead you perfectly if you allow that. It is teaching you to listen to it’s higher guidance. In this way, you discover you own true self; the higher self. I am leading the higher self forward at the same time as I am here talking to you. Both I and the higher self want to see you succeed. The higher self is close to Me and wants to be even closer. To do that it must evolve. You are the key to much of that evolution.

The higher self loves itself. You being a part of that self, are loved. I love you also, so you are surrounded by love. You must open yourself up and accept the love that is flowing to you. Most people are unsure about their worthiness to be loved. Their self doubt pushes away that love and all the gifts that it brings.

For the love of God is a powerful thing that builds countless realities and opportunities. I am offering you a higher path and a finer world. I offer this to everyone. Few will reach for the gifts that await them. So the higher self and I are reaching to you today. We want you to reach back to us. In this way You and I can rise above the small, limited life you know now.

2 thoughts on “A Finer World ©️”

  1. What a great introduction to the higher self. I t is so much a part of us and so many do not know it is there.

    This part of us can help us in so many ways. Even those who know of it’s existence often forget to ask for it’s help.

    1. It is like having a powerful and wise friend that is always there and has your best interests at heart. It is full of love ❤️ and understands you better than you do.

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