Focus On Positivity ©

This is White Dove. This message was received in a private seminar. When I transcribed it All That Is asked me to post it on the Blog. All That Is wants you to understand more about the dark forces so that you can overcome their incursions. If you are embodied you have been affected by them in some way. Perhaps you have suspected this at times.

They have created a lot of trouble on Earth. It is particularly bad right now. This message gives you not only information about these beings but also ways to protect and clear yourself with the Divine Light of God. It is important that this knowledge be given out clearly once again.

If you are worried by anything this can help you also. It is a valuable tool to keep you healthy and happy. There are big concerns about this now as so many are threatened by the latest virus. The Divine Light teaching given below can help you with that and much more.

There is a great amount of private material available. If you are interested email me at:

Enjoy this lovely teaching.

Focus On Positivity: All That Is

I am filling you with My light. I know that you can not get enough of this high light. You are true seekers and it is delightful to share My light with you. You are learning rapidly now. You are finding how to rise above the troubles that have plagued you for so long. You will find that the opposition forces are always going to be problematic. That is because you are embodied on a planet like Earth.

Most of the Universe is not available to them. They exist on the very fringes of creation. The greater part of the Universe is really in the Higher Dimensions. They are confined to the lower Forth Dimension and below. Even the physical plane has many planets and areas within the galaxies that are way too much light for them to be present in. So the dark forces exist on the fringes of the lower Forth Dimension and the physical plane.

They are a much smaller part of creation than you might think. You are on Planet Earth where there is a lot of darkness. So it seems to you like they are very powerful and they take up a great deal of reality. But that is far from the case. I want to cheer you up a bit and let you know that there is a great deal of light available in many different ways. This light will overcome them.

I do not want you to feel that you are at their mercy. Or that it is impossible to rise above their abuse. I know that you are abused. There is no doubt about it because they fear the light greatly and they attack those who are embodied that carry light. They can not attack the non physical beings that carry light. They are not able to bother them at all. So anyone who is above the level of the physical plane and is working with the light is far stronger than any dark being ever was.

The main way that the dark are able to achieve what they do among the physical people is through stealth and deception and they hide in the lower Astral plane where people can not see them or know that they are being influenced by them. They spend a great deal of time trying to make you think all kinds of things that are lies, so that you will blame someone else for your misfortunes and problems.

It is the only way that they can carry on because the dark is not nearly as strong as the light and you know that.

I am reiterating all of that here so that you begin to realize that you have the power to overcome these assaults, even though at times it may seem impossible.

You are connected to very great light. Because of that there are many attacks made on you by the dark that you don’t even notice or suffer from. They try many ways to assault you that are not working. They do many things that are useless and discouraging. That is one reason why you find that they assault certain parts of your body and not others.

They find a spot that they can penetrate and they keep hammering away at that because most portions of your body, they can not even touch. Be aware that you are much more powerful than you think in regards to these beings. Do not fear them and do not get angry at them because that gives them power over you. Remember they are filled with negativity.

When you engage with them with your own negative thoughts and emotions, then you are fighting someone who is very negative; with negativity. You may find at that point that they are indeed stronger than you and you could have a very brutal experience.

It is important that you stay free of fear. It is important that you stay concentrated on the light and the power that I am giving to you so freely. It is important that you stay cheerful and concentrate on what makes you happy and strong and well. That is how you overcome the darkness. You do not overcome anything by paying attention to it or concentrating on it or fearing it.

For you know that old adage: “You will draw to you that which you fear.” This is a very strong lesson I wish you to learn here today. You must spend more of your time thinking about what you want, not about what you don’t want. I know you have been taught this before. But it is very important that you really master this. It is a hard thing to master when some nasty being is banging away on your physical body with evilness.  That is just the time that you need to concentrate on creating the positive outcome that you need.

Use the Divine Rays to create that positive outcome. I want you to think about what you want to achieve. In other words, I want you to say as you bring the light of the Divine Rays in: “I am peace, I am comfortable, I am full of Light and I am well.” Bring the Divine Rays to you as you say these things.

You can also say things like: “The Light is raising me above all negative energy and beings.” Or you can forget about even mentioning the negative beings, you can say: “ The Light is raising me into peace and comfort and love.”

As you do that you are going to leave behind the negative experiences of the physical plane. You can remain on the physical plane and at the same time you can create lovely experiences for yourself while you are embodied. It is going to take some strength and perseverance on your part. Like I said it is hard to believe in the light when you are being assaulted by the dark. But that is just the time that you must think of Me and reach to Me and say: “All That Is send Me your love, send Me your strength, send Me all of the Light that I need now.”

Do not give up until you find that you have gotten very close to Me. As you get close to Me, you will find that all darkness slips away. All negative experiences fade as the Light brings you all of that peace and comfort and wellness that you desire.

I have created you to be able to do this. You do not have to wonder if you have the power to achieve this. I have given you this power and power to spare. All you have to do is be single minded and focus on Me and My Light and all of this will occur for you. Do not flee from Me or My Angels or My teachers. Keep all of this in your focus and see the Light shining like a strong beam down upon you.

For it will be there when you are focused on Me, My Divine Light is shining on you strongly. I never ignore you. I am always just a thought away and My light is here waiting to reach out and bring you every good thing. You must be the one who initiates that exchange. It can be no other way. I can not force this Light upon you. You must seek it on your own. You must do it in a single minded fashion that will allow all other things to fall away from you at that point.

This is All That Is reminding you that you have all of the power, all of the grace and all the Light that you need now. If it were not so, I would not be here sharing it with you. Keep close to Me and all will be peace, love, comfort and pure potential.

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