Mitigation ©

I hate to see people suffering like this. I hate to see many of you confined and limited too. It is never My wish that events like this happen. Do not listen to anyone who claims that this trouble is My Will. For it is not.

I would have you always concentrating on the highest information and activities. In that way you would be above these things as a soul and as a species. Those with the lowest frequency and life force are those who are easily overcome by disease. It is important that you spend this time thinking positive thoughts and thus building a positive future for yourselves.

It will not help to keep your attention glued to the latest tragedy, whether it is this disease or something else. You need to be aware of the facts and leave it at that. If you are involved with higher thoughts then higher guidance can come to you. Solutions begin with your own life.

It is the season of regeneration. It is time that much changed for the better here. You have the power and you have the knowledge to rise above anything. I am offering you My Light and Power. It is always there for you. Life has slowed down and you may find that you have the time to really change yourself. For if you are on Earth, then you have things to rise above and go beyond.

I have sent you My Blessing to really empower you. Keep using that Grace to change yourself forever. As the lower frequencies fall away, then they are replaced with the higher ones. That changes everything. In the twinkling of a thought you can renew yourself and your life. It does require sustained effort and real change.

Many of you have the time to do this. Send your love and light to those who don’t have the time or energy to stop and do anything, but answer this crisis. Send your light to the healthcare workers and those who are working tirelessly to keep necessary services and goods moving.

You can be the mitigating force of Light that changes the lives of others.  Do not doubt that, as you are a part of Me.  You and I are here together to uplift many who can not understand these great forces.  

We have everything that We need

to make a difference now 

for the future of humanity!

Powerful Blue Ray Video

This is White Dove. The Master Creator of the Blue Ray has given us a valuable message and the gift of a Seraphim Angel to work with us. The Blue Ray is a ray of power, protection and cleansing. It is one of the Seven Divine Rays. Each Ray has a Master Creator who is a portion of All That Is, just as you are.

This Master is dedicated to sharing and teaching about this Ray. It is always a powerful energy to use, but especially now. It is the Ray to use to protect yourself and use to defeat any infection. The Master will fill you with the Blue Ray and teach you how to work with it.

The Seraphim Angels work with the Blue Ray to defeat and clear the dark. They are interested in helping us personally with this. Take advantage of this wonderful tool and Angel. You will receive the help you need spiritually and learn to find the power and the Will of God to show you the way forward in these troubled times.

Mercy ©

There is a tremendous lesson coming to humanity. They have created it for themselves. It is of course the latest plague. Everyone who reads this will think that surely they have not created this trouble. Know that your soul decided to be here for this lesson. You have not created the plague but you have chosen to take part in the lesson.

Humanity has been getting more and more selfish and greedy. As a group they have created the low frequency that allows the virulent onslaught to arrive. Their view of the event will change them forever. Souls will grow a good deal from this experience. As bad as it is, it will still do a lot for the spiritual growth of many. Most people will not realize that they are part of a great lesson.

This could not have happened if there were not a lot of souls vulnerable to the low frequency of such a pestilence. Usually strong lessons are personal situations of suffering and learning. One person may get a disease that is not so contagious and deal with it as an individual. Their families often suffer and learn too, but it is not widely experienced.

Now there is a widespread threat. It requires that people learn to work together. They must put aside their “me first” attitude and consider the needs of everyone. They must act responsibly for the good of all. This is a chance to move beyond the smaller self to the greater one.

As hard as it all is, much good will come out of this. It will travel into the future of humanity. People’s values and standards will change for the better. Of course, not all will be able to grow. Some will assume their victimhood and blame everyone else for everything. That is the way of the unenlightened.

People pray to Me for mercy. I shine My mercy on those who are merciful. Open your hearts and send love and healing to everyone that you can. Pray for them and I will bless you too. Give thanks for the great lesson that your soul is presenting to you.

You and I working together will be a great light for those who need us now.

Divine Guidance ©

The challenges of modern life are pressing upon humanity. Life is moving so fast that it is difficult to keep up. One has to learn to juggle many things at the same time. Some things drop away as momentum is lost. The sheer number of chores and activities insures that.

One of the greatest talents is good planning. To plan well one must have their priorities correct. Many people have let others decide that for them. The ego also loves to run the priority list according to it’s limited view. Many people find themselves in the wrong place at a bad time.

Those who get close to Me will find My light easily clears things up. When you shine the Divine White Light upon your life, confusion is the first thing to go. I am sending this light out to the reader of this message. I want you to make good choices. It is necessary that you have the best view of your challenges and your strengths.

The wisdom that My light brings will help you see the best way forward. This light will give you knowings and urges. Do not disregard them. This is how one develops and applies Divine Guidance. Most will never have this Grace as they ignore the messages of the Divine Guidance.

Divine Guidance will not scream the messages into your ears. It works gently but powerfully when it is heeded. When I whisper to you, pay attention. That whisper is full of positive power. It will not only lead you to the best action; it will give you the energy to accomplish that action.

I call it a whisper but it is a knowing and an understanding about something. It is a an urge to action or even inaction. It is not fear based. It is not going to take you into danger either. It will simply move you past the problem with quiet power. Don’t expect many people to notice. It will go over their heads.

Our quiet power will place you perfectly beyond the trouble. It will shine out to others and help them in some way. You may not know it and they won’t either. They may not even realize the good fortune that was theirs. You and I will know the Divine Light.

As we know that Light, we are that Light and

Our future is full of that Light and Grace.