Divine Guidance ©

The challenges of modern life are pressing upon humanity. Life is moving so fast that it is difficult to keep up. One has to learn to juggle many things at the same time. Some things drop away as momentum is lost. The sheer number of chores and activities insures that.

One of the greatest talents is good planning. To plan well one must have their priorities correct. Many people have let others decide that for them. The ego also loves to run the priority list according to it’s limited view. Many people find themselves in the wrong place at a bad time.

Those who get close to Me will find My light easily clears things up. When you shine the Divine White Light upon your life, confusion is the first thing to go. I am sending this light out to the reader of this message. I want you to make good choices. It is necessary that you have the best view of your challenges and your strengths.

The wisdom that My light brings will help you see the best way forward. This light will give you knowings and urges. Do not disregard them. This is how one develops and applies Divine Guidance. Most will never have this Grace as they ignore the messages of the Divine Guidance.

Divine Guidance will not scream the messages into your ears. It works gently but powerfully when it is heeded. When I whisper to you, pay attention. That whisper is full of positive power. It will not only lead you to the best action; it will give you the energy to accomplish that action.

I call it a whisper but it is a knowing and an understanding about something. It is a an urge to action or even inaction. It is not fear based. It is not going to take you into danger either. It will simply move you past the problem with quiet power. Don’t expect many people to notice. It will go over their heads.

Our quiet power will place you perfectly beyond the trouble. It will shine out to others and help them in some way. You may not know it and they won’t either. They may not even realize the good fortune that was theirs. You and I will know the Divine Light.

As we know that Light, we are that Light and

Our future is full of that Light and Grace.

2 thoughts on “Divine Guidance ©”

  1. Thank You, as always for your beautiful words.
    I was shopping earlier and I looked over, & paused…There was a kitchen magnet that said
    “Let go and let God” ( one of my favorite sayings) and all the tension I didn’t know I was carrying around completely melted away as I was filled with Your Divine Light…
    Now it & I are happily home and I’m rereading this wonderful post…Thank You for always being here!??☮

    1. This is a great observation. My Divine Light is with you wherever you are and whenever you reach for Me. I am unlimited and there is nothing that can come between us. I am always giving my light and grace out to those who allow Me to bless them. For My light is a blessing and it loves to bring My grace to you. Come to Me and we shall enjoy being one.

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