Mercy ©

There is a tremendous lesson coming to humanity. They have created it for themselves. It is of course the latest plague. Everyone who reads this will think that surely they have not created this trouble. Know that your soul decided to be here for this lesson. You have not created the plague but you have chosen to take part in the lesson.

Humanity has been getting more and more selfish and greedy. As a group they have created the low frequency that allows the virulent onslaught to arrive. Their view of the event will change them forever. Souls will grow a good deal from this experience. As bad as it is, it will still do a lot for the spiritual growth of many. Most people will not realize that they are part of a great lesson.

This could not have happened if there were not a lot of souls vulnerable to the low frequency of such a pestilence. Usually strong lessons are personal situations of suffering and learning. One person may get a disease that is not so contagious and deal with it as an individual. Their families often suffer and learn too, but it is not widely experienced.

Now there is a widespread threat. It requires that people learn to work together. They must put aside their “me first” attitude and consider the needs of everyone. They must act responsibly for the good of all. This is a chance to move beyond the smaller self to the greater one.

As hard as it all is, much good will come out of this. It will travel into the future of humanity. People’s values and standards will change for the better. Of course, not all will be able to grow. Some will assume their victimhood and blame everyone else for everything. That is the way of the unenlightened.

People pray to Me for mercy. I shine My mercy on those who are merciful. Open your hearts and send love and healing to everyone that you can. Pray for them and I will bless you too. Give thanks for the great lesson that your soul is presenting to you.

You and I working together will be a great light for those who need us now.

4 thoughts on “Mercy ©”

  1. This is such a beautiful explanation for the difficult time that we are experiencing here on Earth. Remembering to be kind to one another sometimes gets lost in the shuffle & that’s a shame. We are all on this planet together. Thanks for your love & kindness!!

    1. You are becoming a beautiful expression of light. You have blessed this planet many times but few know that. That is the highest way to be. Do not look to be admired for your work. I know that you don’t. You are proof that My plan works!

  2. What a huge wake up call for all of humanity! Mother Earth is shaking as well. I am blessed to be in this incarnation and look forward to a more positive effect it will have on all beings. Sending love, light, and healing to all.

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