Instrument Of Change ©

I am here to bolster you up once again. You have been going through some rough times. It is a time of learning. I wish you to learn about your power. All power comes from Me. It is a positive power that I give you. I do not consider the negative energy to be power at all. It may seem strong and invincible, but it is an illusion that destroys those who use it eventually.

So your power is real power as I have chosen to share it with you. I do not have power that is weak or half hearted. That kind of energy is diluted by the limited thoughts and expectations of those who are fearful. They would not see themselves as fearful, for they do not look closely into their emotions and motives.

As you read this message, I am infusing the reader with positive power. You must reach out and accept it though. I will not force anything upon you. You must be ready to accept your power and use it wisely. I am not going to demand that you obey Me in how you use it. My positive power can only do good things. So I do not care what you choose to empower with this light. I know that it will apply itself perfectly to the situations at hand.

It is always best to be focused on the goals you desire. That makes the power act pointedly and strongly. But you can also use it to spread across the Earth and bring positive change. The power of my light is intelligent. It knows how to affect things. As you are connected to this power, you are connected to Me. We are of one mind in ways that you do not know.

Weld this power with joy and love. That makes it even more effective. Empower yourself first. Then give it out to those who are in need. Use it to change negative situations and events. Do not worry about how that should happen. The power will bring it’s magical, beneficial outcomes automatically. That is why people fear power. When it is applied, the egos scatter and the best results appear.

So have the courage to be my instrument of change. If you must try to control My power, then you do not trust Me. Let My power flow through you without limiting it with the ego’s doubt. Don’t worry about results. Things may occur that you never will know about. Just know that My power is on the scene taking care of things perfectly.

Do this regularly. Spend some time with My power everyday. You will empower your life and the lives of others. They will be the beneficiary of your grace. Your grace is My grace. They may not ever believe in Me or You. We don’t care. I have not come here to be worshiped. I have come here to be with You. You and I know that we have the power to change any situation with the love, wisdom and peace that We are.

Membrane ©

Hello; this is White Dove. This message was given to me personally, as I have been attacked harshly. It has gone on for a long time but lately has been even worse. The message evolved into a message for all of us. I hope it can help you understand the situation. I also feel it is filled with the information we need to overcome this huge challenge. Feel free to ask questions. I will know the answers that you need or acquire the guidance that God has for us all now.

This Is All That Is.

I am here to give you a teaching about the darkness that surrounds the planet and how that is affecting everyone. As you know, you get attacked whenever you reach out to Me. It has been very bad lately and you have been exorting Me to protect you. You even doubt that I am God because you think I have not done too much to help you.

You must be made aware of the membrane of darkness that surrounds this planet. It is made up of the negative emotions, thoughts and activities of humanity. They are being impulsed to think and feel many negative and low things by the dark ones. This creates a membrane of dark energy which the dark use to keep humanity away from Me. It also causes the dark to become more and more powerful over humanity. They tend this membrane and repair it constantly as the light begins to dissolve it in places.

It has become so powerful now because of all the fear and anger about the virus. You can feel the fear across the planet. You hear about the virus non stop. Yet few of you have had this plague. The effects of all of this is recking your economies, jobs and education. It will affect your food supplies also. All of this is caused by the dark forces so that they can gain total control. The membrane is the reason that you are attacked when you work with Me and the light.

You must see that all of the negativity comes from the dark ones. The use of a membrane allows them to know who is reaching to the light. It empowers their work and their assaults upon those who are working with the light. You could draw the analogy of a bug caught in the spider’s web. It is far more sophisticated than that. This is the reason why you are attacked so often. This is why you sometimes feel so heavy and weighted down.

This is also why you have trouble sleeping and being rested by the sleep. The frequency of humanity has gotten a great deal lower since the advent of the plague. It is becoming harder to do the positive things you need to do to have a successful life. This has been done on other planets. The dark are skillful and know exactly what they are doing. It is causing many good souls to make bad choices and act out negatively.

The best way to combat this membrane and the dark ones is with the Divine Rays. That is why we have taught you about them. The Rays are present on the planet in the very processes of nature. You can find them in Sunlight. So the dark can not prevent you from acquiring and using the Divine Rays. The Rays are the tool that everyone can have and use. I am here empowering all of you to be successful as you reach for Me and My Divine Rays. You will find Me and My power in the rainbows of light.

It is important that you begin to dissolve the control membrane with the Divine Rays. Use the White Light everywhere and for all situations. It contains all of the Rays within it. As you do that, you will be faced with the opposition. They can not overcome this light. Surround and fill your home and yourself with it. You will have successes and failures as you learn this work. You must work through these challenges. The price of the darkness is too high as they will drain every bit of happiness, health, love and goodness from your life.

You can see this clearly now. As the situation deteriorates even the disbelievers will know they are being harvested by the dark. Know that I am here and My light overcomes all distress. In the end, every soul will reside with Me, beyond all harm and suffering. Use this Divine Light and know that My power is yours. You and I will move into the bliss of the light and love that We are.

Golden Ring ©

I have taken a bit of a break to let you consider the teachings I have already given. There is a great deal of information on this blog that is timeless. Make sure to study the past messages as that will help you comprehend what I am and what You are.

I want you to see that your future is rich and full of love and adventure. You must create that future in a new and more unlimited way. You must also see that what you are creating now will continue after you leave this lifetime. Every lesson that you can learn here on Earth is a tool for that unlimited future.

Never feel that you are stuck or hopeless. For surely that will create those trials for you to overcome. Recent events may make you feel that you are endangered or being held back. You must look at each obstacle as a hurdle to be easily cleared. See every challenge as an opportunity to teach yourself that you are capable and unlimited. Keep focused on the golden ring of light that I am urging you to grasp.

Reach higher than you think you can. I will be right there giving you the light and grace that you need. You never have to do all of the work by yourself. I will be the light lifting your wings. My Angels can tell you how much I lighten their work and service to You. We are here to help you learn to become as unlimited as they are.

As I lift you up to success and knowledge, I am lifting up all of humanity. They need that now, to bring positive change for the future too. So you are a wayshower for them. You need to leave a legacy of light for them to use. You can be bringing My gifts to them long after you have returned to the higher dimensions.

It is always necessary for souls to see how others succeeded. That leads them onward to greater evolution as they realize the possibilities. You are at a perfect place to do that as you overcome the serious tests that are here now. You are going to grow and share light and knowledge in ways you never imagined.

For you are someone that you have never imagined.  You are still figuring that out.  I am something you have never imagined either.

Let’s go forward together, as You and I lift ourselves and the others above and beyond today’s passing troubles.