Golden Ring ©

I have taken a bit of a break to let you consider the teachings I have already given. There is a great deal of information on this blog that is timeless. Make sure to study the past messages as that will help you comprehend what I am and what You are.

I want you to see that your future is rich and full of love and adventure. You must create that future in a new and more unlimited way. You must also see that what you are creating now will continue after you leave this lifetime. Every lesson that you can learn here on Earth is a tool for that unlimited future.

Never feel that you are stuck or hopeless. For surely that will create those trials for you to overcome. Recent events may make you feel that you are endangered or being held back. You must look at each obstacle as a hurdle to be easily cleared. See every challenge as an opportunity to teach yourself that you are capable and unlimited. Keep focused on the golden ring of light that I am urging you to grasp.

Reach higher than you think you can. I will be right there giving you the light and grace that you need. You never have to do all of the work by yourself. I will be the light lifting your wings. My Angels can tell you how much I lighten their work and service to You. We are here to help you learn to become as unlimited as they are.

As I lift you up to success and knowledge, I am lifting up all of humanity. They need that now, to bring positive change for the future too. So you are a wayshower for them. You need to leave a legacy of light for them to use. You can be bringing My gifts to them long after you have returned to the higher dimensions.

It is always necessary for souls to see how others succeeded. That leads them onward to greater evolution as they realize the possibilities. You are at a perfect place to do that as you overcome the serious tests that are here now. You are going to grow and share light and knowledge in ways you never imagined.

For you are someone that you have never imagined.  You are still figuring that out.  I am something you have never imagined either.

Let’s go forward together, as You and I lift ourselves and the others above and beyond today’s passing troubles.

4 thoughts on “Golden Ring ©”

  1. I must say I have missed your blog postings but I feel you within me. Yes, there is so much work and knowledge within these messages. There are many layers to them. There is always a little bit of different wisdom points, in each of the post, that is picked up each time it is read. Thank you for being in my presence so strongly at this time. It is a great feeling to know that I am not alone in this chaotic time. Much love to you.

    1. When you miss Me, you reach for Me. I am always with you but you feel Me more when you reach out to Me. That is because you are concentrating on Me. When you do that I can come to you strongly. I know that you are ready for more of My light and grace. It is easy to face the future of light that I am leading you toward. As you continue to concentrate of My light and wisdom, the fear and doubt fades away.

  2. Thank You for your presence in my life, and this strong message of encouragement and support.
    It is clear their I am not on my own that You, All That Is… has provided many guides for me to reach to and are teaching me the many resources you have created for me to move forward in this lifetime and beyond. I am grateful and comforted with your Presence!

    1. You know I have a plan for you and for every soul. But those who reach for Me strongly like you do, find Me strongly with you. You will continue to find comfort and guidance in My embrace of light and love. Share it with others so that they can be uplifted by us. You will be enhanced by their success.

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