Influencers ©

It has been a good while since I have spoken to you. I let the messages go as you have been learning other lessons. Many of you have been full of fear and riveted to the news about the pandemic and all that it entails. You do not learn much while you are in the state of panic and stress.

It is time that you reflect upon what has happened. It will take awhile yet for everything to make sense. There is much that you do not know; yet it will all be revealed. As you have been taught, I give souls free will. It is the best way for them to learn and evolve. Unfortunately, I can not hold you back from making mistakes; like a parent would hold a toddler back from rushing into danger.

That toddler has not reached the age of reason and must be protected. Humanity has reached the age of reason long ago. If you are to grow and become, you must be allowed to make mistakes and also learn from the mistakes of others. Do not despair for those who have lost their lives. Indeed they live on with Me and it was their time to leave their lifetimes.

They are wiser for their time on Earth. I want you to be wiser for witnessing their struggles and lessons. What you learn from others can be almost as valuable as the personal lessons that you experience. At the same time, I want you to be somewhat removed from the problems that are going on everywhere. You must stay fixed upon the Light that I Am. That will show you the way forward perfectly, from moment to moment.

Do not jump into anything at times like these. Know that there is much happening behind the scenes that is not playing on the news. You are poorly informed by those who run things. Do not fall into the traps of disinformation that surround you. Everyone has an agenda. Everyone wants to influence you. It is time that you became the influencers.

As you stay close to My light and My loving grace, knowings will come. As you follow those knowings, you will see that things go well. You might be repelled by some idea that everyone else is following. When something repels you, know that I am often guiding you wordlessly. Your intention to stay close to Me and My wisdom will influence you positively. Connect to Me at times during your day. Reach for the richly filled light I give.

As I influence You, then you can influence others. Often, you do not have to say anything to anyone. The light that you will be emitting is going to carry a frequency of information, wisdom and goodness. Those who seek that will get the message often wordlessly. You and I can be the influencers that humanity needs now. For we are grace and love in action.

2 thoughts on “Influencers ©”

    1. It is hard to find Me in the midst of the troubles on Earth. I have never been closer to You than I am now. As You reach to Me, I reach out to You. I make it simple and easy. Other things get in the way. Your fear can block Me from your awareness too. Let go of every doubt about Me. I will be with You always. You are a part of Me and I will never let go!

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