Summer Solstice ??

Humanity has come a long way from the distant past. At this time they are still struggling though. They struggle for many reasons. All of them have to do with their lack of higher light and thus their lack of Me. They have been focused on things that do not truly enhance them.

They value things that are not life enhancing. They are very involved with using substances to “get high.” There is nothing high about the artificial and very fleeting bliss that drugs create. All of them have some detrimental effects and many of them can be lethal. That is why their use if referred to as “drug abuse.” So now we see a large percentage of the people abusing themselves and living a limited life because of that.

Of course something has to change here. There are many other problems that come along with the drugs. There are serious societal problems that are the result of the negative energy that drugs impart to the users. If nothing changes, the culture of humanity will continue to decline rapidly. In fact it is already doing so. The landscape of the cities is unrecognizable in it’s squaller. There are rich and seemingly prosperous areas right beside the growing slums. True prosperity has fled the lives of many and only the facades remain.

As we see violence breaking out around the globe, I see the hands of darkness at work. I know that I am needed here more than ever. Many do not believe in Me and some are following the ideas of the evil ones. I do not name them as I will not give them any personal attention. I do have a plan for them though. You will see some of it play out before your eyes.

I would like to see the Sun shine into your hearts and minds today on this Summer Solstice. The Sun is sending you the light of life continually. It reminds you that nothing dark can stand before the light. This summer let the light of the Sun warm your soul. It can indeed do that if you connect to it strongly.

Do not ‘sun bathe’ until it burns your skin. That is only common sense, but some people don’t have much of that. Let the Sun gently warm you and feel its light playing across your body. Invite it’s purification into your body, mind and spirit. That is something you can do even when you are feeling weak and confused. It will pick you up just as it picks the frost off of the spring buds.

Let My light play across your life also. I am even more penetrating than the Sun. Let My light reach all the way to your bones and into your brain. I have already lit your soul with My fire. Let that fire give you illumination and strength. Always check your ‘light meter’ to see where you are daily. Reach out to Me for another rejuvenating, illuminating infusion of light. Most of all, reach for My unconditional love. Fill yourself up with that and let it overflow into the lives of others. For You and I are the eternal light of All That Is!

2 thoughts on “Summer Solstice ??”

    1. It is my wish that everyone be happy and healthy. The warm light of the Sun and the warm light of my heart shines on you today and everyday.

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