Working With Heaven ©

One of the most important things that you can do for yourself is to learn to concentrate on positive events and outcomes. I see that humanity is filled with fear and dread. They spend most of their time trying to avoid the next problem. There are no problems in Heaven and it is closer than you think.

Heaven is a vibratory frequency that is above the third dimension. If you work on yourself and work on meditation, you can raise your level to visit and possibly even interact with Heaven. People have visits there and can bring back some of the wonderful light and information that Heaven offers. Most who visit the higher dimensions don’t speak about it. They keep their experiences to themselves to avoid ridicule.

Those who experience Me often do the same. One of the discouraging things that the teacher experienced as a healer is that when people were healed, they never mentioned it to anyone. This prevents others from learning about these positive events. Many people don’t believe in Me or Heaven or healing. They are far more likely to believe in disease, the evil ones and an absence of God.

To change humanity for the better, it is necessary to change their beliefs. They are being trampled by one negative event after another. It is no wonder that even the enlightened of them find their attention being drawn over and over to low frequency activities. It is hard to stay positive on Plant Earth now. My Angels are always positive, of course. They know that they have little chance to help most people as anything good is soon forgotten about.

The best thing about being in the third dimension is that you get to leave it. When you do that you learn an awful lot. You see the delusion of darkness that it is. It teaches you that you were living a negative illusion. You see that most of what you believed was imposed on you by others who were deluded too. Few believe in themselves enough to bring in the light and love of positive change.

There are those among humanity who ridicule postive thinking. They do not understand the concept at all. To create something positive, it does begin with the thought or concept. But it must be followed through with the energy to carry the creation out. When one is strongly immersed in positive energy, one also gets the guidance and understanding to carry out the plan or creative act.

That is what gets things done. Positive action into the world in necessary. Imagining or thinking a thing is a good start. You must apply the positive energy to the situation to complete the creation. I am full of that positive light, for I am known as the Creator. You can do the same as I share what I am with you. I do not hesitate to do that. I know that whatever you create will lead you or someone else onward to even better creations.

As you create things and succeed, you will find that others resist that. They want things to go their way. Even if they love you, they will feel that the creation would be better if it was done their way or controlled by them. Everyone wants to control success. They want to scoop it up and take it for themselves. Some would rather that others fail than see them succeed.

You must become engaged with the high vibrations so that you can continue on despite the ones who would resist your creations. They would rather see you have nothing, than have something without them. Ignore the big egos and stay focused on the light of success.

There are others who will be delighted with your creations. They will honestly ask how you did that thing. If they have a pure heart, share your knowledge with them. If they have the right frequency, they can follow your lead. Sadly, most will forget about you as they let themselves be refocused on lower information and outcomes.

That is the way of the world, as they say. But if you can help just a few souls, you have done a good deal. Continue forward with your illuminated light. You will find that one day, Heaven is right there in your new reality. I will be there too, pointing You towards a new and even higher possibility.

4 thoughts on “Working With Heaven ©”

  1. Thanks for this timely reminder to concentrate on the positive. We are currently bombarded with negativity at an ever increasing rate. It is easy to be overwhelmed by it. Your message this morning reminds us that we have the ability to change our focus to all that is positive in our world.

    1. Notice that violence, war and disease increase as attention is riveted upon them. There is little attention given to good news. If I were to come among you and do a happy dance, who would believe it? You must learn these things for yourselves by applying the light that We are. It is wonderful that the enlightened ones are here and are grateful for My messages.

  2. This is what we all need to hear right now. Too many well meaning good people are feeling defeated. This says we can make a positive difference for ourselves and others and we are given the means.

    1. I always give you the means to create positive change. Others would like you to think that you are powerless. I am not powerless and I am supporting You as I support all goodness with My power. You must be the one who does the creative work through your efforts and intentions. In this way I keep you learning and growing ever onward into a future of light.

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