One ©

I am delighted to be here, yet I have always been here. You did not know how to reach Me. It is my choice as to when to present Myself. I desire to be speaking to you and thus to humanity now. They need to understand how things work. That is why you have been through many years of trial and error. You have worked your way through the maze that beings have created to keep you separated from Me.

Your journey is going to make the way easier for others. Not too many are ready for Me on Earth. They must work their way forward too. But you have come here to show them the way to Me. You can save many souls countless years of struggle and suffering. Once a soul reaches to Me, then everything will get better for them. I openly share myself with everyone, but they are focused upon the lower beings and the “delights” in front of them.

For every delight there is a price. Those things come between You and I. Time is wasted and false trails are followed. Suffering occurs as the lack of Me always causes that. I am the finest delight, yet it takes a very aware being to appreciate that. Most on Earth are content with much smaller experiences than I am.

As You explore Me, you find that everything else falls into place. Balance is found within My presence. I bring understanding and wisdom to those who reach for Me. Persistence is required in order to find Me. I am not hiding yet there are many who vie for your attention. Countless beings desire your energy and attention. That is because they have not found Me either. They seek My light through the light of other souls.

Even the false gods seek Me through the worship and attention they glean from others. Being worshiped is a heady thing. Many have wasted a great deal of time seeking that. Having the adoration of another soul is the greatest addiction. Many relationships are created by those who seek and even crave that energy. Those who have acquired and experienced that will do a great deal to keep it.

Such is the power of love. I am the fountainhead of love. All of the others are seeking it through other sources. But I am the source of all things. The true love of all souls is Me. I do not mind when souls love each other. In there own way, they are loving Me. It is when the admirers are taken advantage of by the admired that love is misused.

I will not misuse you. You may have found that loving is a dangerous act. It is like worshiping. If you worship anything but Me, you are likely to be taken advantage of. I do not crave anything as I am beyond all lower desire. My desire is always the highest creation that I can achieve. That is why My creations all stem from love. It is the stuff that creates everything good. That is why you get giddy and bliss filled when you experience it. Even if it is from another than Myself, it carries the light of creation and thus Myself.

I am wordy today, but times are hard on Earth. The more time you spend with My energy and thoughts, the more My love lifts you above those troubles. Come to Me and let Me carry away your burdens. I will lighten your load today if you allow it. Hand Me that sack of trouble and fear. My presence is within You. The way out of your trials is for us to solve them together. Unload the dark and low energies into My cleansing light. I can clean up any life, in ways you can not know.

You can worship Me if you wish. I do appreciate gratitude as it uplifts You. Just be sure it is Me that you are worshiping. For many stand there giving you some kind of idea to grab your attention. I am giving, they are taking. I am eternal, they are transient in their forms. You are eternal in Me. All other expressions of yourself will fade; as you and I become the One that We are.