Angels ?

I have come once again to talk to You. The veil of deceit and darkness is lifting here. My Angels are all around this planet now. If you reach your awareness out to seek them, you will know that they are here. One of them has been sent to help you directly. They know their mission and they are ready to help those who desire it.

It is much easier for you to work with them than you might imagine. Archangel Raguel is helping this teacher now so that My messages could resume. He is so close to her that as she inhales he begins to exhale. I would not expect her to overcome those who seek to keep You and I apart. That is not possible when one is in a body. So My Angels are bringing strong light to the situation that you find yourselves in.

I never really left, of course. But the dark seek to overcome all light. They need to do that because they can not reach out for light themselves. They need energy in order to continue, just as you do. The light that I am is the origination of all energy. So the darkness feeds off the light of others in order to continue. They do it in many ways. Always those ways are detrimental to some other soul.

It is detrimental to the dark as well. For they have accrued so much bad karma that they are finding everything harder and harder to achieve. Meanwhile, I have all the light and energy that anyone could ever need or use. I share it freely with those who seek it and thus Me. It is a failsafe system as those who become so very dark, find that they lose the ability to carry on. Their karmic debts or sin as some call it, weight them down beyond the frequency of viability.

You have heard of this happening in many ways. It causes the collapse of ideologies and nations. It causes the death and disappearance of despots. As they fall away the light begins to shine once again. It was always there but the veil of darkness and control kept it from being seen or felt by those who were involved.

All of this is in action now on Earth. It is a time af change and upheaval. Never forget that I am here. I allow things to play out so that My light is revealed once again. Always My Angels are with you. You can ignore them too, as many ignore Me now. They claim that I do not exist even as they enjoy the very bodies and creations that I continuously maintain. Souls can be foolish and ignorant as they grow.

Struggle and upheaval lie ahead. I have given you everything that you need to deal with it. I Am here and so are the very best Angels of God. They have come to be with you, guide you and in the end, will bring you home to Me. As I am everywhere, it is easy for You to find Me. Still, I send you the finest guides and helpers that there are. Enjoy our love and guidance as we all explore our future together.