The Best Chance ©

These are the times that try people’s souls.  This is how you grow.  As harsh as the times are, great soul progress is happening for many.  Earth is the melding pot that forges the strongest souls.  Each one learns from the others and learns what is unacceptable and unconscionable.  As hard as it is, the spiritual rewards are great.

You will never be the same again.  You will be higher and finer within yourself.  You will have the discretion that you lacked before.  You will see through the haze of deception that clouds your reality now.  You will not so easily agree to tolerate the lower views and behaviors.  Each one of you will hear the inner siren of guidance warning you to step away from the lures of the dark ones.

For their lures are great and they are cunning.  You have seen the others drawn into the maze of perversion and deceit.  Perhaps you have felt yourself strongly drawn to the worst possible activities.  For the most part, you have stepped away from that.  You would not be reading this message otherwise.

Do not doubt your ability and desire to find Me and my light.  Reach to Me with your heart and mind.  I am inside your heart as I keep it beating.  I am just a thought away and I hear you.  I know what you need better than you do.  I know your future and it is filled with Me and My light.  Keep closely focused on our love and our power of light.

Do not be drawn into fear and self doubt.  Do not concentrate on the lower thoughts that are hurled at you continually.  When you have nothing positive to think about, know that the dark ones have come between us.  For I am full of potential and love.  I have all the power that We need.  You have it too because I created you perfectly and watch over you in every moment.

I can not lose and neither can you.  Our victory is inevitable.  Others may not recognize it, but we will enjoy it fully.  As we win, so do the others.  We are the best chance that humanity has.  For You and I will prevail here in ways you can not see or know right now.  In the end our bliss will overcome any suffering or doubt.  Our bliss is real and it is waiting for You to claim it.