I Am In Command

Good morning everyone this is All That Is. I really enjoy speaking to you again and I have enjoyed those of you who have reached out to me and visited with me on your own. I am always available to you. I have always said this and I will make myself available when needed. I feel as though you need me more now than you ever have. You need my grace and my comfort and I am full of that. You also need the guidance and knowings that I will have for you.

I know that you are living through a very difficult time. Some of you wonder why you would have ever picked this era to incarnate on this dark planet Earth. You came here because you desired an intense experience of learning. Some of you have been very hard on yourselves for many lifetimes. So for you it was a no-brainer as they say, to make sure you were here for these events. You could not imagine how it was going to be until everything coalesced into the present moment.

That is always a very poignant time. One thinks one can imagine how it might be but that is not possible. The present troubles will play out in ways that no one has imagined yet. Even those who are planning things do not really know how it will be. So for souls like yourself who are spectators to the foolishness that is being played out here, it is even more confusing and unexpected. That is why I did have this teacher come here at this time. It is not just about messages for the future.

I want my messages here to guide you through these times. That is why I have returned now. You have been wondering about all of this. I want you to have confidence in your relationship with me. Do not worry so much about what others are planning. Some harsh events will occur but many things that people fear will never come to pass. Other people who have no concerns may find themselves caught up in crisis and violence.

They will not understand anything about any of it. Intense fear can cause a soul to misunderstand everything they are seeing and hearing. They may not have an intelligent thought or even the ability to speak about what occurred. I want you to conquer your fears. I want you to feel the eternalness of your own souls. I want you to feel the eternalness of God. I am here; strong and wise and invincible. Nothing can shake me and if you are close to me you will find that nothing shakes you either.

Even if you were to perish in the midst of a crisis, if your connection to me was strong, you would find yourself lifted away from the event and carried into the heavenly light. If you have good karma nothing can touch you. You may experience a few moments of discomfort when you leave your physical body. 

Nothing more than that will be disturbing you. So I am here to keep my promise to you. We did agree on certain things before you were incarnated here. If you have kept yourself close to me, I can keep that promise. If you allow yourself to grow away from me and grow into fear and doubt then you may experience something harsh. Thoughts create realities. You must create the reality of being close to me now.

I am not trying to frighten you. I am simply reminding you that I am here and I will always be here for you. I want you to flourish and grow strongly. You are not some little weed in my garden. Sometimes your teacher thinks perhaps that’s how I see her. That is far from the truth. All of you are my lilies and my oaks and my strawberries. You are very fine as I created you to be that way. You have not disappointed me yet and you never will.

We will always continue our journey together. As you are part of me and I am part of you. We are traveling companions. I may be the pilot of your aircraft but you are surely the copilot. I am in command and you must be a reassured by that. I have not given you over to a bunch of idiots; although it may seem like it. We are one and where we go, we go together. Let the others go where they will. In time they will find their way to me also. 

In the meantime you and I will be cruising through a brilliant universe that shows us endless possibilities and unlimited places to go and experiences to enjoy. This is All That Is, sharing my car keys with you today. Let’s go!

4 thoughts on “I Am In Command”

  1. It fills my heart with love to see your postings back once again. Thank you for answering our prayers as humanity needs to hear this. You have never left us stranded. Much love to you!

  2. Life’s journey is such a roller coaster of emotions! One minute it’s terrifying and the next it’s beautiful. Thank you for your message of calming encouragement!

    1. Focus on the beautiful and you can find me there. Fear separates us and causes you to doubt yourself and your God-given abilities to create with beauty. I have invested great potential within you. Our love will allow you to reach that potential. But fear blocks love and the natural creativity within you. I know you can see this clearly. For I am working with your loving mind when you focus on me.

  3. Ty for all you are for me! You’re message fills my heart and soul with a loving comfort. Your light is a pillar of confidence for me. I am looking forward to finding my way in this lifetime with you in my heart and on into the next Light journey with You!

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