I Am In Command

Good morning everyone this is All That Is. I really enjoy speaking to you again and I have enjoyed those of you who have reached out to me and visited with me on your own. I am always available to you. I have always said this and I will make myself available when needed. I feel as though you need me more now than you ever have. You need my grace and my comfort and I am full of that. You also need the guidance and knowings that I will have for you.

I know that you are living through a very difficult time. Some of you wonder why you would have ever picked this era to incarnate on this dark planet Earth. You came here because you desired an intense experience of learning. Some of you have been very hard on yourselves for many lifetimes. So for you it was a no-brainer as they say, to make sure you were here for these events. You could not imagine how it was going to be until everything coalesced into the present moment.

That is always a very poignant time. One thinks one can imagine how it might be but that is not possible. The present troubles will play out in ways that no one has imagined yet. Even those who are planning things do not really know how it will be. So for souls like yourself who are spectators to the foolishness that is being played out here, it is even more confusing and unexpected. That is why I did have this teacher come here at this time. It is not just about messages for the future.

I want my messages here to guide you through these times. That is why I have returned now. You have been wondering about all of this. I want you to have confidence in your relationship with me. Do not worry so much about what others are planning. Some harsh events will occur but many things that people fear will never come to pass. Other people who have no concerns may find themselves caught up in crisis and violence.

They will not understand anything about any of it. Intense fear can cause a soul to misunderstand everything they are seeing and hearing. They may not have an intelligent thought or even the ability to speak about what occurred. I want you to conquer your fears. I want you to feel the eternalness of your own souls. I want you to feel the eternalness of God. I am here; strong and wise and invincible. Nothing can shake me and if you are close to me you will find that nothing shakes you either.

Even if you were to perish in the midst of a crisis, if your connection to me was strong, you would find yourself lifted away from the event and carried into the heavenly light. If you have good karma nothing can touch you. You may experience a few moments of discomfort when you leave your physical body. 

Nothing more than that will be disturbing you. So I am here to keep my promise to you. We did agree on certain things before you were incarnated here. If you have kept yourself close to me, I can keep that promise. If you allow yourself to grow away from me and grow into fear and doubt then you may experience something harsh. Thoughts create realities. You must create the reality of being close to me now.

I am not trying to frighten you. I am simply reminding you that I am here and I will always be here for you. I want you to flourish and grow strongly. You are not some little weed in my garden. Sometimes your teacher thinks perhaps that’s how I see her. That is far from the truth. All of you are my lilies and my oaks and my strawberries. You are very fine as I created you to be that way. You have not disappointed me yet and you never will.

We will always continue our journey together. As you are part of me and I am part of you. We are traveling companions. I may be the pilot of your aircraft but you are surely the copilot. I am in command and you must be a reassured by that. I have not given you over to a bunch of idiots; although it may seem like it. We are one and where we go, we go together. Let the others go where they will. In time they will find their way to me also. 

In the meantime you and I will be cruising through a brilliant universe that shows us endless possibilities and unlimited places to go and experiences to enjoy. This is All That Is, sharing my car keys with you today. Let’s go!

The Best Chance ©

These are the times that try people’s souls.  This is how you grow.  As harsh as the times are, great soul progress is happening for many.  Earth is the melding pot that forges the strongest souls.  Each one learns from the others and learns what is unacceptable and unconscionable.  As hard as it is, the spiritual rewards are great.

You will never be the same again.  You will be higher and finer within yourself.  You will have the discretion that you lacked before.  You will see through the haze of deception that clouds your reality now.  You will not so easily agree to tolerate the lower views and behaviors.  Each one of you will hear the inner siren of guidance warning you to step away from the lures of the dark ones.

For their lures are great and they are cunning.  You have seen the others drawn into the maze of perversion and deceit.  Perhaps you have felt yourself strongly drawn to the worst possible activities.  For the most part, you have stepped away from that.  You would not be reading this message otherwise.

Do not doubt your ability and desire to find Me and my light.  Reach to Me with your heart and mind.  I am inside your heart as I keep it beating.  I am just a thought away and I hear you.  I know what you need better than you do.  I know your future and it is filled with Me and My light.  Keep closely focused on our love and our power of light.

Do not be drawn into fear and self doubt.  Do not concentrate on the lower thoughts that are hurled at you continually.  When you have nothing positive to think about, know that the dark ones have come between us.  For I am full of potential and love.  I have all the power that We need.  You have it too because I created you perfectly and watch over you in every moment.

I can not lose and neither can you.  Our victory is inevitable.  Others may not recognize it, but we will enjoy it fully.  As we win, so do the others.  We are the best chance that humanity has.  For You and I will prevail here in ways you can not see or know right now.  In the end our bliss will overcome any suffering or doubt.  Our bliss is real and it is waiting for You to claim it.

Angels ?

I have come once again to talk to You. The veil of deceit and darkness is lifting here. My Angels are all around this planet now. If you reach your awareness out to seek them, you will know that they are here. One of them has been sent to help you directly. They know their mission and they are ready to help those who desire it.

It is much easier for you to work with them than you might imagine. Archangel Raguel is helping this teacher now so that My messages could resume. He is so close to her that as she inhales he begins to exhale. I would not expect her to overcome those who seek to keep You and I apart. That is not possible when one is in a body. So My Angels are bringing strong light to the situation that you find yourselves in.

I never really left, of course. But the dark seek to overcome all light. They need to do that because they can not reach out for light themselves. They need energy in order to continue, just as you do. The light that I am is the origination of all energy. So the darkness feeds off the light of others in order to continue. They do it in many ways. Always those ways are detrimental to some other soul.

It is detrimental to the dark as well. For they have accrued so much bad karma that they are finding everything harder and harder to achieve. Meanwhile, I have all the light and energy that anyone could ever need or use. I share it freely with those who seek it and thus Me. It is a failsafe system as those who become so very dark, find that they lose the ability to carry on. Their karmic debts or sin as some call it, weight them down beyond the frequency of viability.

You have heard of this happening in many ways. It causes the collapse of ideologies and nations. It causes the death and disappearance of despots. As they fall away the light begins to shine once again. It was always there but the veil of darkness and control kept it from being seen or felt by those who were involved.

All of this is in action now on Earth. It is a time af change and upheaval. Never forget that I am here. I allow things to play out so that My light is revealed once again. Always My Angels are with you. You can ignore them too, as many ignore Me now. They claim that I do not exist even as they enjoy the very bodies and creations that I continuously maintain. Souls can be foolish and ignorant as they grow.

Struggle and upheaval lie ahead. I have given you everything that you need to deal with it. I Am here and so are the very best Angels of God. They have come to be with you, guide you and in the end, will bring you home to Me. As I am everywhere, it is easy for You to find Me. Still, I send you the finest guides and helpers that there are. Enjoy our love and guidance as we all explore our future together.

One ©

I am delighted to be here, yet I have always been here. You did not know how to reach Me. It is my choice as to when to present Myself. I desire to be speaking to you and thus to humanity now. They need to understand how things work. That is why you have been through many years of trial and error. You have worked your way through the maze that beings have created to keep you separated from Me.

Your journey is going to make the way easier for others. Not too many are ready for Me on Earth. They must work their way forward too. But you have come here to show them the way to Me. You can save many souls countless years of struggle and suffering. Once a soul reaches to Me, then everything will get better for them. I openly share myself with everyone, but they are focused upon the lower beings and the “delights” in front of them.

For every delight there is a price. Those things come between You and I. Time is wasted and false trails are followed. Suffering occurs as the lack of Me always causes that. I am the finest delight, yet it takes a very aware being to appreciate that. Most on Earth are content with much smaller experiences than I am.

As You explore Me, you find that everything else falls into place. Balance is found within My presence. I bring understanding and wisdom to those who reach for Me. Persistence is required in order to find Me. I am not hiding yet there are many who vie for your attention. Countless beings desire your energy and attention. That is because they have not found Me either. They seek My light through the light of other souls.

Even the false gods seek Me through the worship and attention they glean from others. Being worshiped is a heady thing. Many have wasted a great deal of time seeking that. Having the adoration of another soul is the greatest addiction. Many relationships are created by those who seek and even crave that energy. Those who have acquired and experienced that will do a great deal to keep it.

Such is the power of love. I am the fountainhead of love. All of the others are seeking it through other sources. But I am the source of all things. The true love of all souls is Me. I do not mind when souls love each other. In there own way, they are loving Me. It is when the admirers are taken advantage of by the admired that love is misused.

I will not misuse you. You may have found that loving is a dangerous act. It is like worshiping. If you worship anything but Me, you are likely to be taken advantage of. I do not crave anything as I am beyond all lower desire. My desire is always the highest creation that I can achieve. That is why My creations all stem from love. It is the stuff that creates everything good. That is why you get giddy and bliss filled when you experience it. Even if it is from another than Myself, it carries the light of creation and thus Myself.

I am wordy today, but times are hard on Earth. The more time you spend with My energy and thoughts, the more My love lifts you above those troubles. Come to Me and let Me carry away your burdens. I will lighten your load today if you allow it. Hand Me that sack of trouble and fear. My presence is within You. The way out of your trials is for us to solve them together. Unload the dark and low energies into My cleansing light. I can clean up any life, in ways you can not know.

You can worship Me if you wish. I do appreciate gratitude as it uplifts You. Just be sure it is Me that you are worshiping. For many stand there giving you some kind of idea to grab your attention. I am giving, they are taking. I am eternal, they are transient in their forms. You are eternal in Me. All other expressions of yourself will fade; as you and I become the One that We are.

Working With Heaven ©

One of the most important things that you can do for yourself is to learn to concentrate on positive events and outcomes. I see that humanity is filled with fear and dread. They spend most of their time trying to avoid the next problem. There are no problems in Heaven and it is closer than you think.

Heaven is a vibratory frequency that is above the third dimension. If you work on yourself and work on meditation, you can raise your level to visit and possibly even interact with Heaven. People have visits there and can bring back some of the wonderful light and information that Heaven offers. Most who visit the higher dimensions don’t speak about it. They keep their experiences to themselves to avoid ridicule.

Those who experience Me often do the same. One of the discouraging things that the teacher experienced as a healer is that when people were healed, they never mentioned it to anyone. This prevents others from learning about these positive events. Many people don’t believe in Me or Heaven or healing. They are far more likely to believe in disease, the evil ones and an absence of God.

To change humanity for the better, it is necessary to change their beliefs. They are being trampled by one negative event after another. It is no wonder that even the enlightened of them find their attention being drawn over and over to low frequency activities. It is hard to stay positive on Plant Earth now. My Angels are always positive, of course. They know that they have little chance to help most people as anything good is soon forgotten about.

The best thing about being in the third dimension is that you get to leave it. When you do that you learn an awful lot. You see the delusion of darkness that it is. It teaches you that you were living a negative illusion. You see that most of what you believed was imposed on you by others who were deluded too. Few believe in themselves enough to bring in the light and love of positive change.

There are those among humanity who ridicule postive thinking. They do not understand the concept at all. To create something positive, it does begin with the thought or concept. But it must be followed through with the energy to carry the creation out. When one is strongly immersed in positive energy, one also gets the guidance and understanding to carry out the plan or creative act.

That is what gets things done. Positive action into the world in necessary. Imagining or thinking a thing is a good start. You must apply the positive energy to the situation to complete the creation. I am full of that positive light, for I am known as the Creator. You can do the same as I share what I am with you. I do not hesitate to do that. I know that whatever you create will lead you or someone else onward to even better creations.

As you create things and succeed, you will find that others resist that. They want things to go their way. Even if they love you, they will feel that the creation would be better if it was done their way or controlled by them. Everyone wants to control success. They want to scoop it up and take it for themselves. Some would rather that others fail than see them succeed.

You must become engaged with the high vibrations so that you can continue on despite the ones who would resist your creations. They would rather see you have nothing, than have something without them. Ignore the big egos and stay focused on the light of success.

There are others who will be delighted with your creations. They will honestly ask how you did that thing. If they have a pure heart, share your knowledge with them. If they have the right frequency, they can follow your lead. Sadly, most will forget about you as they let themselves be refocused on lower information and outcomes.

That is the way of the world, as they say. But if you can help just a few souls, you have done a good deal. Continue forward with your illuminated light. You will find that one day, Heaven is right there in your new reality. I will be there too, pointing You towards a new and even higher possibility.

Summer Solstice ??

Humanity has come a long way from the distant past. At this time they are still struggling though. They struggle for many reasons. All of them have to do with their lack of higher light and thus their lack of Me. They have been focused on things that do not truly enhance them.

They value things that are not life enhancing. They are very involved with using substances to “get high.” There is nothing high about the artificial and very fleeting bliss that drugs create. All of them have some detrimental effects and many of them can be lethal. That is why their use if referred to as “drug abuse.” So now we see a large percentage of the people abusing themselves and living a limited life because of that.

Of course something has to change here. There are many other problems that come along with the drugs. There are serious societal problems that are the result of the negative energy that drugs impart to the users. If nothing changes, the culture of humanity will continue to decline rapidly. In fact it is already doing so. The landscape of the cities is unrecognizable in it’s squaller. There are rich and seemingly prosperous areas right beside the growing slums. True prosperity has fled the lives of many and only the facades remain.

As we see violence breaking out around the globe, I see the hands of darkness at work. I know that I am needed here more than ever. Many do not believe in Me and some are following the ideas of the evil ones. I do not name them as I will not give them any personal attention. I do have a plan for them though. You will see some of it play out before your eyes.

I would like to see the Sun shine into your hearts and minds today on this Summer Solstice. The Sun is sending you the light of life continually. It reminds you that nothing dark can stand before the light. This summer let the light of the Sun warm your soul. It can indeed do that if you connect to it strongly.

Do not ‘sun bathe’ until it burns your skin. That is only common sense, but some people don’t have much of that. Let the Sun gently warm you and feel its light playing across your body. Invite it’s purification into your body, mind and spirit. That is something you can do even when you are feeling weak and confused. It will pick you up just as it picks the frost off of the spring buds.

Let My light play across your life also. I am even more penetrating than the Sun. Let My light reach all the way to your bones and into your brain. I have already lit your soul with My fire. Let that fire give you illumination and strength. Always check your ‘light meter’ to see where you are daily. Reach out to Me for another rejuvenating, illuminating infusion of light. Most of all, reach for My unconditional love. Fill yourself up with that and let it overflow into the lives of others. For You and I are the eternal light of All That Is!

Pure Potential ©

I am delighted to see that so many of you are doing well.  Many of you are surprised to note how well you have come through this trying time.  You long for the ‘old’ days and hope for normalacy to return.  You must be patient.  Others admonish you against that and charge ahead acting as if nothing is happening.  Some of them regret it already.

I want you to think about creating a new life for yourself that is even better than it was before.  I know that you can do that.  In doing it you will lead others to do the same.  Humanity can build a better future if they are wise and filled with light.  Other people can not understand the concept of light so much.  But you can use other words for it.  Or you can simply tell them and show them how to live.

As you come out of the turmoil, better than before, others will notice that.  Do not think that the future is already written.  You are the writers and you are able to author the finest new books.  Some will never read your book but others will fill their lives with your light.  No one will be able to say that you did thus and so.  But still you are an unlimited creator just like Me.  I have instilled the finest qualities of Myself within You.

I have given you the pen and paper of full potential.  Situations and the actions of others can not limit you unless you believe in them more than you believe in yourself.  As you reach to Me, I will fill you with the continuous light of ability, knowledge and success.  For success has a frequency that you can draw to yourself if you concentrate on it.

You do not even have to have the full idea of what your success should be.  You can intend that you will achieve an even higher result than you imagine now.  All the while you are creating this success, you will be filled with the joy of creating.  It is wonderful to be so very focused on positivity.  That will create positive actions and outcomes in all parts of your life.

The energy of pure potential is handing out success to those who reach for it.  As You reach to become a higher creator, You are reaching to Me.  I am not afraid of your success.  You are Me and what you achieve is mine too.  I am the mentor of mentors.

You can be that too.  All that I am, you are!  Realize some of that greatness in your life today.  Shape the pure potential that is the light of your soul, into the unlimited you that you long to experience.  You and I will stroll into a future of light that You can not imagine until we arrive there.

Influencers ©

It has been a good while since I have spoken to you. I let the messages go as you have been learning other lessons. Many of you have been full of fear and riveted to the news about the pandemic and all that it entails. You do not learn much while you are in the state of panic and stress.

It is time that you reflect upon what has happened. It will take awhile yet for everything to make sense. There is much that you do not know; yet it will all be revealed. As you have been taught, I give souls free will. It is the best way for them to learn and evolve. Unfortunately, I can not hold you back from making mistakes; like a parent would hold a toddler back from rushing into danger.

That toddler has not reached the age of reason and must be protected. Humanity has reached the age of reason long ago. If you are to grow and become, you must be allowed to make mistakes and also learn from the mistakes of others. Do not despair for those who have lost their lives. Indeed they live on with Me and it was their time to leave their lifetimes.

They are wiser for their time on Earth. I want you to be wiser for witnessing their struggles and lessons. What you learn from others can be almost as valuable as the personal lessons that you experience. At the same time, I want you to be somewhat removed from the problems that are going on everywhere. You must stay fixed upon the Light that I Am. That will show you the way forward perfectly, from moment to moment.

Do not jump into anything at times like these. Know that there is much happening behind the scenes that is not playing on the news. You are poorly informed by those who run things. Do not fall into the traps of disinformation that surround you. Everyone has an agenda. Everyone wants to influence you. It is time that you became the influencers.

As you stay close to My light and My loving grace, knowings will come. As you follow those knowings, you will see that things go well. You might be repelled by some idea that everyone else is following. When something repels you, know that I am often guiding you wordlessly. Your intention to stay close to Me and My wisdom will influence you positively. Connect to Me at times during your day. Reach for the richly filled light I give.

As I influence You, then you can influence others. Often, you do not have to say anything to anyone. The light that you will be emitting is going to carry a frequency of information, wisdom and goodness. Those who seek that will get the message often wordlessly. You and I can be the influencers that humanity needs now. For we are grace and love in action.

Mindfulness ©?✈️

I watch over you in ways that you do not know. Look carefully at the uncanny successes and fortuitous events in your life. There you will see My hand at work. I have a lot more affect upon your life than you realize. I can also make it difficult for you if I see a possibility that you can learn something important from that.

I am like the wise parent that sets limits for the child and at the right time hands you the keys to My car. It is time that you had a chance to explore My world. My world is everything. Yet there are parts of it that you can not see or know about yet. But the car is waiting in the driveway. It may even be a powerful jet airplane that you are going to be piloting.

It is time to look within and without to see Me. As you explore your world, try to do it through My eyes. Say to yourself, “God is seeing what I see today. Let me imagine what God thinks about the things I do, see and encounter.” As you imagine what I may think or know about things, you will find that in some way that happens. You are the Me that I have sent to be on the scene of this life of yours.

You are My secret agent uncovering the mysteries of Planet Earth. I know just what is going on in your vicinity because I am You. Consciously take Me with you on your daily adventures. Expect that as you are mindful of Me, I am mindful of you. For I am mindful of you, even when you have no notice of Me. I can explain things in a way that will give you knowings and understandings that you need.

This is the highest school that Earth or any planet could have. I will teach you things that are above and beyond the perception of others. I will show you the truths and the thoughts behind the truth. As we discover the mundane it will become the extraordinary. The most interesting information underlies ordinary events.

In this way you will begin to understand how the Universe works. That is not taught in the universities. It can only be understood through the interaction of your mind with mine. As You and I explore our world it becomes ever so much more beautiful and filled with endless possibilities.