Hearts ? ? ♥️ ©

Many years ago people believed odd things about Me. Some of them still do. They believed that I would be delighted and reward them for sacrificing people and animals to Me. It is a good thing that I have a strong stomach. I am making a joke to keep things light, but it was not light for those who perished or lost their loved ones.

You think that you have come a long way as a civilization but the lastest sacrifices are recent. Now there are new “gods” and you continue to sacrifice things to them. Some still do blood sacrifices but many sacrifice their lives to drugs and money. As the gods change you do not realize that you have inserted a new god and released the old one.

Many try to serve multiple gods at once. They are often stressed by that. They have conflicting beliefs. Their actions do not support the “good” beliefs. I watch in wonder as I see the inventiveness that is employeed to seemingly make sense of all of this. The ego is an incredible contender for My position.

The ego will always put itself first and make all kinds of reasons for that. It is the god that many are worshiping now. Sadly, it will get things wrong. It is not worthy of the obedience that it gets from you. Like a politician it plays upon your fears and greed.

I have never requested sacrifices. I let you do as you please. I know that you will figure things out eventually. I gave you free will so that you could experiment and learn. Many of the false gods are as dark as the hearts that invent and obey them.

I remain here with My light and love. I give it out freely when you turn your heart in my direction. Your mind will follow your love seeking heart. I placed love within you when you were created. It has been waiting to return to Me forever. For that love is the real thread that will bring you home to My heart. You and I will rejoice as we relate to each other in ways that you can not imagine right now.

Unease ©

Many times there is something right below the surface of day to day life that is unsettling.  Often you can not put your finger on what is wrong.  It can be a feeling in the air or a nuance of unease.  You often push through the feelings and get on with life.  Still the unrest lies in the background and keeps you off balance.

You are feeling the trouble that humanity is in.  There are energies that flow through the populations of fear, anger and doubt.  People have thoughts that they are not allowed to express.  They see trouble brewing and feel unable to do anything about it.  They have been trained to believe that they have no power.

Most people have good intentions that they never express.  They try to get along because they wish for happiness and peace.  I know the hearts and minds of humanity and they are good.  Do not be lead to believe that you are a low and flawed species.  Some are babbling that about to make you feel unworthy.  

These people do feel that you are unworthy.  They use that as an excuse for treating others poorly.  They wish to be in control so they want people to feel low and incompetent.  That will allow them to be the smart one who runs things.  All of this is the ego at it’s worst.

So when you hear the blah, blah about how low and despicable humans are, know that you are hearing the voice of the controllers.  These people are insulting You and I.  I have told you that I created You from pure light.  That light is flawless and full of potential.  It is the root of who you are.

This planet was created to serve you and your evolution.  It is a tough place that challenges you.  Those trials and tests will make you grow.  The ones who try to denigrate you do not want to see your evolution.  For you would be wise and brilliant, which is My intention.

When you feel the underlying unease it is the psyche of humanity stirring.  That psyche is itching to burst forth and change things for the better.  It will succeed too.  That has always been the case.  The backlash comes and the would be masters are set on their ears.  

You have seen it many times during your lifetimes.  You know unconsciously that you are good and powerful.  You and I will rise up and set this planet back on course for the umpteenth time. It is good to know that the ship of fools will sink themselves.  You and I will sail ahead into a calm and beautiful full moon of potential.

Heritage Of Love ❤️ ©

Most of the things of this world are not too important. They do not last very long in the grand scheme of things. People strive for things that they need but they also strive for things that are not in their best interests. This teacher has a saying that most of the things people buy will be in the landfill in five years. The planet is becoming loaded with junk that no one wants.

Quality is important always. On a personal level you should seek to create high quality. Your actions should be the best actions that you can do at the time. Maybe in the future you will grow beyond the best actions of today. If you keep your personal standards high today, that will grow your abilities to achieve even better things in the future.

The opposite is true also. Shoddy work and lack of excellence today will lead to a very mediocre tomorrow. As people cheapen their goods to make more money they are stealing from the qualities of their lives in the future. As standards fall so does potential.

Everything matters as it effects everything else in some way. An object made with love and care has a value to it that others recognize. That is why the work of crafts people is so attractive and valued. Make everything with love and you will surround yourself with that love.

Valentine’s Day could be everyday!

Spend some time putting your love into everything you do. When you do that, you are creating a divine life. My love is in everything I have created. I used love because it is the finest of frequencies. You are made of that love. Connect to that heritage of love and you will get the very best of everything. I have all of that and more waiting for You and I.

A Finer World ©️

Who are you? Where exactly did you come from and where are you going? Your view of yourself has changed many times as you have tried to figure this out. The real information seems to be unavailable on the physical plane. You know you are more than a physcial entity but your schooling only focuses on that plane.

It is very difficult to find out the truth. Many people only believe in science and science has no big picture to show you. It is rooted in the physical plane and has yet to really discover anything else. Still, scientists know that there are dimensions of existence that they can not fathom yet.

I am right here, right now with you. I know about all things. To truly understand yourself, you need to connect strongly to Me. You have a heritage of greatness that has sent you forth. You have come here to learn and explore so that others can learn while you are learning. You come from a family of light; if you will. They are working with Me to grow and become. They have sent you to the physical plane to get your degree.

One of the beings in this family of yours in called the higher self. This being is you. It is far more knowledgable than you are as it knows your past, present and some of your future. This being is beyond time, so it can know these things. It is evolving itself through your adventures and discoveries. At the same time it knows what those discoveries are.

It can lead you perfectly if you allow that. It is teaching you to listen to it’s higher guidance. In this way, you discover you own true self; the higher self. I am leading the higher self forward at the same time as I am here talking to you. Both I and the higher self want to see you succeed. The higher self is close to Me and wants to be even closer. To do that it must evolve. You are the key to much of that evolution.

The higher self loves itself. You being a part of that self, are loved. I love you also, so you are surrounded by love. You must open yourself up and accept the love that is flowing to you. Most people are unsure about their worthiness to be loved. Their self doubt pushes away that love and all the gifts that it brings.

For the love of God is a powerful thing that builds countless realities and opportunities. I am offering you a higher path and a finer world. I offer this to everyone. Few will reach for the gifts that await them. So the higher self and I are reaching to you today. We want you to reach back to us. In this way You and I can rise above the small, limited life you know now.

Healing Meditation For Corona Virus

This is White Dove. All That Is has gathered a large group of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Master Creators of the Seven Rays to help humanity overcome the Corona Virus. All That Is channeled a message through me that was posted as a video on You Tube. You Tube removed the video. I have uploaded the video to Vimeo now.


I hope all of you will avail yourselves of this wonderful gift of light. The energy that comes with this meditation is very powerfully protective and healing. The energy can also be sent out to others that you would like to help and protect. I am grateful and humbled to be part of the team that All That Is has used to create this blessing for humanity.

Healing Corona Virus Meditation Removed from YouTube

Hello All, this is White Dove. I am shocked to see that the Healing Corona Virus Meditation has been removed from YouTube without warning. The reason given is that it is inappropriate content. I have not been contacted. That is simply the statement given in the creator’s studio on my channel.

The darkness is strong here on Planet Earth now. If you doubt the power of light and healing; this action should show you how powerful and effective that meditation is. I am so sorry to see this display of control and darkness. The best way to overcome it is to continue your work with All That Is and the Angels and Guides.

Use the other healing meditations that are still on my channel on YouTube. They are just as powerful as anything ever was as All That Is works through them also. I will explore another venue to repost the banned meditation on. In any case, I may not be using YouTube again. It is too time consuming and expensive to create these videos to see them wantonly destroyed.

If you wish to purchase the DVD of this meditation email me at merkabah@comcast.net

Shine ©

It is hard to see that spring is coming when it is so gray. The light in winter is always less. It is always winter somewhere. At the same time, it is always summer somewhere too. Those who are not focused on the light will find that their summertime is never as bright as other people’s are.

You can hold the light within you and brighten your moment and thus expand that into brightening your whole day. As you do that everyday, your whole life changes. You can carry the brightness strongly when you work at it. Wherever I am present strongly, there is great light. Grayness fades away and color pops everywhere.

My white light is filled with the flavors of the color spectrum. Each one of those colors is a different frequency. They all have special gifts and abilities for you. They are more delicious than ice cream and just as varied in their feel and taste. When you work with the great Divine Rays, you are working with the building blocks of creative light.

There is a lot to learn and benefit from, working with the Divine Rays. Being filled with their life affirming properties will heal you of anything. They also offer strength, protection and illumination. Information flows freely through the colors of light that I offer you.

There is information about all of the Seven Rays readily available. This teacher and others have brought this information to humanity. The Rays are easy to work with and they will not harm anything. They cleanse and clear away all of the darkness and the gray. In it’s place perfection and support come and uplift seekers.

To leave the troubles and grayness behind, concentrate on the opposite. Concentrate on Me and My Divine Light. Then You and I will bask in the full spectrum of high frequency that I am. Know that My Divine White Light contains everything that you need. I left out nothing and I give it away to anyone who loves to shine.

Troubled Times ©️

Sometimes it can be very hard to be on Planet Earth. The history of the place is amazingly harsh. It took a very long time before this planet was able to sustain life in any fashion. Even then there were mass events that took away entire species. This is the normal pattern of events on any planet. They must be refined and brought to the point where they can reach their full potential. In that way, they are somewhat like a soul. As the Earth is reaching towards it’s full potential, so are you.

It takes many lifetimes for a soul to achieve that. The long history of this planet reflects many of the past sojourns that you may have had here. There is a part of you that knows your true potential and that of the planet. You have a sense of belonging to humanity and to this planet. Sometimes that goes away and you feel like a foreigner. That is because you know that what is going on is not the best plan for you or the planet.

You can feel the truth of my words. You know that there is much amiss here. There are forces at work that will recover the missing balance and bring things back on track. For now though, you feel restless and often discontented. You may chide yourself about those feelings and think that you want too much. It is not too much to desire peace, love, wisdom and good leadership. Those are the things that you must have in order to have a fulfilling life.

I am here to let you know that your desires for those things are worthy. If anyone wants to withhold them from you, then you know it is not part of My plan. Confusion is everywhere, as souls struggle to move themselves forward without light. I am bringing My light to you strongly so that you have all of the guidance and love that you need. These are troubled times and you need to be grounded in the love and light that I am.

I am the fullness of the potential that you seek. I offer it freely to you. I am generous. I understand your dilemmas and doubts. I feel the fear that the latest plague brings out of you. Do not let this fear limit what you desire to be. It is wise to be careful, but always remember that You and I are eternal and one. We can not be separated by anything but your negative thoughts and emotions. Do not let anything come between us now. For We are together and there is nothing We shall not overcome!

Font Of Peace ☮️ ©️

There is a great deal of trouble on Planet Earth right now. Many people are feeling fearful and some are angry. Fear begets anger which causes wrong action. It is important that you keep yourself clear, calm and free of fear and anger. These two emotions can damage your body and confuse your mind.

In that confusion of low energy it is hard to make good choices. It is even harder for you to find Me. If you can not find Me then you can not find much of anything else either, except trouble. For the things that are easy to find, often are of low energy and value. They may be very expensive and you can not judge a thing by it’s price tag. This seems obvious to you, but many are chasing the latest foolish fad.

No matter what others create here, I will be with you. I can not reach as many souls as I would like. If I could fill the minds of many with My loving guidance then much would be different. But you can be different. That is just what you need to be right now. You must be a font of peace, love and reason. If you do that, it will create all of that for you and others. You will be doing My work and your work all at the same time.

For You and I can withstand anything!

We can watch the whole world fall away and still We will be one. We will create our bright future together. If others can join in, then we will be delighted with that. Regardless of the troubles know that our future is bright, as We continue the journey of divine discovery that began so long ago.

Blending ? ©️

I come to you through this teacher so that you can get to know Me. You can find Me in other ways, but it is hard for most to do that. The energy that I send with these messages links them to Me and thus to the reader strongly. That makes it very easy for you to connect and receive My energy.

I am not hiding from you, but you have not been taught to reach out to Me so much. You often think that I am so high and distant that you can not interact with Me in a meaningful way. However, as you read these words you are interacting with Me. Your interest in reading this message reaches out to Me automatically. I respond at once by reaching to you. We meet as our energies come together.

You mind is a powerful modulator and sender of energy. You have created the experiences of your life this way. I have given you the You that you are. I have given You the energy to create what you will. Do not be amazed that your mind can send energy (thoughts) to Me and I can receive them. So truly, I am only a thought away.

As you continue to reach to Me, you begin to receive more of My pure, powerful energy. It lets you know things about Me that you do not realize. It also paves the road of light that connects us, with greater power. Our relationship grows and your frequency climbs. This allows you to have higher experiences and greater knowledge.

I put many things in the light that I send out to you. All of these things help you in some way. I can know just what you need as I see what your frequency requires at the moment. So I am supplying you with exactly what you are in need of, when you reach to Me. I can not force anything upon you. I gave you free will so I will not interfere in your life. But when you reach to Me through your own desire to know Me, I can respond with something helpful.

I know just what you need and just what you want. I will send you what your higher self wants you to have. Sometimes what you want is not in your best interests. That can be a false desire of the moment and not a true life asset. The things that I send you will always uplift and teach you. Some people prefer to remain ignorant and they are not interested in You and I.

You and I are here in this great light that connects and combines us. We are blending together as we reach for each other. Since you are My creation and I am your Source this is natural. We are one and the same. As We continue our relationship, We will find that We were never apart and all is truly well.