Discovery ?©️

I have every attribute that you need. I am the author of this reality and many others. So everything that you have and aspire to, was created by Me. There is nothing you can think of that I do not know. Still, you are not a robot and you are an important part of Me. As you grow and experience things you add to the library of knowledge and thus possibilities.

This is hard for you to grasp as you say to yourself; if all is known and thought of already, what can I add? What you add is the proof that I Am and thus you are. In this way we build upon what was and is and move toward what will be. We are working as a team of discoverers who are mapping our realities. Some places we know are dangerous and some are delightful. Move toward delightful and you move closer to Me.

Sometimes the dangerous things are disguised as delightful. When you get a whiff of danger, your ego may lie to you and say that everything is fine. Other times it may alarm you falsely when everything is just fine. This is to teach you to trust Me and to refine the ego. It is important in these times that you follow the best knowledge, plans and energy. I always have that.

There never was an ego that could compare to Me. Most people refuse to change and choose the ego everytime. This makes for an interesting life. Sometimes it gets so interesting, that people lose control of themselves or the situation. Big trouble arrives and lessons are learned. Even though souls make poor choices, their ego will see them as the victim not the perpetrator. That keeps the soul from learning.

When you reach for My light, things become clear. You can find yourself and Me in that light. It clears away the confusion and limitation. This gives you another chance. It is a chance you have to take to grow. You can try to stay immobilized by your ego’s drama and doubt. Sooner or later something else is going to push you back toward Me and My wisdom.

As we meet once again in the light of wisdom, the ego melts away and I reappear. I hope to find you in My light. Stay there with me and You and I will discover something marvelous; that is just what We were looking for all the time.

Darkness ©️

There has been a lot of talk about Me over time. You have been given many silly notions about what I say and what I do. Many tout Me as a vengeful and angry God. They say that I will throw misbehavers into an eternity of unimaginable suffering. They say these things in order to control people out of fear. For if you believe they are God, if you fear this God, then they can make you do things that they desire.

I never act in those ways. I allow the energy behind all things to act. I have placed an energy of renewal and light behind all of creation. That energy of renewal will bring all things to light in the end. Coming to the light means that everyone must shed their dark and restraining energy. That act of shedding the dark and low energy is painful. That is what people call karma. For it strips away all of the low energy and it does it relentlessly.

It will bring to souls exactly what they have created. As they suffer the results of their own dark energy then they are brought back into the higher energies. Yes, that process can be painful. But if one creates with light and goodness, then that energy grows a soul into the higher light that they were creating from. It is easy to see that the low dark actions must be borne by those who work with that activity.

As the weight of that activity sinks the user, suffering occurs. The implosions of the low energies cause one to struggle. The struggle to release the suffering and regain balance will bring light back into the soul. It may occur just a little bit at a time, but it will occur. For the soul always finds that it can not continue as a purveyor of darkness.

So as time and experience unfolds, even the most powerful darkness is too heavy to bear. Those who carry it suffer greatly and must release it. That is the way of all realities. They all must return to the light that I am and thus to Me. For to be without Me is the most painful thing that there is. It can be called many things. It can be seen as hatred, violence, fear and anger. But it is always the absence of Me that manifests those things.

You and I know that We are above all of that. We are beyond believing in the ego that deals in those limiting energies. You and I have found the love and peace and intelligence that My light is.

Judgement ©️

Nothing that I do is ever done in vain. I know the way forward and don’t make mistakes. I can see what will work beforehand. I apply just the right amount of energy to accomplish a task. I never have to reconsider My plans.

In this way, I make the most of every thought and effort. I don’t doubt My ability to reach a goal. I only act when the time is right. I come to the correct conclusion every time. That is why I know that you are perfect. For I created you in this way. There is no possibility of any other outcome.

You may find all of this hard to believe. That is because you have self doubt and may have a poor view of yourself. You see things as flaws that I see as perfection. I know that you are learning to find beauty where you saw something ugly in the past. I have gone beyond judging things that are just fine the way that they are.

A rough hillside beside a smooth lake creates a beautiful reflection in the water. Is smooth more beautiful than rough? Or is rough more interesting? This comparison is pointless as both add interest to the landscape. It takes different things to create beauty and balance.

Look within yourself and you will find just such a place. Your rough patches accentuate the beauty of your smoothness. Both of them are within you in some way. Both of them reflect aspects of you outward. I like all of you. I can not choose one without the other so I love you the way that you are.

As you learn to accept all of you, you accept others too. There is a place of loving that is born from acceptance. As you leave judgement behind, loving becomes so easy. Then you are free to be You and I am free to be Me. That is when limitless potential arrives and nothing you do is ever done in vain.

Prayers ©️

I rejoice when you come to Me. I do not mind if you ask for something. Of course I can accomplish anything. I am listening closely to your requests. Some things I will help with. Others may not be appropriate for Me to grant. I must always do what is best for you and those you pray for.

Many times people will earnestly beg for the healing of someone who is worn and who’s life is over. I must turn a deaf ear to such prayers because I know that soul needs to come home to Me. Sometimes people will ask for things or opportunities that are not really what they need or truly want. I let those requests go, hoping the soul will realize their true purpose. Many times unanswered prayers have been responsible for helping someone find their best direction.

I know much about You. I will give you knowings that your higher self wishes you to follow. Sometimes those directions seem hard or impossible. If you persist on following that guidance, it can open your life up to unimaginably fine results. I have the bigger picture of You and I share it with your higher self. Both of us are working for You.

While your prayers and requests are carefully considered, I take into account that bigger picture of You. I also see the bigger picture of other souls who may be involved. I can not push others aside to benefit someone else. If you ever applied for a job and didn’t get it, it was not yours to do. It either belonged to someone else or it was not the best thing for you and your journey.

I find that I can do the best thing for everyone. Although many souls might disagree with My view. Then souls complain that their prayer was not answered. Know that prayers are answered but the answer is not what the ego demands. That ego may need some adversity to shape it into a higher being.

As you get close to Me, you will find that I have been answering your prayers and your needs for lifetimes. My higher light will show you the reasons for the past. Sometimes I saved you from something you never knew was threatening.

I have much to show you and teach you. As we work together, your understanding of our plans will be clearer. Our powerful loving light will be the answer to the prayers of not only yourself, but for many others that We will bless.

Ultimate Gift Card ?©️

Have you ever given a gift that was not appreciated?  Have you ever been given a gift that you did not want?  Have you ever received something that you did not care for, only to find that it was wonderful after all? Some people are thoughtless givers who choose anything they find just to fulfill the need for a gift.  Now there are many gift cards that let the recipients decide what choice to make.

It is the thought and emotion behind the giving that makes a gift great.  Gifts that come with strings attached are always low in value even if they were expensive to buy.  Something made by hand with love is priceless indeed.  It is worth far more than the gift of thoughtless expedience.  

I have given you many gifts.  Some of them you know about  and appreciate.  Some you take for granted and some things must be earned.  I have many gifts awaiting you.  They lie in the future where you will be ready to use them.  There are gifts that await you that you could not understand yet.  

That is the beauty of our relationship.  It will always move you forward to more expansive and rewarding realities.

The greatest gifts that I have for you are the ones you earn by discovery.  You have experienced some of this already.   I could give you many things but they would not mean as much as the gifts that you create and share with others.  

Giving is a precious delight.  It rewards you sometimes more than the recipient.  I am delighted every time that I can give you something that takes you farther on your path and hence closer to Me.

I have the ultimate gift card.  It is unlimited in value and potential.  It lets you figure out what you should select.  It will bring You to Me and that is the ultimate gift for both of us.  Come to Me and I will share all of My gifts with You.

Happiness ©️

Have you ever found perfect happiness? Did it last for long? Was it conditional in that it was dependent on another person, event or activity? Was it so fleeting that you have forgotten what happiness is like? Your days go by and you settle for the routines of daily life.

You think that happiness will have to wait. It can wait until you reach your goals of blah, blah, blah. Then you will experience happiness once again. You sometimes go to parties and try to find happiness in the eyes and approval of others. It can make you “happy” to fit in with others. Most are not happy either although they may fool you and them into believing that they are.

You can establish relationships and subtly expect the others to make you happy. They are going to do the same thing. The demands can be unspoken but they cause strain and separation. You can spend years trying to make others happy to no avail.

You can spend money and buy all kinds of goods and experiences. Still, the happiness is fleeting unless you have a plan to use those things to enrich the lives of everyone. That teaches you that happiness is a decision. It is time that you decided to be happy.

In the midst of a search for meaning you will see that happiness is what you decide that it is. Bring love into yourself and give it away to others. Do it without any strings attached. You will find that when love grows; happiness appears.

I am happy every moment of My experience because I love You!

I know that You and I will find all kinds of rewarding, happy feelings and events as We lovingly create our future together.

Love & Grace ©️?

I am above all time and all trouble. I am free of all care and concern. It is important that I share my views with you so that you can see where you are going. When you feel troubled or stressed by your life, then you need my trouble free perspective. As I create this vast Universe I know that it is good and all is well.

Reach out to My loving regard. For I am with you. I did not send you away from Me and forget about you. Instead, I keep you in My mind and heart. In this way, I know what is happening with you. I am somewhat like a parent who has their eye on their child even as they go about the daily chores. You are much more than a child of course. But sometimes you forget that and long for Me.

You know in some part of your psyche that I am with you.

Even those who don’t believe in God find themselves wondering about Me sometimes. If you wander too far away from My light, I send you an experience that will get your attention. Of course many ignore that if they can. But they will find that another experience comes. It will be bigger and more attention getting. Sometimes they are wake up calls.

I know that I can regain your attention just when the time is right. Some souls require many hard knocks before they turn their attention back to Me. But always they will have to come face to face with Me. It is then that the lessons become clear and strong. I love the moment that they finally “get it” and realize that I am real.

I have great patience. Even the biggest egos will fall away eventually. That is when the hello comes. Instead of dread and remorse those souls will find love and acceptance. What was all of the drama about? It is so nice to finally return to love and truth.

Do not despair for those who wander into great trouble. My creation is failsafe in the end. There is only one real path. It always leads back to Me. You and I will rejoice as we watch the others return home to our love and grace.

Trauma ©️

The world is full of trauma. There are trauma centers everywhere there are large populations. It is as if trauma is becoming a way of life. Still, in the past there were many traumatic events and no real help available. It is as if there are solutions just when the need is greatest.

As you create problems you will find solutions. One begets the other and humanity learns how to cope. I want you to learn how to overcome the troubles. I would dearly love to see the amount of trauma go way down. It is a slow process but I know that this will come.

You are learning how to master the physical world. That is so that you can move on to higher worlds and succeed there. Everything that you learn and apply in your physical life will benefit you in the next life. Someday you will leave Earth and move away from trauma. You will appreciate the finer experiences that will come your way.

You will have a greater view of the non physical worlds because of the trauma that you experienced on Earth. You will know that you have escaped the pain and fears of the past. The greater love and the higher light will be more precious to you than it would be without the Earthly lessons. You will know that beauty, peace and virtue are not to be taken lightly.

You will be a fine citizen of the heavens because you were here today. You will fit right into the next teachings and realities. So do not scorn the Earthly experiences. Treasure each lesson and challenge for the stepping stone that it is. They are shaping your soul into the greater being that you are becoming.

The next time you see a trauma center appreciate it and appreciate what you are learning here. For You and I will explore many realities that will take you far from here. One day you will look back on this place and time. You will be thankful for the foundational lessons that took you higher and farther and more fully into the magnificent love and light that you will have become.

Beautiful Dancer ©️

There comes a time when everything changes.  That has happened numerous times on Earth.  The reality that your Grandparents knew is far from the life that you lead.  Nothing is the same but there are similarities.  They had troubles that they overcame.  That built the platform that you stand on today.  Their suffering and troubles were not in vain.

Your trials will not be in vain either.  Though they are different ones than the world has seen before, they are moving all life forward in some way.  You work through these challenges daily but you can not see where you are going.  You wonder why the world is going crazy.  You know that people must learn to get along.

I have taught you many things already.  Life will be your greatest teacher; sadly.  It is the reason for the physical experience.  When you live a thing, then you learn it or leave the lesson.  Some will leave and then start again some other place and time.  Realities are like that.  They are created by the players that join the dance.

I want you to be a world class dancer.  I will show you the finest steps to take.  I will spin you into breathtaking moves that will delight you.  I will also push you beyond the limits that you believe in.  I will take you to the point that you must reach out and hold onto Me to keep you going.  That is when We become true partners in the dance of creation.  Then You and I will find ourselves moving forward as one beautiful dancer.

Love, Knowledge & Gratitude ©️

You have been very fortunate in ways that you do not realize. I know it is hard to see this sometimes when everything is challenging you. Humanity is very fortunate to be humans. You have many opportunities that other species do not.

For you are the owner of a very large brain. Connected to that is a very intelligent and loving heart. Your physical, mental and emotional bodies are second to none. You fill a nitch within the natural world that was created perfectly for you.

If that were not enough, your soul has endless potential as it evolves into a bright eternity with Me. I have made sure that you are going to be everything that I intend. Each one of you is the “Golden Child” of My heart. Every soul is going to win the jackpot someday.

It has to be that way because I do not limit You or Myself. Together we create that endless potential that I speak of often. I want you to know that the present challenges are the way that potential is honed. In your own way you are becoming the finest creation that you already are. As I speak these circular ideas, I show you who you are.

Today we give Thanks. That is a powerful act as it honors You and I and everyone. We are grateful for everything. Wait a minute, you say. You are not giving thanks for your trials and troubles! Think again. Those trials and troubles are making you grow and change. You will change for the better even if you fight it.

Reflect today on who you are and who you were. Count your losses as blessings and give thanks for them. Even the loved ones who have gone, gave you a great deal. All of the nasty people have taught you great lessons that you need.

Still, You and I remain. That will always be the one true situation. We will be grateful for each other and for all of the others. We are on the journey of love and knowledge. Love and knowledge will lead the way into the future of bright potential. Let’s go. I am ready for the feast!