The Higher Self ©️

I want you to begin to think of yourself in a more expansive way.   You have been taught to believe that you are pretty limited.  You have also been taught that unless you have the right education, you will not be successful or wise.  Those ideas of success are not the ones that will truly guide you.

You can not find much wisdom in the educational system.  Wisdom comes from living consciously.  Those who are unconscious learn little of wisdom, even as they go through many events.  As you tune into who you are, you will find many good things.  I have made you with the finest light.  You are an undiscovered gem of great talent and potential.

You have everything that you need for your success.  What you have not developed will evolve as you grow.  I put everything within you and forgot nothing.  You are part of Me.  You can not experience that so much right now.  If you have faith in Us, then you are on your way to finding You and I.  We are both waiting for the discovery that lies ahead.

There is a portion of you that beckons to you from the future.  It draws you onward to greater achievement.  That portion of you that resides in the future knows that you succeed.  It would not be the great being that it is otherwise.

That future self will draw you toward it.  It will give you guidance and ideas.  It is the Higher Self who has discovered Me.  We are both sending you the power to move farther, faster.  We are sending you the light and grace that you are open to receiving.  The more that you reach to us, the more of that light and grace you will pull in to the present.

 Throw your heart and mind out to that future self.  It will answer you with love and wisdom.

So You and I are together in the future.  

We can reach back to you in the present and invite you to begin the fast track to us.  We know that you can feel us.  We know that you are ready for us.  We know that you want this new way of being.

 The time is now and We are here!

Sailing ©

Humanity is stuck in the doldrums. They are like a sailing ship that has lost the wind in it’s sails. They are unable to follow their set course. They drift around looking for the energy that will move them along. Just like a sailing ship, they often find themselves being pushed into a direction that does not serve them.

People can find themselves in strange places, doing things that they never intended. When they set out to explore their world there seemed to be endless potential. Somehow that potential slipped away and they are left with something much less. They hope that the tide will change or the wind will pickup and send them flying into something new and better.

One great thing about being God is that I have all of the energy. I have told you that I will share it with you. It lies in front of you, waiting for you to pick it up and use it for something good. You must reach out and take the energy and bring it to yourself. Concentrate on Me and breathe in My light and strength. The light is filled with love and you will feel My deep support. Breathe the energy right into your heart. Let it fill your mind and flow out into your entire body. It is a simple thing to do.

As you fill yourself with My light, you will find your strength growing. Ideas and knowings will come with the intelligent energy I give you. I know exactly what you need and what you need to know. My guidance is clear and easily followed. It will expand as you follow it. More knowledge is given as you work with Me. There will be options and choices, as I am not a dictator. I know that you will learn from every action you take. I will show you the optimal action every time.

As You and I work together, your potential returns. It expands and fills your horizons with countless possibilities. The wind returns to your sails and the light of My sun shows you which way to go. We are now on the best possible course to your brilliant future.

Our Power ©

Know that My power is relentless. That word could have been created to describe Me. I never stop My work. My power is beyond anything you can imagine. It is guided by brilliance and love. I never cease the creation of all things. Power lies behind the entire Universe. It is the power of all that is.

I like to share My power with those who are ready for it. I share it constantly with My Angels. They are more powerful than you know. You will learn more about them as you do My work. Doing My work will always bring power to you. I do not expect you to struggle on your own.

I like it when you ask Me for power. I know that My power is positive and you will do fine things with it. I like to see you spread it far and wide to create positive change. You may not be able to imagine doing that right now. As you gain more knowledge and energy from our relationship, these things will occur naturally.

For as you get closer to Me, you become more like Me. You will be able to do much greater things than you can do now. Still, you are ready to begin to change your life for the better. Your life may already be going well, but My light will show you how to improve it. Together We shall build You and your life into something finer.

It is the power of God that will do this. It will be easier than you think. It will also fill you with satisfaction and self worth. You will see that your new way of creating fulfills you. It also shows you a greater goal and a grander plan. My power will become yours as you create the grander plan. I do not worry about you abusing the power. Many do that already. The power of God will guide you to right action.

Begin to consider Me and My power. Begin to accept that I am offering you some of it. Open to the partnership that is waiting for us. Do not fear Me and do not fear the power. For You and I are guided by love.

Core Values ©

Everything on Earth seems to be changing constantly. Earth is reflecting the changes and upheaval within humanity. You never get a chance to adjust to the new circumstances before changes come again. This teaches you to be flexible.

At the same time, it is necessary that your core values are stable and strong. That will help you deal with the unsettled energies that surround you. As others act out from fear and anger, you will be able to remain strong and focused on higher behavior. It is easy to be lead into making mistakes if you forget your core values.

You know what is right and wrong. Others may try to convince you that you are old fashioned and stupid. There is nothing stupid about honesty and integrity. You will do much better when you hold onto those values. No matter what goes on, you can feel good about who you are and what you have done. That will bring you the good karma that will create a fine future for yourself.

Do not hesitate to speak out for the higher values and virtues. Without them a person becomes vulnerable to those who would exploit them. Morality protects those who practice it. It is the easiest way to deal with the wiles and schemes of the mislead.

You are not mislead; as you are looking for Me. I knew that you would be, so here I am. I have waited for this time so that We could reunite. We have always been together of course, but your focus was elsewhere. Know that I Am what is real. It is the dark confusion that is the illusion.

There is nothing but love and light where You and I reign.

Loveliness ©

Today is a wonderful day. It is wonderful for Me and it can be wonderful for you too. It does not matter what others experience. In their own way they have created that experience. People get riled up when they are told this. They say that they would never create or choose the situation that they are experiencing. Yet they have indeed chosen it with their thoughts or actions.

I am a great creator. You are learning to grow into My light and ability. You may not have thought about this but it is your purpose. You may not care to be like Me. But if you grow towards developing higher light and abilities that is what you are moving toward. You will never be a replica of Me. We are always going to be something else. You are a portion of what I am, as I am all things. As you grow, so do I.

It is lovely being Me. It should be lovely being you. To find loveliness you need to concentrate on what defines that. Is it something that you see, feel or know? What loveliness would you create for yourself or others? To create something lovely requires a very fine light and intention. You can have all of that that you need. I offer it to you freely and lovingly.

It is up to you to pick and choose among all that is out there. Pick those things that create loveliness. As you have gathered, love is involved with creating loveliness. Everything that you concentrate on must have the energy of love within it. If it does not, then you are not going to experience loveliness. As you concentrate on things, you are drawing them into your experience. If you concentrate on love then you actually draw it into yourself. Your body, mind and spirit will draw that energy into it automatically.

This happens with things that are not lovely also. You absorb whatever you are interacting with. If someone calls your attention to the low and ugly events and activities of life, they are immersing both of you in low, dark energy. They are slinging mud and worse upon you. You would not allow that to happen if the mud was physical. Know that the mud can be non-physical too.

Creating loveliness instead of lovelessness is your goal. Everything is finer when it has the love energy within it. Love can be consciously placed within everything. That is what I do. That is how you came to be.

Now You and I must create the next lovely thing that We want.

I know that We can do this and it will be lovely!

Good Leaders ©

Humanity is always learning something new. I vary the lessons to keep them growing. Even though people come and go, you return for another lesson. For that is what lifetimes are. You must begin to see things from a greater view. I have countless lessons that souls must learn.

Some people think that they know everything. You know the type. They are the ones who like to run things; even if on a small scale. You can be sure that people who “know best,” are the ones who have the most to learn. They are the ones who oftentimes run things; as they push themselves forward into positions of “leadership.” These kinds of leaders are learning as they go and are often mistaken.

It takes a long time and many trials for souls to develope wisdom. For the most part, the leadership on Earth has very little of that. What they do have is a gang of power brokers whom they must heed. These powerful gangs are running countries lead by those who are brash and egotistical. This is a sure formula for trouble. Thus the lessons are often harsh.

As you can see, this is a great place for very severe lessons and learning the hard way. I do not desire that people learn the hard way. Moderation and wisdom can teach people perfectly. If you have good leadership, you will learn goodness from that. If you have bad leadership, you can learn goodness from that, the hard way. As I have taught you; goodness knows. Goodness should be your guide.

Support the goodness in each other and in yourself. Reach for your own goodness constantly. You will change for the better and it will rub off on other people. Be the good example that you wish your leaders were. You will be setting the stage for positive change. As I have said, change is coming. I want you to be the positive leader of the future.

Your domain may be tiny. Still, it is there and you are the one in charge of it. Together You and I can grow goodness and wisdom there. Your personal kingdom on Earth will be loving and wise. Let the others do as they will. You and I will do as we desire. Our domain will be run by the finest leadership.

Change ©

It is doubtful that humanity will follow My guidance. They are in a period of great change. They are concentrating on the technology and vices that lure them into forgetting who they are. Most of them would like to leave behind the natural world and concentrate on the artificial. After all, it is seemingly easier to control and manipulate an artificial creation.

There is a structure that underlies all things. I created that and it is immutable. Artificial creations ape My creations but they have no real substance. They arise from the structure that I have created but they are not organically sound. Like all temporary creations they lack the energy and the brilliance that would make them lasting. They do not have the resilience and intelligence that life force brings.

I am the one who enlivens all things. People can manipulate life and even play around with genetics, but I am the one who is the creator of life. Anything that does not carry My life force is artificial and will soon fade. Even the living organisms change, grow, reproduce and age. It is the life force that I give that determines that.

So humanity is changing now as they play with some of the building blocks in the play pen of Earth. They fancy that they are perhaps little gods or scientists. They feel that they can learn how to be Me. They are not sure I am real. It is fun to pretend that one can figure out everything and become the god of a place.

As humanity explores things they will find that there is a certain something that is not quite obtainable. That something is the miracle of life that I bring. They have been looking hard for the formula but it will always elude them. Of course they are looking for Me. They don’t want to face that. My secrets are not available to just anyone.

You have found Me now and the light and life force that I am is becoming more apparent to you. You can feel Me. You can understand more about reality than ever before as I enlighten your mind. You are changing now. You are on the fast track with Me. The others are changing too but they are getting in their own way.

You will leave them behind as you find that the answers lie within your own soul. Where else would they be? For that is where I am.

Unveiling ©

It has been a long time since I have talked to you like this. In the ancient days it was not so unusual. Then the troubles came and humanity fell greatly in frequency. They could not hear Me and were not interested in Me so much. My place was filled by the teachings of strong men. They taught a version of God that enforced their power and standing.

All of that is falling away as there are many souls here now. Some of them are ready to consider Me and they have the interest and frequency to do that. Of course I have never left here and I have been impulsing you to search for Me. I have always done that for those who had the ability and interest to seek Me. There has been a thread of knowledge and love for those sincere seekers.

Many people were sidetracked from knowing Me by those who taught that I was unattainable. That still goes on today. There are many staunch religionists who will never believe the teachings I have brought in here for you. They are well meaning but they are still believing the teachings of those who came to control you.

I am beyond control. So are You; if you develop your potential. I carefully created everything this way. I want You to be the wild card that trumps the hands and thus the plans of those who would control people. There is a freedom of the mind that comes with My messages. That freedom will lead to freedom in thought and thus action.

With My light you will see everything in a more unlimited way.

I have just the knowings that you need. Those knowings will unveil everything that you need to see. The emperors may indeed be naked. It will not be a pretty sight at times. Especially when you find that your own mask is slipping. The Divine Light exposes the beautiful and the ugly.

Be brave, be strong, be smart. Most of all; be with Me. I am loving, wise and generous. I am here for You. I am revealing Myself without fear. I will show You everything you are ready to see. You and I will look clearly on the truth of all things.

Mastering Energy ©

Humanity is looking for Me. Most of them don’t know it. Everything that souls do is an exploration of some sort. Even the bad things that they do are part of some kind of search for meaning. I am at the root of that but it is hidden in the daily routine of life.

For the most part, no one starts their life exploration looking to commit atrocities. They are lead from one thing to another. If they do not hold themselves to a certain standard of behavior, then anything can happen. As I have told you; one thing follows another. There is a flow of energy that people find themselves riding. You must become the master of your life, or you will find yourself somewhere you never intended to be.

This diversion into low and dangerous behavior can happen to groups, nations and entire planets. That is one of the reasons why I created the planetary systems. In that way I can keep things somewhat confined to limit the spread of negative energies and behaviors. My Angels can concentrate on those who need the most help.

Mastering energy is part of your growth. It is done with the mind. When the mind harnesses and shapes energy then things happen. I allow you to do that. It is the same way that all of My creation is done. You are playing with the building blocks of light creation that I have put here for you.

The higher the light frequency; the more powerful it is and more can be done with it. Reach to Me and I will share My light with you freely. Those who disregard Me can not achieve the creations that You will. Because you are a portion of Me, You are a creator in training. I want to make sure that you don’t blow up the laboratory.

Stay close to Me and I will guide You to the finest creations. I know that you desire to keep this lovely planet beautiful and safe. If you foul the nest I will have to have My Elohim clean it up. They are not as patient and loving as I am. The time is short and the stakes are high. How high is your frequency today?

Virtue ©

The world has become a very intolerant place. Everyone expects everyone else to see things their way. This is a childish notion. For the Universe is vast and things exist that you have never imagined.

Humanity needs to stretch it’s belief systems to include the value of diversity. It is important to be able to see something from various angles. In that way one gets a greater understanding of it. Be suspicious of those who declare that they know best and demand that others behave accordingly.

I did not create you to fill someone else’s view of who you should be. You are all a bit different even though there is the commonality of being human. Who knows though; in your next incarnation you may choose to be some other species. It is the soul that counts.

See yourself as an eternal being of light and wisdom who is exploring this culture on Planet Earth. Do not own the restrictions and intolerance of others. You are not a tomato vegetating in the field of some agribusiness. Stay free of the sameness that others would force upon you.

You and I have places to go to. We have things we are going to do. Do not let the limited ideas of others hold You back. I am unlimited. As you spend time concentrating on what I am, you will find that you start to become unlimited too. You will absorb that quality as your frequency climbs.

As you become more unlimited, you will naturally allow others to be what they are. Freedom will break out in your life. It will carry responsibility and right action. They are the virtues required for true freedom. I have the virtues right here in my pocket. They are waiting for You to claim them. Do not fear them.

They fit perfectly into the beautiful soul that you are.