Believe In Me ©

The worlds of the heavens are vast. They are much, much larger than the physical plane. There are many levels to the higher dimensions and each level is vaster than the third dimension. The Universe that you are able to see and interact with is only a small portion of My creation.

As you grow in awareness your ability to interact with various realities will grow also. Some souls who reside in the heavens are still limited in their views of the heavens. They have not yet grown their frequency or awareness. So they are not ready to consider other realities yet.

They are quite focused on where they are for now and do not feel much desire to explore. That will change as they grow and evolve. They will be ready to look beyond what they believe now. For it is your beliefs that rule you and thus your experiences.

You find that to be true on your dimension also. There are many who can not read this blog because they do not believe that I exist. Or perhaps they believe that I am distant and unapproachable. Some who believe in Me do not feel that they are worthy of getting to know Me. It is their beliefs that keep us apart.

I am ready and waiting for you. The entire Universe is ready for your exploration. You must expand your light which expands your frequency. As you do that you will grow in awareness and ability. You will also grow in love and thus positive power. Positive power is the only real power there is. For it will overcome all forms of negativity and force.

It has to be that way. If it were not then I could not maintain this beautiful creation of mine. As you have experienced, I maintain it very well. Everything that is low and limiting fades away in time. The lower a thing is, the quicker it fades. The despots and abusers of the past are gone. Those who try to fill their spots will fade away also.

In their place will be people of light and grace. Their songs will flow out across My Universe. You will remain with Me also. As your growing awareness of Me will dissolve those fears and limiting beliefs that you have now. I am so thankful that you are ready to believe in Me.

Close To Me ©

Today on Planet Earth, I see that humanity is indeed troubled. There are all kinds of problems on this busy little place. I know that you must take these challenges seriously. For those who wish to rule you in one way or another are causing a great deal of trouble. Deception is rampant and the average soul here has no idea what is really going on.

While the third dimension is a place of learning and tests; sometimes they go beyond what is beneficial for soul growth and evolution. You can not figure out what path to take or who to believe in these situations. I have come in strongly through this teacher to help you with this. You have noticed that I have talked about this before but things are worse than ever here.

It is time that you began to get really close to Me. I am here, really close to you. You must learn to reach out to God and let Me guide you from within. Those who are showing you what I am from their perspective can indeed be mistaken. If you are connected to Me from within yourself then you do not need anyone else to explain Me to you. You do not need others to set your course and behavior either.

I do not want to see humanity caught up in the religious and secular struggles that are so prevalent here. I know that some are going to do that but it is not going to help them find Me. Know that I have nothing to do with any war or strife. I do not set up laws that put any race or gender under the control of others. No one is beneath anyone else. Do not fall for that rhetoric. If anyone tells you that you must do this or that because of your social situation or gender; know that you are dealing with a controller. That controller does not know Me.

I have everything you need. There is no reason to search outside of yourself for spiritual guidance. If you do look to others to explain Me to you, then you have laid your most precious soul in their hands. They will inevitably come between You and I. They do not know what I have planned for you. Each one of you is different and has your own particular path.

As you become closer to Me, you will gain insight into all things. Since you will know Me and My loving support, you will know if what is being said about Me is true. You will know what is necessary for you to do and what is the agenda of another. This will bring true freedom to those who take the time and do the work to be close to Me.

I will give you knowings and words when you need them. I will help you understand all parts of life. As I said, I am here strongly with you as you need Me now. I do not like what I see here among the people of Earth. The forces of enslavement are very busy. They sow discord between families and nations. One of the ways you will know Me and thus My plan for you is that all that I do is loving and inclusive.

There will be great troubles here. You can be the light that I have sent to the others who look for Me. Let the love and grace that I give you flow out from you. Do not concern yourself where it goes. It will flow to those who can use it the most. In this way We can overcome the troubles without engaging them in any way. At this time there is no use in having anything to do with the troubles. For if you do that, you are becoming the tool of somebody who is not close to Me at all.

As you concentrate on Me and My guidance then you will be lead perfectly. When it is time for you to return to Me you will see the big picture. From there you will realize that it was just the illusion that souls create without Me. I am real and I am here and you will go forward with Me now into the eternity of love that We have for each other. That will create a magnificent future for both of us.

Earth School ©

When you first come to Planet Earth you are looking for a simple life. You are looking to grow and extend your abilities into the physical plane. As you have found now, after many lifetimes, the physical plane of this planet is rarely simple. It is as challenging a place as one could ever wish for. It offers extensive ways to be tested and learn.

Not only that, but each lifetime you chose is in a different place and culture and time. Everything remains the same and yet is totally different. Even the language of the past life has changed. The climate here is always doing something to bring you new skill sets. For living in the desert will challenge anybody. Just as living in the frozen north will be just as harsh in a different way. If you are lucky, you will find yourself in a temperate zone where most of the population lives. There you will find the problems that hoards of people have to offer.

Do you long to live in a high rise apartment or a deep and remote forest? These can be clues to your past. For you will long for the happy times that you had, in what you feel were special places. You may not remember those lives but still you long for those places and times. As you can see Planet Earth is as varied and interesting as any planet could be. It is the perfect planet for developing the skills of survival and thus evolution.

I am able to create many diverse and unusual places. Each one has it’s own beauty and problems. For the most beautiful mountains can be almost inaccessible while the valleys are more hospitable. The ideal tropical paradise changes into a frenzy of danger during hurricanes. The wildlife is magnificent yet if approached may sting, bite, stab or kick. You can see that Earth takes many lifetimes to learn about. Each lifetime is a series of triumphs and failures.

Humanity thinks that science will allow them to conquer all of nature. However, nature is alive and evolving too. Science practiced without love and integrity will trample you like a wild elephant. Nature will endure long after the latest scientific discovery has crumbled to dust. The people of those times will endure along with nature. For Mother Nature is always looking after My creations.

Enjoy all of the various environments that are here for you. Learn that you must be an honorable steward of them. When you do that, you will find guidance and love as Mother Nature treats you kindly. She will show you her secrets and teach you to work with her. When that happens people will have truly evolved as I desire you to. You and I can move on then to the next adventure. Mother Nature will be waiting here for the next soul that needs to attend her school of life.

Divine Freedom ©

There has always been a lot of slavery on this planet. Still it goes on. Some of it is blatant but much of it is covert. It has other names now as some are enslaved by the beliefs of their egos. I desire that you be free, as I wish to see you find your true potential.

Many have no idea of their potential. It may lie in areas that they know nothing about. For they have been focused on other things since they began here. You can have many lifetimes and never discover who you really are.

If you are caught up in the programining of the culture it is no different from being the slave of a ancient king. You live your life to please the king. Sometimes the king is money, fame, sex or drugs. Everyone serves some master, even if it is the expectations of your own ego. That ruler is relentless and keeps you from seeing the truth of your own existence.

There are so many ancient kings to deal with. Many of the rulers of countries and commerce are the reincarnations of the despots and strongmen of old. I want you to see how things can remain the same, even though humanity thinks they have gone beyond the old ways.

The old ways are still here as the control of others is everywhere. While it is necessary to have leaders they should not be rulers. Leaders should be benign and lead with wisdom and not by fear. Natural leaders emerge spontaneously and they know this.

I am your natural leader because of my divine power. Be leary of those who say they have divine power. Those who have it do not have to mention it. Divine power is always benign. It always works for the good of all. It does not serve the good of some. For as I have taught you; love is inclusive. Divine power is ruled by love.

Try loving yourself more. As you do this it flows out to others. Divine love is selfless. It will begin to show you who you are. It will show you who the good leaders are. It may even point out the rare leader who is guided by divine love. That is not a weakness though the foolish will mistakenly think so. They are still looking for the ruthless controller.

What you seek will come to you. If you are worshiping rulers you will find yourself ruled. Even if it is just in your own home. The ego likes to be guided by those who it thinks will give it importance or safety and so on. The fearful egos of humanity line up behind the powerful rulers, who will in the end enslave and exploit them.

For you I have created the Law of Free Will. I will never enslave you. Those who are the slaves of religions do not know Me. I want you to find your potential. I want you to find Me. In order for you to do that, you must be free to explore everything. Let yourself go free. Let yourself reach for a higher purpose. You will find new ideas and you will find Me. I will guide you and share my divine power so that you may explore your unlimited self.

Our Destiny ©

It is necessary for you to reconsider your life now, since you have found Me. I was not lost and neither were you. It was not the right time for My entrance. Now that we are together everything in your life will change. I will not be the changer as it will be a natural outcome of our relationship.

You will find that you are more loving to everyone. You will unconsciously be flowing the love that I am out to all that you encounter. People may think that you have gotten too soft or weird. You will know the reason that you react differently than you used to. It will be hard to explain to most people, as they do not know Me so much.

They may think you a deluded fool. Some of them will be members of your family or friends of long standing. Your ego may care what they think but your soul is unconcerned. For your soul is rejoicing in our closeness. Always follow the calling of your soul and let the ego make adjustments to it’s views.

So do not try to explain yourself to others unless they too are seekers. Seekers will be fascinated with your experiences of Me. Those are the ones that you can teach about Me. Let the rest think what they will. They do not have to know about us for they can not understand. Those who have not experienced My light and love have no idea what you are saying. It is a foreign language that you are speaking now.

I am the most exotic thing there is. Yet I am within all things. You have found Me within you. When you realized I was indeed there, then we began our dialogue. Sometimes the dialogue is wordless, but it is as vital as anything ever spoken. That is why it is so hard to explain Me to others. I am an experience that goes beyond words.

Let yourself change gently as you digest what is happening. You will want to change the way you do things to fit the way you understand things now. My light is going to show you what to change. At the same time you will feel the necessity for the changes from within yourself. I am not demanding and yet I will fill up your life.

Your life may become very different from the ideas you had about it in the past. The ideas that you have now are brighter and finer. As I stir things up within you, you will naturally stir things up in your life. Still, it can be a quiet stirring of the most loving kind. We will find the future together and it will charm and fulfill you, just as I do.

Hold onto Me as I am eternal and loving. I will still be with you when this reality fades from view. You will be looking at something else that is your perfect destiny. I will be there and You and I will discover our destiny together.

Creating Higher Potential ©

As you work with Me you will begin to realize things. My light will cause you to see life in a fresh new way. Since My light is unlimited it will show you the unrealized potential that you have. It will also show the potential in others. You will also know more about everything around you.

These realizations will guide you perfectly. You will know whether you can count on people or activities to succeed. If someone promises something you will know if they will be able to deliver it. In this way you will not waste time and energy on plans that will not work out.

As you begin to see the potential or lack of it in various areas of life, you make better choices. You will also see more deeply into the challenges that can limit or ruin plans. It will not be that you are judging people or activities. It will simply be the insight as to what has the energy to work and what is not going to succeed.

You see, as you begin to work with Me, your creator; you naturally begin to use My energy more. It is a higher and finer energy than you find in the third dimension. My energy allows you to create finer things. It guides you with knowings, insight and power. You will know the best way to do anything, if you concentrate on the finest outcome.

You will also know when to stay away from something. If someone proposes something to you, you will know the potentials involved. For there are potentials for success and failure in any endeavor. When you are close to Me, you will know what they are.

Some have found that when they try to do things without My energy, they become clumsy and everything takes a lot of effort. When they connect to Me and attempt the same work, then things begin to flow and fall into place. Pay attention to what energies are flowing.

Check in with Me when you are having a hard time with something. Perhaps you are not on the right track and need to change something. It may simply not be the right time to do what you are trying to achieve. You may find that the whole thing would be a waste of your time.

As I create the Universe, I do it flawlessly. Even an exploding star needs to explode. You may not understand My thoughts all the time. No one can do that. There are intelligent ideas within Me that are beyond you to understand.

Still, We can work together. I want you to harness some of My fineness so that You and I can create what is worthy of us. In this way, you learn a great deal and I am delighted as I see your true potential growing with each new creation.

Sojourns ©

Life on Planet Earth is getting so hard that many people are leaving here. Others have decided not to come into embodiment at all. This is one reason why the populations in certain countries is declining. There are many other reasons given. But if the quality of life here does not suit a soul; they will often pick another experience in some other place and time.

Souls do not have to choose lives that can’t offer them the quality of life that they desire. They will not pick lives that will not have the potential they require in order for them to grow and evolve. For if they do that they will be wasting their time and perhaps suffering a fate they do not deserve. Know that the more evolved a soul is then the more choosy they are about what lifetimes they will experience.

Those who are less advanced will settle for less too. Some are so enamored of the lures of lower behavior, that they will choose any offer they can get. They will jump at a chance to embody into situations that more advanced souls will reject. In this way, those who need sharp lessons will find themselves in the midst of trouble. Everyone chooses that which they are drawn to. Each will be drawn to what they need to experience.

Earth has been a popular place for the brave and brash to come. It is a place of upheaval, both politically and naturally. You have everything here that could challenge you on the third dimension. The climate ranges between wonderful and unsurvivable, sometimes on the same day. As you have experienced, it is important to have foresight.

I have the greatest foresight that there is. For I know all things, all the time. I am generous with my knowledge. I am eager to share it with you. As you get close to Me, you will know things. I will give you the knowings that will lead you safely and surely through any challenge. You must listen and respond by taking the necessary actions.

Those actions might be as slight as putting on clothing to prevent sunburn even though the day is overcast at the moment. It could be as simple as choosing the right diet or people to spend time with. Whatever advice you get from Me will be valuable and add to the quality of your life. If I can teach you to work with Me, then your life will change for the better; forever.

Know that You and I will be working together from now on. We will go forward into the eternity of delight that you can find with Me. Your sojourns to the third dimensional experiences will improve or fade away. There will be nothing here on Earth that will tempt you to leave the wonders of the new creations you will have with Me in the higher dimensions.

Finally you will say goodbye to lower behaviors and activities. The higher dimensions are vast and unlimiting. When you no longer need the third dimension for your growth, it will be gone. In it’s place will be the next step. It will be beyond your most wonderful imaginings. You will be fully on My Team then. My Team is filled with endless potential and all of the love and wisdom you desire.

Our Team ©

Modern life is confusing and trying for many people. Life in the past was challenging too. The pressures were different but were often similar. Earth is a place that will bring out the best and worst in people. It is a place of learning and testing. You knew that before you came here.

You have chosen this time and place to stimulate your growth as a soul. Life here will be easier for you if you keep this in mind. Some people want to excell at and do everything. Some people are very happy to do little. A happy medium is the best choice. A life well lived is the best goal. Everyone has a different idea about what that is. You are the best judge of what that is for you.

Learn to be steadfast in your positive beliefs and values. This will go a long way toward finding your best outcome. You would think this would be commonsense, but many commit senseless acts. As you find your way along wisdom comes. Even if you have to learn the hard way, you will learn. That is the beauty of having a life on Planet Earth. It is why your soul in it’s wisdom sent you here.

When you work with Me and My light; you find strength and wisdom. That allows you to make the most progress. When you succeed, you can learn much from that too. Overcoming mistakes is uplifting and builds your character. I am the great builder of the finest things. I know what each one of My creations needs to progress and succeed. I know the experiences that will help you find your excellence.

The things that challenge you are those experiences. Even though you should take life seriously, look behind the events to see what I am teaching you. I have designed your life to be a series of lessons. You may think events are random but there is a grand plan behind each and every thing that occurs.

You may be receiving a group lesson at times. At other times the lesson is poignantly for you alone. When you reach for Me, I give you the insights that you need. This allows you to progress faster and with more self confidence. I have the highest intentions and love for you. You will never suffer needlessly. I prefer that you never suffer at all. However, I know that it is a great teacher.

You are much finer than when you began your evolutionary journey. Already you have improved in many ways. You can not see all of the progress from your perspective. Now that you are looking for Me, I can take you along your path in a faster and surer way. Keep reaching toward the highest light and the finest goal. I am always close to you when you do that.

I believe in you. If you can believe in Me then we can become a team. Our team will win many victories. We will overcome all the travails of Earth. Then We will go much farther as We explore the vast Universe of potential. That potential is reaching out for you now as I begin to introduce you to your unlimited self.

Perfect Creation ©

The pace of life on Earth today is very fast. As Earth becomes so connected with technology, this spreads far and wide. Humanity needs to remember that they are not machines. You can not work as fast physically as the electrons move across the grid. Your minds can be very quick, but the body must operate at it’s own best speed.

Perhaps you have found your mind racing with thoughts. Unconsciously you found yourself rushing around multitasking to keep up with the pace. I see people zipping around, trying to accomplish more than is wise in the course of the day.

I did not create you to replicate the activities of machines. I created you to learn mastery over the conditions that surround you. Part of that mastery is being able to be comfortable and creative at the same time. Many things are being created today out of chaos. They are often flawed because of that.

There are always repercussions from such flawed creations. People try to cram too much into what they are creating. Instead of elegant simplicity, there are unwieldy results. A good shovel works well in everyones hand because it it simple. When machines are created with chaos, even more design failures occur. Suddenly, airplanes fall out of the sky.

As you connect to My higher light; you begin to create more perfectly. For I am the perfect creator. Take the time to connect to Me. You will find that truly brilliant ideas begin to come to you. They come even about the smallest things. For the smallest things when well done are the basis for perfect end results.

I take no short cuts with My creations. That is why you are perfect. I know that you have the potential to do great things. For I put that perfection within you. I did not create you to be a machine. Do not allow others or your ego to turn you into that.

Working with My light will do away with all of the chaos. Pure brilliance emerges from the creator that is using My light. Reach for My light and you will find that brilliance. Together We will create the next perfect thing that you desire. Humanity will benefit from You and I as We discover our world together; perfectly.

Our Light ©

The present time on Planet Earth is a very trying time for many. It is always this way when growth and change are the greatest. It is important that you are wise now. For humanity has been taken off into the wrong direction in many cases. I am coming in strongly to you now, so that you may understand this.

There are forces at work here that you do not comprehend. But you have seen their effect. Has love and light ever been so hard to find? At the same time this has forced you to reach for Me and here I am. Many of the things that you counted on have slipped away. Jobs, relationships and other expectations did not last or materialize. Even those who did everything “right,” often did not achieve their goals.

The road your parents took was not yours. You found the road to constantly change and there were no maps. Many find themselves traveling to places they do not want to go. Others relax and do not care about the place they find themselves in. They are only interested in the next experience of drugs, sex or wealth. That may work for a short time, but youth and health flee as fast as those experiences.

All is not lost though it may seem so. You will learn from your experiences, even if it is the hard way. Learning does not have to be that way. You will get to the point where you leave the school of hard knocks. When you do that, then I have a chance to teach you something else.

The something else that I offer is truly priceless. I have the greatest things that ever were. They are eternal and priceless. They are what everyone is really seeking though most are unaware. That is where humanity is today. The seeking is intense. But it is not a seeking for God. It is the seeking for something outside of the self. For I am found within you.

When one comes to the end of their physical road then they may notice I am there. I have left the light on for you. My light and love is eternal and shines for you. I hope humanity will find my light sooner rather than later. Right now the light is completely ignored by many. They are in the long, dark tunnel of self delusion. Many of their “friends” travel with them. Their road maps are false.

Still, humanity has eternity to turn themselves around. While they are figuring that out; You and I will be enjoying the love, wisdom and wholeness that WE find in each other. Do not despair for the others. Your light is shining on them and so is Mine.