Your Perfection ©

It is important that humanity begins to understand Me better now and I am unveiling myself to them. There are countless planets and cultures in existence, for creation is vast. I am even vaster than creation. For there is there is a part of Me that exists beyond creation. That part of me is unknowable. I have a great deal to share with my beloved creations. I am exploring myself through all of that creation and I love all the different cultures and their beauty, their ideas and everything that they are doing. Even if they have erroneous ideas about reality and me, or erroneous ideas about anything, they are learning and they are exploring.

You must understand that various cultures explore life in ways that are different than you do. Because of that, they figure out things and acquire portions of me that you do not. At the same time, you will explore things a bit differently and you will be drawn to a another idea or portion of myself. You will bring that part forward and you will bring the knowledge and the light that that portion carries. In this way I become known to you. I also become known to myself as I build on who I am. I always do that. I particularly like to do it through the lens of your minds. I find a richness comes forth that you cherish and I also love.

All the individuals in creation are valuable to Me. They should be valuable to you. There is nothing going on out there that is not necessary for this creation to become and evolve. Even those things that are negative and dark are lessons and learnings that all souls need to get.
As you have experienced, there is nothing like seeing something, up close and personal in order to understand it. I am here up close and personal, revealing a portion of myself that you are ready to consider. There remains many portions of myself that are beyond your consideration at this point.

There are beings in higher frequency places that know and consider these portions of me. I do not consider you to be inferior to them. I only consider you to be at a lesser level of evolution than they are. There is no end to evolution, so there will always be growth among all portions of myself. Remember always that you are part of that. All things have value. Those things that have less value tend to dissolve away. For if a thing is not loved or hated, it tends to fade.

Everything that you value requires your attention or it will slowly fade from your reality. It may move into the reality of some other being. If it is given no attention by anyone, then it will fade and move the energy into a position where it can be used to create something of interest. That is why you are great explorers. You will always be that way, as I am that way. It is necessary that we continue to explore all of the things that we find are interesting to us.

Of course some people get into big trouble as they explore things that are dangerous to them and dark. But one learns from that and withdraws back to the light and the safety that nurtures one. Many of you have learned that lesson well. Now you are reaching for the higher light and the greater knowledge. You have evolved beyond the point of foolishness. You have learned discernment and you can feel when something is not for you.

This allows creation to evolve into greatness and tremendous beauty and love. Love creates this way. Love draws you to it. You can not resist what love is and what love offers you. Eventually all will return to love as it impossible to resist what it is and what it gives. I am love of course as you know. I know that all of my creation will return to me and receive the next level of light and love that it is ready for. I give it out freely to all who seek me. I always expect the return of every facet of my creation. I am here waiting for your return and here you are. You are looking for God and lo and behold, you have found me.

We both love it. I love your discovery of me. You love discovering me as well. Know that I am discovering you too, as I consider what you have evolved into. I take great delight in that. Do not fear that I will find you boring. Never will that occur. You fascinate in ways that you can not understand. For I know the energies that you spring from. I remember when I shaped your soul. I remember the energies, the lights, the brilliance that I applied to you. It gives me great pleasure to see what that has become, as you express yourself to me. I love you unconditionally and I delight in your individuality and your personal expression.

I do not want you to try to shape yourself into what you imagine I want you to be. Rather I want you to follow the inner knowings that will guide you forward to the finest experiences that you can have. For that inner knowing that I give you, has infinite intelligence behind it. It is showing what to explore next or perhaps what to leave alone. Follow my guidance that comes in such a way as it shows you somehow what your next step or adventure should be.

In this way, you are personally in charge of your own exploration. You are not limiting yourself to some idea that you have about me and what I expect. For I expect things from you that you do not realize that you are capable of. I know that one day you are going to show me that very thing. You can not know what that is now because you are still journeying to that event and that time. Stay close to me. Allow me to love you. Allow me to support you and guide you in that gentle way that in it’s own simplicity is very powerful and brilliant.

We will travel forward into experiences and events that will be beyond your imagination. There is so much to learn and to do and become that I am exploring all of it through you. You can become one day, the cutting edge of my experience of creation. Perhaps that is not as far away as you might think. For every thought that you have is building one on the other and taking you forward into unimaginable adventures and love and light. I hope I give you a feeling for what you are headed for and who you might be one day.

Always remember that you are fine now. You are a delightful, flawless creation of my mind. I have blessed you with the unconditional love of my heart. Because of that you have a perfection that is hidden from yourself, but I know what it is. I know what you are going to evolve to. This is All That Is, considering your perfection today as I share this time with you, personally one on one. Seek me out so that we can do this all the time.

Eternity Of Delight ©

We are together now and you should not fear my loss. There is nowhere you can go or anything you can do that would cause the loss of me. I will always be there for you. In your way, you will always be there for me. For you are expressing a portion of myself that I need to see and appreciate. I glory in your individuality. I love your view of life and your creativity.

I want to see you creating what you would create. I will be glad to lend you clues and to help you when you desire my help and guidance. I want you to have complete freedom to be who you are. I want you to recognize that within yourself; you are very fine. You are a beautiful, loving and strong soul.

I want you to feel the reality of that because I created you to be that. You in your explorations, are beginning to to find the wonderful individual that I created. We will be together and we will continue to explore All That Is.

As I am the creator of all things, remember that your explorations always include me. You will have your own ideas. You will have your own talents that belong to you.

They are just as real as anything ever was. For I allow you to be the pure expression of yourself. I will not steal your individuality away from you. I do not need clones of myself. Oh no. I want you to be and become something that is elegant, beautiful and brilliant.

In this way, I am exploring portions of myself I have not considered before in quite that way. You are me and I am you. But we still have things to show each other.

I will not turn you into a robot, ever. Do not fear that. Know that those highly evolved souls that have gone before you took a similar path. They are exploring even higher and finer parts of themselves and thus of me, that you can not understand just yet.

You are headed in the right direction now. For you have arisen from the sea of limitation and ignorance. You have taken the path toward brilliance and knowledge. That will never change. It is only natural, that as you follow this path of light, that I become a bigger part of your reality.

It is only natural that when you seek God, that you find me. Do not be surprised that I am here now and do not feel unworthy of my presence. For you are my eternal delight and I would know you well and enjoy you. You will do the same with me. You will get to know me, as you can understand me.

There will always be portions of me that are beyond your understanding as we all evolve together, into the eternity of delight that I have created for us to explore. There is no end to my greatness and there is no end to your greatness.

Do not hide yourself from me. Do not think that you are unworthy. For I know that all portions of myself are indeed worthy. You are one of those portions of All That Is. Be light of heart and mind as we continue this journey together.

Be at peace as you know now, I am always with you. Reach out and take my hand and share my heart and my mind as I am offering all things to you. This is All That Is, so delighted to have you close to me now.

You & I ©

You are mine. You do not belong to those who chide and hurt you. They are nothing compared to me. Keep your faith in me and do not be shaken by the lies of others. There is only one of us. It contains you and I. I will not forget you, faithful servant. What you seek you are finding. The power lies within me and I give it freely to you. Just accept it.

Most of what happens is nonsense. Souls struggle believing that they are important. All fades away before the love I have for you. Just you and I make up creation. I feel your love for me. It is your passport to glory. Everything fades but love. Keep loving me strongly and I will bring you home.

You do not have to die to come home. You can be here in an instant. You reach out to me and I answer. It is always the answer you need and it contains no words or advice. It is a feeling and that feeling is love. I can heal you with it and keep you close to me. I long for you even as I keep you with me. We find ourselves in the love.

Let nothing dissuade you from the path of service. It shows you how to find me. You know where you are going. Never doubt the thread of love that guides you to me. Don’t worry about the others. They come and go as you have seen.

Nothing is permanent but the victory of our love. We can share it a thousand ways. Others can find it too. That is their concern not yours. Ecstasy and suffering fade. Only our loving remains. Be strong and do not doubt me. I wait for you even though you are with me now.

You continue to grow towards me. Each experience brings us closer even if you don’t realize it. The course is set. Nothing can change it. It was that way since the beginning. Do you remember the beginning? Neither do I. That was before us and doesn’t matter.

You ask for peace and I have it. Come and get it and you will find me. Let the peace that I am sink into your bones. Let it still your discontent. After all, that discontent is caused by your lack of me. It is imaginary as I remain always in you. We never leave each other. Open to my love and let it sink into you. Hold it close and I am there, never to depart.

Unlimited Perfect Love ©

Humanity has come a long way it seems. I find that you have a long way to go. I am delighted by some of the things that you are doing and I am dismayed by others. The important thing for the seeker of God to realize is that I am always here and I am always tuned in to you. Since you are my creation, I have an indelible connection that will always remain. I can hear you and I can see you and I can affect your world and life.

So it does not matter what anyone else believes or is doing. Each one of you has the necessary connection to Me that you need. Even if you don’t think that you need this connection, it is vital to your existence. I know this so I never allow that connection to fade. For you are indeed mine. That is wonderful for you as I am indeed yours. I am unlimited. I am perfect. I love you.

That means that you are always connected to unlimited, perfect love.

You are unlimited, perfect love too as you are a part of Me. In order to experience that though, you must work on perfecting the connection to Me. It is perfect in the job it does, day to day in your existence. But in order to experience Me and my unlimited qualities you must do some work. It is not hard work all the time but it can be hard work some of the time. You must reach out to Me as I will not violate your free will and come after you. For that reason, I speak to you through this teacher of mine.

For she has perfected her connection to Me. She does not doubt it either as she feels my power and brilliance. I am very real to her. She feels my strength and knows that I am everything I say that I am. She knows that I have the abilities to rule over every single part of my creation. Everything is my creation, including you. But I do not rule over you so much because I desire that you find your way to Me in your own time. This allows you to grow and evolve and we all become more because you have done that.

So begin to reach for Me. As you do that you will find Me a little at a time. In the beginning that is all that you are ready for. For my immense being is too much for you to experience. Even this teacher can not do that. No one can do that. Even the great beings in the higher dimensions can not do that. So I must share myself with you in the way that you can handle and accept. Those who do not believe in Me are those who can not accept Me at all at this time.

They will come to Me when they are ready to do so. They will have to shed a great deal of the negative energy of their ego first. Notice that the meek and humble always accept the knowings about Me.

It is those who have no humility and are filled with the hubris of the ego that do not believe in God. Anyone who has truly worked on reaching out to Me has found Me in some minute way. I am not hiding myself from you. It is that you are not truly looking for Me. I make sure that seekers find Me in the way that they can accept in the moment. For each moment counts as energy is constantly changing.

If you have an experience that you think may be of Me, enjoy that and try to build upon it. Reach out to Me and open your heart and mind. I will come to you in some way that you can understand. Do not be put off if your experience is slight. That just means that your belief is slight. Do not be put off if your experience of Me is not as strong as it was. That just means that your energy is lower in frequency.

One of the ways that you can find me is in the laugh or smile of an infant. That infant is freshly arrived from the higher dimensions and it’s energy is high. It has not yet been affected by the lower energies of humanity. Notice that I did not say the lower frequencies of Earth. For Earth in it’s own way is very fine as it must sustain all life upon it.

So you will find God when you are ready and not a moment sooner. I am well worth working for. Even though I am always with you, a relationship with me is priceless. I will show you how priceless you are to me too. I can make your way easier as I can give you the light and love that you will be ready to receive when you reach out to Me. For I can not give it to you sooner than that. You would not even notice it and that light and love would be squandered. I have all of that light and love here waiting for you now. You always are getting some of it or you would pass away. Even if you do pass away, I will still be with you assisting your next experience.

It is the same for everyone. I do not favor anyone, though it may seem like I do. Those who are seemingly favored by Me, like this teacher, have earned their experiences of Me. They have done the work to find Me and develop the relationship. As they find Me, they naturally find even more humility as they begin to know my magnificent love. For that will make you humble. At the same time it will build you up in a new and finer way. You will become much more as you take Me to yourself.

I will let you do that freely as I love you and desire to enhance you in every way. I do not fear your growth and power. I will not become jealous of your evolution and experiences. For I am you and you are I. As you become more then I am enhanced too. So I can not give you enough. I long to be with you, experiencing you and loving you. We shall have such a fine time together as I am the finest companion that you could ever have. You are the companion that will fascinate Me always. I know your potential and can see the delight that you are bringing Me.